Syria distraction.


Well-Known Member
These missiles did destroy about 20% of the Syrian's Air Force so in one way "it payed off". While it is true that the rest 80% is still flying, no new reports of Sarin-victims emerged.

I think they didn't destroy more because of the Russian presence at this base, or maybe it was just a warning shot.
It was politically motivated theater, nothing more. Perfectly good fighter planes took off from that very airbase the very next morning.


Well-Known Member
I suspected that it wasn't Assad. Do you have any links to what you saw that showed it?
Apologies that was rather unclear, the most recent attack is unproven however the U.N. inspectors that investigated the 2013 attack said in their report:

The UN report on the investigation into the Ghouta chemical attacks was published on 16 September 2013. The report stated: "the environmental, chemical and medical samples we have collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent sarin were used in Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah and Zamalka in the Ghouta area of Damascus."[18](p8)[30] UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the findings "beyond doubt and beyond the pale," and clear evidence of a war crime. "The results are overwhelming and indisputable," he said. Ban stated a majority of the blood samples, environmental samples and rockets or rocket fragments recovered tested positive for sarin.[111] The report, which was "careful not to blame either side," said that during the mission's work in areas under rebel control, "individuals arrived carrying other suspected munitions indicating that such potential evidence is being moved and possibly manipulated."[112] The UN investigators were accompanied by a rebel leader.


Well-Known Member
Americans are really paranoid about Russian's. TBH most of these stories are just fabricated by CNN.
that must be why flynn resigned and begged for immunity. or why manafort is now registering as a foreign agent. or why carter page had a FISA wiretap against him. or why jared kushner committed a felony in lying about his contacts with russians. or why jeff sessions perjured himself doing the same.

you have made one post and already you have exposed yourself as one of the stupidest fucking idiots in existence.


Well-Known Member
Apologies that was rather unclear, the most recent attack is unproven however the U.N. inspectors that investigated the 2013 attack said in their report:

The UN report on the investigation into the Ghouta chemical attacks was published on 16 September 2013. The report stated: "the environmental, chemical and medical samples we have collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent sarin were used in Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah and Zamalka in the Ghouta area of Damascus."[18](p8)[30] UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the findings "beyond doubt and beyond the pale," and clear evidence of a war crime. "The results are overwhelming and indisputable," he said. Ban stated a majority of the blood samples, environmental samples and rockets or rocket fragments recovered tested positive for sarin.[111] The report, which was "careful not to blame either side," said that during the mission's work in areas under rebel control, "individuals arrived carrying other suspected munitions indicating that such potential evidence is being moved and possibly manipulated."[112] The UN investigators were accompanied by a rebel leader.


Well-Known Member
paul manafort registering as a foreign agent.

jared kushner lying about his extensive contacts with russians on his security clearance forms, a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

carter page having a FISA wiretap on him because there was probable caue to believe he was a foreign agent.

roger stone admitting that he had back channel communications with putin and assange.

mike flynn begging for immunity from the FBI.

jeff sessions perjury due to lying under oath about his repeated contacts with the top russian spy recruiter.

tom price using his position on the health services committee to commit insider trading.

alex acosta's sweetheart plea deal to trump's convicted pedophile buddy, jeffrey epstein, in exchange for the labor secretary nomination.

erik prince, brother of megadonor and education secretary betsy devos, registering as a foreign agent.

take your pick ya dumb fucking racist.
Jesus Fuck, what a rogue's gallery! Add it all up and it becomes quite the (money)laundry list!

This makes Tricky Dicky look like an amateur...

Pray our nation survives.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Fuck, what a rogue's gallery! Add it all up and it becomes quite the (money)laundry list!

This makes Tricky Dicky look like an amateur...

Pray our nation survives.
to catch a big fish, you use a little fish. to catch a little fish, you use a worm. carter page is the worm.

the IC intentionally leaked that info about the FISA wiretap on him today.

it won't be long before he is begging for immunity too.


Well-Known Member
to catch a big fish, you use a little fish. to catch a little fish, you use a worm. carter page is the worm.

the IC intentionally leaked that info about the FISA wiretap on him today.

it won't be long before he is begging for immunity too.
But immunity from what? Trump is the greatest President in the history of all mankind with historic approval ratings and best policies ever, PERIOD.


Well-Known Member
Wiki BUT AFAIK the sources it cites are reasonable.

The U.N. went to great lengths to not blame anyone, but what State military uses surface to surface missiles to deliver chemical ordnance?
the theory that it wasn't assad is an infowars conspiracy at this point. the top officials in both the obama administration and trump regimes both stated assad gassed his own people. there are eyewitness reports, intercepted communications, and more confirming it to be so.

we even know that putin had advanced knowledge of it and bombed the hospital in an attempt to cover it up at this point.

claiming any different is just not gonna fly.


Well-Known Member
the theory that it wasn't assad is an infowars conspiracy at this point. the top officials in both the obama administration and trump regimes both stated assad gassed his own people. there are eyewitness reports, intercepted communications, and more confirming it to be so.

we even know that putin had advanced knowledge of it and bombed the hospital in an attempt to cover it up at this point.

claiming any different is just not gonna fly.
The only people who had to gain from it were Assad's enemies, logically that doesn't fly with me.

Now, Assad may be acting inherently illogically but he's managed to hold onto control for many years now. Therefore I assume he has some sort of intelligence or else either Russia would have disposed of him or the Rebels would have won.


Well-Known Member
The only people who had to gain from it were Assad's enemies, logically that doesn't fly with me.

Now, Assad may be acting inherently illogically but he's managed to hold onto control for many years now. Therefore I assume he has some sort of intelligence or else either Russia would have disposed of him or the Rebels would have won.
At the very least, we don't have the whole story.