Well-Known Member
Well then world records are being broken all over every day by multiple people. To bad you cant see through those butane goggles joe sewed on your face.
Out of answers and back to insults to cover that fact???
Like i said i probably do loose a drop or two but whos counting.
What you said is that you didn't lose a drop, and that sort of highlights that real chemists don't talk about not losing a drop or zero, because it is precise science and things are not measured in drops.
Quality not quantity. Cannabinoid oils not just weight. Milligrams of thc not non polar fat wax lipids and residual solvents.
So you do agree that the yield is better if you don't extract the chlorophyll and remove it later, but consider that a quality improvement??
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but my polar EtOH extractions have never been rife with non-polar fats and waxes, just the non polar extractions like BHO/Pentane/Hexane/Heptane.
The world thinks it hillarious you dont know how to keep out the micro fines. I dont want to take that away from them.
I know that I take them out with a 0.2 micron filter, but after repeated requests you have failed to provide that information. The question was do you know, and prima facie evidence is that you didn't.
If you want to know you just need find someone who meets 2 requirements
A: they have this information
B: they actually like you.
I can only fulfill one of those requirements.
Anyone who is not gray wolf and his puppet master can pm me if they are having as much trouble as him wrapping their heads around this.
To bad joe dosent want you, his ignorant monkey boy patsy to know this information
or maybe its just your nda with him that keeps you from acknowledging what works for other people i dont know.
I'll stand by while joe inserts his hand up your ass and the two of you can group author a response.
The last few paragraphs only go to further prove my point. I'm trying to have an intellectual conversation with an unarmed man, who has only adolescent inter personal attacks to offer in response.
What you said is that you didn't lose a drop, and that sort of highlights that real chemists don't talk about not losing a drop or zero, because it is precise science and things are measured.
You've moved from no loses, to some loses, to it is really quality that matters more than quantity......................
Your continued public masturbation suggests that that you are an insecure little boy masquerading as a man, or seriously socially arrested.
Your stealing a legitimate companies name to proffer your BS under says it all, with regard to how legitimate you are and much you stand behind what you say.
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