Syria distraction.


Well-Known Member
Maybe trump was just waiting for an excuse to bomb someone? Sounds legit.

Maybe Assad and Putin weren't getting along so well so trump/ Putin planned this to out him and make Syria under Russian rule? There's a million maybes here.

Still doesn't account for the fact that the rebels didn't have the planes, or chemical weapons, And there were chemical weapons dropped. Maybe Russia did it? I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of the Russia or Assad propaganda machine. Confusing times.
Herr Chumpster Fuhrer has been desperately looking for a way to get the ongoing scandal about his adminstrative many links to Russia off the front page, and a nice big fireworks display is just the ticket.


Well-Known Member
syria is turning into a scandal as we speak.

breaking now:

1) putin knew of the chemical attack in advance
2) putin sent aircraft to bomb the hospital in an attempt to cover it up
3) the pilot who flew the chemical attack was just killed by a car bomb
4) trump called putin in advance to notify him
5) putin told assad
6) assad pulled back planes and chemical weapons
7) trump's attack was completely ineffective

trumpee is like king midas but instead of gold, it's piles of corrupt russian shit.


Well-Known Member
syria is turning into a scandal as we speak.

breaking now:

1) putin knew of the chemical attack in advance
2) putin sent aircraft to bomb the hospital in an attempt to cover it up
3) the pilot who flew the chemical attack was just killed by a car bomb
4) trump called putin in advance to notify him
5) putin told assad
6) assad pulled back planes and chemical weapons
7) trump's attack was completely ineffective

trumpee is like king midas but instead of gold, it's piles of corrupt russian shit.
News we can use... In an upcoming election.


Well-Known Member
BS. you cant admit you're wrong. EDIT: you criticized trump for spending that hasnt happened yet and ignored the fact obama nearly doubled the federal debt in another guys grow thread (you know who, and im not tagging and dragging him into this). but you were crickets when i posted the CBO debt below. why is that?

You do understand that the spending must be less than income before the debt can shrink, don't you? And so, Congress authorized spending has to go down or tax income must go up before the debt can start to shrink. Under Obama, the deficit went down during the last five years in office. The inflection upward after 2016 reflects somebody else's spending. I don't know whose, because Trump plans to increase the debt and so that upward trend after 2016 is not nearly as steep as it would be if it reflected what he said he'd do..

Trump keeps reminding you people that he's doing what he promised. What he promised was to cut taxes, increase spending and increase the deficit much more than the chart you posted as a rebuke to Obama. Congress has control of the budget, so I don't understand why you pin the chart you posted on Obama but you guys always hated the man. I understand. Small minds and all that.

It's so difficult to keep a child's interest. I'm sure you are already bored. Toddle along and build something with your Leggos.


Well-Known Member
You do understand that the spending must be less than income before the debt can shrink, don't you? And so, Congress authorized spending has to go down or tax income must go up before the debt can start to shrink. Under Obama, the deficit went down during the last five years in office. The inflection upward after 2016 reflects somebody else's spending. I don't know whose, because Trump plans to increase the debt and so that upward trend after 2016 is not nearly as steep as it would be if it reflected what he said he'd do..

Trump keeps reminding you people that he's doing what he promised. What he promised was to cut taxes, increase spending and increase the deficit much more than the chart you posted as a rebuke to Obama. Congress has control of the budget, so I don't understand why you pin the chart you posted on Obama but you guys always hated the man. I understand. Small minds and all that.

It's so difficult to keep a child's interest. I'm sure you are already bored. Toddle along and build something with your Leggos.
so the doubling of the debt beginning in 2008ish through 2016 is bush and trumps fault, i see. nice try bud. actual facts (amount the US owes) dont support your long winded attempt. you're better than this.


Well-Known Member
your buger joke is actually funny because you're attempting to get under my skin by insulting a burger. a fucking burger. god damn it must suck to be you.

not ignoring me now are ya dickstick? you gave it a good run for a couple weeks. couldnt hold it in anymore? its extra fun to fuck with you because your comebacks are so fuckin weak. yesterday you called me "jealous." roflllllllllll. nigga please, lol
i hope you trip and fall with your hands in your pockets

Lol, as your ignore buck, oh the irony.


Well-Known Member
your buger joke is actually funny because you're attempting to get under my skin by insulting a burger. a fucking burger. god damn it must suck to be you.

not ignoring me now are ya dickstick? you gave it a good run for a couple weeks. couldnt hold it in anymore? its extra fun to fuck with you because your comebacks are so fuckin weak. yesterday you called me "jealous." roflllllllllll. nigga please, lol
i hope you trip and fall with your hands in your pockets
Your compete inability to have a coherent conversation is no doubt the reason why you're still in front of the grill, burger flipper.

Poor little snowflake melting down...


Well-Known Member
so the doubling of the debt beginning in 2008ish through 2016 is bush and trumps fault, i see. nice try bud. actual facts (amount the US owes) dont support your long winded attempt. you're better than this.
uh, there was that problem with the second worst recession in US history that started under Bush and Obama dealt with. What went on before matters, joe. There is this income tax, maybe you don't know about it. That's how the federal govt is funded. You see, when people are unemployed due to lax banking regulations that blow up the economy, they don't have an income and federal income tax receipts plummet. A previous GOP administration in 1929 decided to cut spending when the economy tanked and spun us into the Depression. Obama avoided that but it caused the debt to rise. In this case, the decision to do so was the right one.

Trump plans to do exactly what Bush jr did. Cut taxes, increase spending and balloon the deficit. This is not an intelligent thing to do at a time of rising employment.

Maybe you should go to school.


Well-Known Member
Carne Asada should have never used chemical warfare... Break a treaty.... we break your airport... The U.S. had to send a message.. there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Donald J. Trump bitches!!!
CIA assets released the chem weapons to justify this little expedition by the Donald. BTW, the missile strikes did nothing. Airfield was back in operation the next day. This was all for show...for viewers like you. "You're fired!"


Well-Known Member
CIA assets released the chem weapons to justify this little expedition by the Donald. BTW, the missile strikes did nothing. Airfield was back in operation the next day. This was all for show...for viewers like you. "You're fired!"
Maybe any other president id believe this, but the us intelligence agency does not like trump. I dont see them doing him this kind of favor. But i agree that it was all done for show and distraction.