
can a human being be illegal?

  • no

  • yes

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You seem to have trouble with this Buck.
Here's a definition.

Illegal Alien
Also known as an "Undocumented Alien," is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen "out of status" and is deportable.

Just like you wouldn't want me in your house "illegally".
You seem to have trouble with this Buck.
Here's a definition.

Illegal Alien
Also known as an "Undocumented Alien," is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen "out of status" and is deportable.

Just like you wouldn't want me in your house "illegally".

houses and countries are vastly different things.

entering illegally is a misdemeanor on par with a speeding ticket.

those pathetic little twigs you grow under CFLs (LOL) are a felony, both at the state level (in your run-down bungalow shithole home in northeast pennsylvania), as well as federally. you would be in prison if they found them.

which would you prefer: to be sent to another country a free man, or have your old bony ass incarcerated in prison?

feel free to answer whenever you get done monitoring the weekly trash output of your hispanic neighbors, you dumb bigot.
You should change your name to UncleNarc.

houses and countries are vastly different things.

entering illegally is a misdemeanor on par with a speeding ticket.

those pathetic little twigs you grow under CFLs (LOL) are a felony, both at the state level (in your run-down bungalow shithole home in northeast pennsylvania), as well as federally. you would be in prison if they found them.

which would you prefer: to be sent to another country a free man, or have your old bony ass incarcerated in prison?

feel free to answer whenever you get done monitoring the weekly trash output of your hispanic neighbors, you dumb bigot.
You should change your name to UncleNarc.

just because i have all of your personal information does not mean that i would turn you in for incarceration in prison, which you are risking.

i hope that you would not root for a person who is less of an "illegal" than you are to be deported to a country they may very well have never even known in the first place.

but you do. because you are a dumb racist.

it's tragic really. your "law and order" savior would just as easily throw your old ass into a prison while letting those people you follow at the grocery store walk free in another country.

you fucked yourself, ya dumb racist.
houses and countries are vastly different things.

entering illegally is a misdemeanor on par with a speeding ticket.

those pathetic little twigs you grow under CFLs (LOL) are a felony, both at the state level (in your run-down bungalow shithole home in northeast pennsylvania), as well as federally. you would be in prison if they found them.

which would you prefer: to be sent to another country a free man, or have your old bony ass incarcerated in prison?

feel free to answer whenever you get done monitoring the weekly trash output of your hispanic neighbors, you dumb bigot.
One of my battle buddies, a courageous and fucking bad ass airborne infantry veteran, had been an "illegal alien" when he enlisted. He wasn't aware that he still had to go through the hoops to gain citizenship and thought he had it automatically upon his honorable discharge. When he was apprehended by ICE, he begged to be given a chance to do so, as he'd never been south of the border since before his second birthday. He didn't even speak Spanish.

This warrior took his own life recently. Surely this will make america great again...
One of my battle buddies, a courageous and fucking bad ass airborne infantry veteran, had been an "illegal alien" when he enlisted. He wasn't aware that he still had to go through the hoops to gain citizenship and thought he had it automatically upon his honorable discharge. When he was apprehended by ICE, he begged to be given a chance to do so, as he'd never been south of the border since before his second birthday. He didn't even speak Spanish.

This warrior took his own life recently. Surely this will make america great again...

Wow. You'd think they would have 'fast tracked' him the fuck in.

Use them and abuse them regime.
At least it's failing as we speak.
One of my battle buddies, a courageous and fucking bad ass airborne infantry veteran, had been an "illegal alien" when he enlisted. He wasn't aware that he still had to go through the hoops to gain citizenship and thought he had it automatically upon his honorable discharge. When he was apprehended by ICE, he begged to be given a chance to do so, as he'd never been south of the border since before his second birthday. He didn't even speak Spanish.

This warrior took his own life recently. Surely this will make america great again...

People kill themselves every day.
Wow. You'd think they would have 'fast tracked' him the fuck in.

Use them and abuse them regime.
At least it's failing as we speak.
immigration here is a fucking joke, i live on a goddamn military base and still aint fast-tracked enough ,
let me say it again for the people in the back foreign national lives on a fucking military base

i walk right into the base buildings right now if i wanted to

the immigration system is broken, it needs to be fixed.
Usually people spending absurd amounts of time complaining about "illegals".....are pretty sad individuals who never actually do anything to fix there own personal problems .......most the time there upset about jobs being stolen,,yet they've been sitting on there ass unemployed for 10 years without ever turning in one resume has nothing to with the person being illegal IMO has more to do with these so called illegals having a great work ethic and actually having successful lives the lazy people complaining can only grasp on to them being illegal ......solely out of jealousy alone ....simply because there lazy asses and can't stand seeing another person being full of energy working hard and having all the things they don't ......or there just racist and pitiful human beings ...........pretty sad indeed either way ...IMO