I use FedEx. Yup overnight or 2-day (2 days before I go) People also shop online all the time and have things delivered to their hotel as well, while staying there..they get their mail there, too. I lost my debit card and the bank overnighted me.

FedEx and hotels are completely used to this practice now..there's not a day that goes by when I'm at a hotel and the FedEx truck pulls up and delivers luggage and packages for guests that will be checking in that night or next day.

Send it in something though..don't just send the weed. Take the usual precautions make sure it's wrapped and doesn't smell. If you can put it in sealed glass that's best. I used to send my daughter box of junk clothes with small mason jar in the pocket of something sent GROUND.:mrgreen:

Are you going to a wedding or something? There's a ton of things you can send ahead..some send their golf clubs, camera equipment, extra luggage because so many airlines limit now and cheaper to overnight tux and shoes etc.

Sample conversation at FedEx counter if you MUST say something: 'I can't believe it's actually cheaper now to send ahead than to pay for another/overweight bag' then keep your mouth shut.

Have everything filled out insure for only $100..any more and they may wish to inspect.

Take it to a real FedEx depot not a 'Mailbox Etc' or 'Staples'.

Don't do the 'IF IT FITS ITS SHIPS' one price box no matter what the weight. They want you to present it to them unsealed.. that's one of the catches for one price.

UPS and FedEx care about two things only: time and revenue.
Jesus Christ sky.