US launches missile attack

It was Russias idea bro, they're trying to create a diversion. It might have worked if trump would have kept his mouth shut. Guy comes out like"you see, I told you we weren't in cahoots with putin, you see? Did you guys see that? TOLD YOU".. putin probably beating his meat all hard right now, mad as fuck. The truth is always the opposite of whatever trumps saying.
Gd point
So you're saying we shouldn't respond just because Putin might get mad?

If he wants to get angry about the US (ineffectually) bombing an airfield nowhere near him, let him.

Let Putin complain about someone retaliating against Assad for using sarin gas on civilians. It just makes him look worse.

Russian aircraft have been behaving in threatening ways to our own aircraft flying in international airspace for some time now. It's as if he wants to create an incident.

The question we should be asking is, 'why?'
To stoned to care right now

Oh and gd point to
Your for real bro...300+ dolphin memes
You sick bass-turd......ive already...downloaded over a 1000:fire:
this whole fucking attack had literally zero effect on their runway or planes. $100 million wasted for nothing.

and dumb racist hypocrite OP brings it up in t&t as if it is not just a political stunt by a fat old racist with dementia.

how fucking dumb and racist do you have to be in order to carry water for the trump family's regime?
Missiles you say?

Soon the strategic boot will be on the other foot. Russia is sinking money into a 21st-century missile force. They are perfecting the Sarmat missile, which is a third-generation Scarp* (ultra heavy lift; fractional-orbit capable) liquid-fueled ballistic vehicle. It will mount "object 4202", the deliciously mil-geek designation for a powered, maneuvering reentry stage specifically designed to get past a missile defense like, say, North America's.

These folks are gearing up to fight us again. But fear not ... it is just a fast, jovially competitive arms amble.

Object 4202 may be the Yu-71 "Zircon" hypersonic AGM ... the Net is still arguing with itself about that. 500 km by 1.5+km/s = on target in minutes

*Russian designation R-36; nato designation SS-9 "Scarp". The gen2 vehicle R36M "Voevoda" (a uniquely Slavic word that translates appx. as "war chief") is known in the West as the SS-18 "Satan".


Time to put bomb riding back in the Olympics.

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