What did you accomplish today?

And who the FUCK are you?

You should prolly shut your cock holster.


Damn shame.
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Just scored a nice bankie full of swazi, really old school smell so strong around my desk, and I have not even lit a spliff up yet.
Going to be a fun evening.. if my wife and 4-year old can stop quarrelling... sometimes feels like I have 2 children in the house.
Umb ....are you guna shoot the buck, or run it over.

Gotta take my boy to hunter safety as well. I'm good for a while though, he likes fishing more than hunting.
Yes. The buck is mine this year.
Awesome job WB and little WB....he will remember that forever bro. I took my boy striper fishing last year and he caught his first one.

I love making memories with my boy outdoors. I remember my pops teaching me to hunt,fish,and shoot, all great memories. Awesome job once again WB. You're a good dad for taking your boy out like that. Tell your boy congratulations from a stranger who doesn't really matter.

It's not fat WB it's necessary winter weight. I have a feeling it will disappear when you start carrying heavy things into the deep woods :wink:

My fondest memories with my dad are hunting and fishing.

Lol. Yea I get pretty scrawny towards fall.
Awesome! Good size bird!

My little one is taking hunters safety this summer. Hoping for a nice sized buck come fall.
I'm signing my boy and girl up.

Thank you. We are going to have it for Easter dinner.
We got one. Took for ever. Damn thing came in within 20 yards and stood on a stump behind a tree gobbling for an hour. It finally stuck its head out.
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Yes, I've put on a few pounds. Need to get my ass in gear and exercise more.

Great bird and good looking boy got there. I still have all my son's camo in a closet , it looks like a set of steps on size then the next, my poor always had to wear hand-me-downs lol. Congrats on a good hunt.

And no I wasn't in the military. I'll pm you and tell you what bases I'm close to if you want me to.
Great bird and good looking boy got there. I still have all my son's camo in a closet , it looks like a set of steps on size then the next, my poor always had to wear hand-me-downs lol. Congrats on a good hunt.

And no I wasn't in the military. I'll pm you and tell you what bases I'm close to if you want me to.
Thank you.

You can. It would be wild if we knew each other.

That's a Halloween costume we ordered and I had the wife get it a little big for him at the time. He's got a couple years use out of it. Ill give it to my youngest boy.
I use to work with a very good hunter, he was and still is the most talented caller I've ever seen. One day while we were decking a roof he says to me, do you see all those turkeys down there is that field, I said " yeah " then he said watch the ones with blue heads, he proceeded to make a sound with nothing but his lips, tongue, mouth , no call or anything, and only the Jakes started running around acting crazy. And then he said watch the hens now and he makes another sound then the hens went crazy. I've never seen anything like that before or since, and when I tell this to other hunters they think I'm full of shit but it's a true story.
If I pay you in bonsai trees and bread pudding, will you send me the results of this authentication for reddan??

((Tiny ninja bow...with hands together))

I hav da weeds to ..ssshhhhhh

It just so happens that bonsai trees and bread puddings are the only currency I currently accept. You still have a bit of credit available though. Enough to purchase reddans pics. I still haven't received them yet though. @reddan1981 where are the rest of those photoshopped pics you promised?
Did some LST on my plants.. Finally got the weather to build a hand rail on the back steps..Took a drive down to the beach and spotted the first Grey Whales of the year.. Mother and calf were in close spouting and breaching..
Several spouts offshore.. A very good day!! Love seein those Whales.. Time for Baseball...
First Easter party is under my belt for the weekend .....food was delicious and the senior citizens were drunk....my kinda party

Now me and little indas are making nests outside for the Easter bunny to leave presents .......I made one last year and that fucker didn't get me shit .......just the kids.
I use to work with a very good hunter, he was and still is the most talented caller I've ever seen. One day while we were decking a roof he says to me, do you see all those turkeys down there is that field, I said " yeah " then he said watch the ones with blue heads, he proceeded to make a sound with nothing but his lips, tongue, mouth , no call or anything, and only the Jakes started running around acting crazy. And then he said watch the hens now and he makes another sound then the hens went crazy. I've never seen anything like that before or since, and when I tell this to other hunters they think I'm full of shit but it's a true story.
I believe it.

Best way to learn how to call is in the fall and early wi tee when they are ganged up. There are a wide range of calls.

Just take a call and mimic what they are doing and watch how they respond.