Diy water chiller idea

Here is how I keep my buckets between 59 and 68` Fill the big tub with water about half way.. very little surface for water to evaporate (I lose about 1 inch of water per month) and they will hold up to 8, 1/2 liter bottles...usually I replace 4 bottles once a day. 20170402_205427[214].jpg
Here is how I keep my buckets between 59 and 68` Fill the big tub with water about half way.. very little surface for water to evaporate (I lose about 1 inch of water per month) and they will hold up to 8, 1/2 liter bottles...usually I replace 4 bottles once a day. View attachment 3922433
Ooo eee I think we have a winner. That looks like a dandy idea. But what can I fit a almost 5 gallon bucket in? I should just scrap the fridge idea? Save it for a beer cooler?
Ooo eee I think we have a winner. That looks like a dandy idea. But what can I fit a almost 5 gallon bucket in? I should just scrap the fridge idea? Save it for a beer cooler?
At first I used a regular rubber made tub but found my dehumidifier was on non stop. Then I had this idea. Been working fine for the last few years. I think the tubs were at WallyWorld for about 7 bucks. the mini fridge for more beer!
At first I used a regular rubber made tub but found my dehumidifier was on non stop. Then I had this idea. Been working fine for the last few years. I think the tubs were at WallyWorld for about 7 bucks. the mini fridge for more beer!
LOL I have heard this term wally world a few times. Been all over this country and i aint never seen this. Can I put the pink insulation stuff to work or just save that for another project? I have a few bins I suppose I can fit 2 to each and just do your thing of iceing it
And even if ya do, go buy a $1 box (@ the dollar store) of waste paper bags. The little ones for the bathroom. Cut your insulation to match the size of a bag laying flat. Tape 'em shut. Use them as panels bro, piece them together without the nasty fibers getting airborn.
And even if ya do, go buy a $1 box (@ the dollar store) of waste paper bags. The little ones for the bathroom. Cut your insulation to match the size of a bag laying flat. Tape 'em shut. Use them as panels bro, piece them together without the nasty fibers getting airborn.
Nice signature on the bottom :) I like it
I hear ya. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I do tend to lose track of time when I'm enjoying myself (and frequently have to pay the piper for my mismanagement, often in sleep). Hope you don't take it as a slight at you. Just seen and thought "yeah, me too. Ain't life hell lol"