Well-Known Member
Tagging sharks wow that's cool AF
Yeah I will get an email to you lol. Me nothing much besides trying to get the garden going again testing new lights and strains, hydro, and adjusting to single life in a different state where I don't know many people besides the little bit of family here lol. It's much less stressful here though and better support for me especially for growing my meds no more bitching about it. Just taking it one day at a time my friend all I can do.
Yeah man, it has been fun, it isn't as easy as you would think though lol, big animals take a loto control haha. Great fun though!
I'm so sorry my man, please definitely do send that email and I'll sort you out

Sounds like you got a lot goin on mate but sounds like its for the best hey. I'm glad to hear things are less stressful now though and you are closer to family! Keep your chin up mate