A sobering thought

Sorry, former Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschidmt is not a baby raper, but a pre-teen rapist. My bad. Language of Law and all.
nah, you keep asking me to repeat the same truths. move along now, you got it I think. you know now that Nobody shut not even one private prison down, they said they wanted to is all.
I wasnt shagged at all. Do you feel shagged? Did you support Trump? Did you vote for him in fact? I'd say you were shagged then.
now move along, unless you require some more fact checks, need some more chemphlegm spanking, or maybe you just llike me living in your head rent free, troll on old timer
You haven't spoken truth for a moment. You say Obama didn't do anything about private prisons because he personally profited from them?

Where did that come from? If it is true then there should be proof of this. Otherwise, it's just another right winger's fever dream. Show the proof of shut the fuck up.

"Nobody shut not even one private prison down, they said they wanted to is all."

I never said Trump has shut down a prison. I said Trump repealed the executive order to close private prisons that Obama ordered last year. It was an executive order, not an expressed desire. Sheesh, you bungled the English language and expect others to wipe the vomit off your face. Forget anybody else doing it. That's your personal care provider's job.

I'm just saying you have it wrong and somehow equating Trump's repeal of the order with Obama's management of an existing process is another fever dream of yours. What do you suppose Trump's adminstration is planning to do with that currenly under-used prison capacity? It's darn certain they aren't planning to turn those cells into grow rooms.

You were shagged, dude. You didn't do anything to stop the fascists from taking over and now, you are somehow trying to lay the blame on Obama. You should get checked for STDs. Trump hasn't been very careful, I hear.
Hey, if you ever do come back to Oregon, don't forget that favorite t- shirt of yours...."How I Conquered Living with a MicroWenis"
Enjoying living in a legal rec state, are you? Conservatives would never have legalized. Eastern Oregon Counties -- they can't arrest somebody for possession of small amounts anymore but they can quite stupidly forego tax revenue and force people to drive to places that allow dispensaries. It's so nice living in the Willamette where right wingers are a minority and freedom to grow is there for all to have.

Fortunately, in Oregon, liberals outnumber right wingers overall. Keeps the state safe from the worst of the right wing depredations.
Enjoying living in a legal rec state, are you? Conservatives would never have legalized. Eastern Oregon Counties -- they can't arrest somebody for possession of small amounts anymore but they can quite stupidly forego tax revenue and force people to drive to places that allow dispensaries. It's so nice living in the Willamette where right wingers are a minority and freedom to grow is there for all to have.

Fortunately, in Oregon, liberals outnumber right wingers overall. Keeps the state safe from the worst of the right wing depredations.
Stop making me jealous.
read the posts man

why would I do anything for you? read the posts, took me half a second to find the first one, another second to re google several of them, you all are really stupid here. its been given a rest, talk to your nanny boy here about the redundancy
i don't really give a fuck if you could do anything for me, because you can't anyway, beside shutting the fuck up about what a selfish demon Obama was while in office. Again, YOU show me the proof to match your inane statement.
Oh, by the way, do you actually grow? I doubt it, because if you do (probably grow shit if you do, because your plants would hate you) your worst nightmare was just elected POTUS, and hopefully you get fucked also, just like the rest of humanity.
nah, you keep asking me to repeat the same truths. move along now, you got it I think. you know now that Nobody shut not even one private prison down, they said they wanted to is all.
I wasnt shagged at all. Do you feel shagged? Did you support Trump? Did you vote for him in fact? I'd say you were shagged then.
now move along, unless you require some more fact checks, need some more chemphlegm spanking, or maybe you just llike me living in your head rent free, troll on old timer

Private Prisons Back In Mix For Federal Inmates As Sessions Rescinds Order

  • New Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding an Obama-era memo that directed the Justice Department to reduce the use of private prisons, NPR's Carrie Johnson reports

    Sessions writes in the order that returning to the Bureau of Prisons' earlier approach would provide flexibility.

    Will The Private Prison Business See A Trump Bump?

    "The memorandum changed long-standing policy and practice, and impaired the Bureau's ability to meet the future needs of the federal correctional system," Sessions writes
    • Outside companies currently house about 21,000 inmates for the Justice Department, the agency reports, down from a peak of 30,000. The overall federal prison population has been falling in recent years because of changes in how some low-level offenders are sentenced.
    In announcing a phasing out of private-prison use in August, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates wrote that the outside companies' facilities were less safe, more expensive, and "simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs and resources."
Enjoying living in a legal rec state, are you? Conservatives would never have legalized. Eastern Oregon Counties -- they can't arrest somebody for possession of small amounts anymore but they can quite stupidly forego tax revenue and force people to drive to places that allow dispensaries. It's so nice living in the Willamette where right wingers are a minority and freedom to grow is there for all to have.

Fortunately, in Oregon, liberals outnumber right wingers overall. Keeps the state safe from the worst of the right wing depredations.
difference is this though...thats all speculation....the AG did turn over the database and was democratic. areyou saying it didnt happen and why are you saying that?
difference is this though...thats all speculation....the AG did turn over the database and was democratic. areyou saying it didnt happen and why are you saying that?
You put words in my mouth sir and never would I have said them.. So you live in a hypothetical world where Republicans wouldn't sell you out in a heartbeat? Really? Your Democratic controlled legislature and governor in Oregon are the only protection you have from the depredations of radical right wingers. And you are the moron who would deliver yourself to them by voting for right wingers. What a fool.
Private Prisons Back In Mix For Federal Inmates As Sessions Rescinds Order

  • New Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding an Obama-era memo that directed the Justice Department to reduce the use of private prisons, NPR's Carrie Johnson reports

    Sessions writes in the order that returning to the Bureau of Prisons' earlier approach would provide flexibility.

    Will The Private Prison Business See A Trump Bump?

    "The memorandum changed long-standing policy and practice, and impaired the Bureau's ability to meet the future needs of the federal correctional system," Sessions writes
    • Outside companies currently house about 21,000 inmates for the Justice Department, the agency reports, down from a peak of 30,000. The overall federal prison population has been falling in recent years because of changes in how some low-level offenders are sentenced.
    In announcing a phasing out of private-prison use in August, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates wrote that the outside companies' facilities were less safe, more expensive, and "simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs and resources."
"The overall federal prison population has been falling in recent years because of changes in how some low-level offenders are sentenced."

To all right wingers who sputter and say "bbbbbut Obummer....". Because they have can't defend Trump's actions, they try to equate Obama to Trump. What losers.

Private prisons have been losers too for the past few years. Sessions and Trump plan to make them winners again. While the general public loses. Especially anybody who grows but voted for the GOP asshats. The private prison beds will be filled with immigrants awaiting court judgement, leaving room in federal prison for drug offenders.
You put words in my mouth sir and never would I have said them.. So you live in a hypothetical world where Republicans wouldn't sell you out in a heartbeat? Really? Your Democratic controlled legislature and governor in Oregon are the only protection you have from the depredations of radical right wingers. And you are the moron who would deliver yourself to them by voting for right wingers. What a fool.
What.......my motto again is...fuck republicans fuck democrats.....
Ginny burdick...a democrat has been ruining our system in rec in oregon.if she was a republican i would still call her a fucktard but conveniently she is a democrat destroying rec cannabis in Ore. .....
so blame "right wringer" or what the fuck ever... obfuscation at its finest.....
What.......my motto again is...fuck republicans fuck democrats.....
Ginny burdick...a democrat has been ruining our system in rec in oregon.if she was a republican i would still call her a fucktard but conveniently she is a democrat destroying rec cannabis in Ore. .....
so blame "right wringer" or what the fuck ever... obfuscation at its finest.....
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