

Well-Known Member
Could you not just start a "Random mumblings of a lonely, closeted racist" thread and confine your thoughts to there instead of posting thread after thread? (That no-one even reads, let alone replies to)


Well-Known Member
Good. We need more citizens to police the police and film them when they're detaining somebody and beating somebody.

I know this is an unpopular reality, but when police arrest people, they violate their rights by beating them. Not everyone gets beaten, but when one is arrested in America, that means a beating by the police is imminent. This is what they do. I was only arrested once in my life--on my 17th birthday. I was arrested with several friends for minor in possession of alcohol. We were cooperative and polite to the cops but they beat us anyway, and we're white. Imagine what they do to non-whites.

I know lots of folks who have no problem with cops beating people, but that's a violation of law. Cops are to enforce the law, not to mete out punishments. That job is for a judge. In other words, cops beating people even during an arrest is not lawful given the fourteenth amendment protections.


Well-Known Member
Good. We need more citizens to police the police and film them when they're detaining somebody and beating somebody.

I know this is an unpopular reality, but when police arrest people, they violate their rights by beating them. Not everyone gets beaten, but when one is arrested in America, that means a beating by the police is imminent. This is what they do. I was only arrested once in my life--on my 17th birthday. I was arrested with several friends for minor in possession of alcohol. We were cooperative and polite to the cops but they beat us anyway, and we're white. Imagine what they do to non-whites.

I know lots of folks who have no problem with cops beating people, but that's a violation of law. Cops are to enforce the law, not to mete out punishments. That job is for a judge. In other words, cops beating people even during an arrest is not lawful given the fourteenth amendment protections.
I have a problem with cops beating anyone..lying and succeeding.

Once there is known consequence to actions BLM and group like them will become defunct.

But it's always all about money. Take money out of politics and what do you have? A system that WILL work for all, not just some.

and since it's about the almighty know I posted yesterday about future detention centers being identified..what do you get when you have a need for detention centers and prison privatization is alive and well?

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! That's right folks..TrumPeePee's big just don't know it yet.

We're moving to a world like Nazi Germany where your neighbors being chased down in the street will become the men are a little slow, so I'm going to help you understand what's about to happen:

They announced yesterday that NSA will potentially be relaxing ICE qualifiers in order to meet the 'great' demand they're polygraph and no physical requirement. So we're going to have fat criminals rounding up 'illegals'.

Deputizing cops so now minorities will be further afraid of reporting crimes for fear..

The only difference here will be instead of dying in the showers they get shipped back whence they came. And just what makes you 'illegal'? Why did the US, Canada and Britain deny visas to those who applied during Holocaust? Those who could have been saved?

Trump wants to rid us of criminals?

What was this persons crime?:

FYI There's a shortage in Cali farm workers..that's right..not enough to pick the crops and the crops are literally rotting in the fields.

Be prepared for regular strawberries to cost upwards of $15-18 a pint basket in the future.

Thanks, Donald!:clap:

What really sucks is too many of us understand what Baby Donald has yet to learn.
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Well-Known Member
firing them was not the right thing to do.

they should be tried and jailed.
So should that racist that you allegedly called her employer on.

Had they been tried and walked?

Does anything make you happy?

Just curious.

If those cops were regular employees, they would've been fired on the spot. It was a good call.


Well-Known Member
So should that racist that you allegedly called her employer on.

Had they been tried and walked?

Does anything make you happy?

Just curious.

If those cops were regular employees, they would've been fired on the spot. It was a good call.
if i kick a defenseless person in the head, i would be tried and go to jail for it.

so should these scumbag cops.

and since they are held to a higher standard than citizens are, their prison sentence should be longer than what the average person faces for the same crime.


Well-Known Member
if i kick a defenseless person in the head, i would be tried and go to jail for it.

so should these scumbag cops.

and since they are held to a higher standard than citizens are, their prison sentence should be longer than what the average person faces for the same crime.
If you did it while on the job, you'd be fired first.



Well-Known Member
Further, they probably are going to be you think they just got fired and are on to their next department?

Years ago, we had a cop that was a peeping tom..he got fired, (not leave) was tried and did time.

All depends on the leadership.


Well-Known Member
i would be in handcuffs the very same day, thrown in jail, and be waiting to see a judge.

these assholes are drinking beers and barbecuing.

they need prison time for this. now.
So he fired them and didn't charge them? Then you are correct. They should be charged immediately.

At least they aren't getting compensated by the taxpayers.

See we agree? How hard was that?


Well-Known Member
firing them was not the right thing to do.

they should be tried and jailed.
There's a criminal investigation into their actions underway, it was near the end of the article.

But yes, I agree completely. Accountability for police must be the highest priority. Further, the notion that 'cops need a little extra legal leeway to do their jobs' is exactly backwards and indeed sets up situations just like those outlined in the piece. Police are expected to know the law- their very job is to enforce it, FFS- and therefore it's reasonable to expect their behavior to be held to higher standards than ordinary citizens, not lower ones.

Germany is a country where high standards for police are expected and enforced. Their rates of killing civilians are a tiny fraction of that of the US. They are well known for being polite, efficient and very effective.

This is a great article for comparing the rates of death by police in American cities vs other entire countries;