i think you mean the constant current drivers. the constant voltage can run anywhere from 2 to 20+cobs
Can you help out my understanding a bit CK? (planning an order soon but hung up on a few things including a driver search that has had me chasing stats left and right for a handful of different ones now)
First off been reading a week or so now, and have switched my build plans/design (cob wise) 3 times but think im finally settled into 12 CXM-22 (8 @ 80 cri and 4 @ 90) but driver options are making it hazy...
I started looking into the HLG-320H-C1050 (x2) but it looks as if it will slightly over amp/volt the drivers rated specs (so close though)
From there i looked into the 600H-54b and while it may seem to be the best fit atm, I worry a bit about putting all on one driver (if driver goes bad then entire unit is down) as well as lack of independent "zone control" lighting that could be used with multiple drivers (without over amping to cobs)
after looking a couple more places (including the HLG-185-48b you had responded to above and is said to work by at least one other person in thread...)
more to the point of the questions...
1. Can the HLG-185H-48B run 4 CXM-22 (or even a single one for that matter *over amperage aside*) given the fact it only has a max voltage range of 48? (some have said it does but i cant wrap my head around the v drop as it shouldn't be able to push the 50v chips unless im misunderstanding something)
2. would the HLG-320H-C1050 in your opinion squeek by or do you know of anyone who has tried it (there seemed to be some debate in this thread about it)
3.If no to the above questions, do you have a suggestion for the best driver to run (4)CMX-22 @ ~1a +/- 100ma) without a ton of room left on driver?
4. any knowledge you can drop on what size fuse/resistors if I have to go parallel route with one of these drivers (still looking into this info, and will research more once driver is locked, but would gladly take a link or some quick info if you happen to know of a great thread/graphic that would help in the search.
Thanks in advance for any help you or anyone else can be in these... Still reading, and will continue to do so, just getting confused on a bit of the above.