Bigoharma has already lost this battle. Legalization is here. Can't stop it, can't slow it down, come on down to San Diego and all this fear of Jeffry and Big bad pharmaceutical will be a blur, there a shop on every corner. Weed in the air, on the floor. Weedmaps billboards every where. Where's big pharma at? Only months left now. When will Jeffry and or big pharma make a move?
Bigoharma has already lost this battle. Legalization is here. Can't stop it, can't slow it down, come on down to San Diego and all this fear of Jeffry and Big bad pharmaceutical will be a blur, there a shop on every corner. Weed in the air, on the floor. Weedmaps billboards every where. Where's big pharma at? Only months left now. When will Jeffry and or big pharma make a move?

How nice for cali and you other rec states.....Trump and his buddy sessions are coming!
Bigoharma has already lost this battle. Legalization is here. Can't stop it, can't slow it down, come on down to San Diego and all this fear of Jeffry and Big bad pharmaceutical will be a blur, there a shop on every corner. Weed in the air, on the floor. Weedmaps billboards every where. Where's big pharma at? Only months left now. When will Jeffry and or big pharma make a move?

Don't be so smug. What can be created by legislation can be destroyed by legislation.

Money writes legislation.
yes and they got congress by the balls. but their are lots more who are going to lose alcohol, paper , big oil anything that weed or hemp will replace completely. its alot of money alot.
Don't be so smug. What can be created by legislation can be destroyed by legislation.

Money writes legislation.

Provide 10 examples. Especially where money was exchanged for the purpose of writing legislations. Please no speculations, please be recent, please take your own advice.
Provide 10 examples. Especially where money was exchanged for the purpose of writing legislations. Please no speculations, please be recent, please take your own advice.

I'm not your google bitch; look it up yourself. You can start with every republican speaker of the house before paul ryan, and he isn't exactly mr clean either.

Beyond the easy and obvious pure corruption easily found on google, define money exchange. Payment to a pac or super pac? Free travel? Hiring family members? buying houses for sale at above market prices?

All out there. All pay to play.
Exactly. Nothing but paranoid schizophrenic talk, no evidence. I'd knock you right the fuck out calling me a bitch, boy ! Typical keyboard warrior, disrespectful little Cunt.

For the record, I was saying I wasn't your "google bitch", not "google, bitch". The first applies bitch to me, the second to you. In essence, I was saying I'm not your bitch. Amazing what punctuation can do. ;)

And no, I have no interest in fetching rocks. The evidence is there. Or didn't dennis hastert and newt gingritch face ethics violations that amounted to bribes?

Do your own research. Bribery is rampant. Special interests can get any law written and passed with enough money paid by lobbyists.
If you are in San Diego, and actually paying attention, you will remember 2011 when the 4 US Attorneys in California mounted their all-out attack on MMJ in the state, and they closed many dispensaries and threatened many more. Since then dispensaries and growers have been raided regularly! One in San Diego last week, and 2 the week before! Also, the other communities like Chula Vista and San Marcos are currently raiding places. The County of San Diego just banned dispensaries in the unincorporated areas, even though there are 3 legal dispensaries that will now be forced to close.

We are far from being safe from the pigs, and it could very well get much worse.

Greg NR is correct. The legalization experienced in certain states can go away, either through legislation or federal court order. Legalization is tenuous at best.

And in the meantime there's this screwed up country where 21 year old college kids in Boulder can toke all they want, but an LSU student can get hard time for doing the same thing.

Legalization was a thing of the 1970s, beaten back by "just say no" and DARE during the 1980s. and then legalize proponents developed medical marijuana as a tactic to break down criminalization.
If you are in San Diego, and actually paying attention, you will remember 2011 when the 4 US Attorneys in California mounted their all-out attack on MMJ in the state, and they closed many dispensaries and threatened many more. Since then dispensaries and growers have been raided regularly! One in San Diego last week, and 2 the week before! Also, the other communities like Chula Vista and San Marcos are currently raiding places. The County of San Diego just banned dispensaries in the unincorporated areas, even though there are 3 legal dispensaries that will now be forced to close.

We are far from being safe from the pigs, and it could very well get much worse.


2011 lmao? I smoke weed in front of Pd from OceanSide to North Park. They can suck it. Mind posting where you heard about these raids and shut downs? Here's a current picture of weedmaps. So much for raids huh? That ban is old news, plus the 2 affected have 5 years to stay open lmao ! By then cannabis will be legalized world wide ! I don't see how you're in San Diego thinking weed is on some type of downfall !

Oh and here's the delivery services, so much for shutting them down lmao !

So now with included legalization, you mean they are going to shut ALL THIS DOWN. when? Unless you have a specific date then the laws of the state stands.

I'll wait.
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