Held at gun point last night

my dad taught martial arts for my whole life, and one thing I've found out (the hard way, sorta) was that learning how to defend yourself, albeit an excellent way to build confidence, self esteem, etc, it tends to do the same thing as getting a car and making it faster..
that is, it's sorta human nature to see HOW fast your car is..
or in this analogy, how good one is at combat.

I got expelled from three schools, suspended countless times, juvenile battery charge...

It's a fine-line..
the other thing that sticks out in my head is the part in the movie "Friday", sorta scary..
"kids these days are too afraid of takin an ass-whuppin"

Self-defense is a wonderful thing to know, but unless you're really disciplined, it's almost a sure-fire way to get in trouble. especially as a kid..
EDIT- I did want to make clear that I wasn't implying that your advice isn't good advice, just that often times the people learning self-defense aren't doin it to defend themselves, rather to make themselves better at fighting.
fine line between the two.
The little that I know of you, i'm sure you are responsible about all of it, but I think you are a quasi old-timer like me, no?
annnnnd age brings wisdom and mellowness.. annnd much lower testosterone levels!
I took Go Jo Ryu Karate Do as a kid. Our Sensei was old school, only taught in Japanese. Our sensei taught us to only fight once cornered with no choice but to defend ourselves. The pleasantries ended there, lol. He taught us to use every lethal karate maneuver known to the Japanese. He would laugh and say if a fight lasts more than 10 seconds, your just dancing.

It was an incredible experience!
In the future I'd like to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu, after sparring with a friend who knew a little Wing Chun disabled me in seconds with my Karate.
True dat. Sounds like me and my brother, we both trained in fighting pretty early - kung fu, boxing (he was golden gloves), hapiko, some jeet kun do concepts. Lots of of sparring, lots of street fights, and we both bounced in bars around chicago for years. When most guys get drunk and start fighting, we didn't even really worry about it. Small chance they'd do any real damage to us or each other. But it's another story when a trained guy starts hitting people, the power they generate is amazing, especially boxers. I remember a muscular little puerto rican guy that hit this big guy only 4 or 5 times. The big guy looked like he was worked over by a baseball bat - nose crushed, broken jaw hanging, eyes welded shut... nasty. You have to be careful when you're trained, or you'll be up on "excessive force" charges by simply defending yourself. It's better to just hit them if you have to, and quickly leave...
ahhh yes... one thing I learned yrs ago was that speed can replace power in many ways, good ole simple physics
I would happily fight a larger, more powerful man with a higher center of gravity over a smaller, faster one, with a low center
I had TONS of problems with my buddy, he was 5' 6" and he was a better wrestler than I was, i had a good 55 lbs on the guy, and almost a foot taller, and i'll be damned if he beat me almost every time in wrestling.
we never sparred though, he was just a wrestler.
That dude was a humbling experience for me, over, and over.
ahhh yes... one thing I learned yrs ago was that speed can replace power in many ways, good ole simple physics
I would happily fight a larger, more powerful man with a higher center of gravity over a smaller, faster one, with a low center
I had TONS of problems with my buddy, he was 5' 6" and he was a better wrestler than I was, i had a good 55 lbs on the guy, and almost a foot taller, and i'll be damned if he beat me almost every time in wrestling.
we never sparred though, he was just a wrestler.
That dude was a humbling experience for me, over, and over.
But he made you better, fast.
But he made you better, fast.
hell yea, like anything failure teaches WAY better than success.
the biggest lesson learned was that proper technique will almost ALWAYS win over strength.
where it gets fun is when you combine the three, strength, speed, and most importantly, technique.
when i was younger i used to shadow box with 15 lb cast iron dumbells, that will get you some serious speed
it's a whore though..
my dad was BRUTAL, one thing in particular he'd do when we misbehaved.. he'd say
"go sit on the wall"
for like 5 of the LONGEST minutes ever, we'd sit against the wall, our legs a 90 degree angle and hold it there until your entire body was trembling and rubbery
my god..
that one and we had a wooden dowel rod, for like the closets, a hole drilled through the middle, and a rope with a five pound weight attached to it, the exercise was holding that out, at a 90 degree angle, and using your forearms to slowly wind the weight up by twisting the wooden rod.
your deltoids and forearms just on FIRE
fuck me..
or "duck-walking"
man, my dad would just brutalize us.
good stuff though, beats the shit outta getting fat and watching tv/playin video games
hell yea, like anything failure teaches WAY better than success.
the biggest lesson learned was that proper technique will almost ALWAYS win over strength.
where it gets fun is when you combine the three, strength, speed, and most importantly, technique.
when i was younger i used to shadow box with 15 lb cast iron dumbells, that will get you some serious speed
it's a whore though..
my dad was BRUTAL, one thing in particular he'd do when we misbehaved.. he'd say
"go sit on the wall"
for like 5 of the LONGEST minutes ever, we'd sit against the wall, our legs a 90 degree angle and hold it there until your entire body was trembling and rubbery
my god..
that one and we had a wooden dowel rod, for like the closets, a hole drilled through the middle, and a rope with a five pound weight attached to it, the exercise was holding that out, at a 90 degree angle, and using your forearms to slowly wind the weight up by twisting the wooden rod.
your deltoids and forearms just on FIRE
fuck me..
or "duck-walking"
man, my dad would just brutalize us.
good stuff though, beats the shit outta getting fat and watching tv/playin video games

My eldest son was a really good wrestler in h/s - a compact, muscular & solid guy, he has an 8 yo son who's punishment for shit kids get into is to do Military pushups with his dad.
This kid just busted 100 solid regulation pushups in one go - I was floored!

Like they say, kids can be the perfect athletes.
Do you smoke or grow pot? If so its illegal to own a gun, to buy one for sure.
I do neither any longer honestly my goal is total sobriety. I drink a little with my roomies but I don't like being drunk. So I put a limit at relaxer about 3 or so drinks. I'm tired of being fucked up. I was at a party that lasted 17 years time to go home.
hell yea, like anything failure teaches WAY better than success.
the biggest lesson learned was that proper technique will almost ALWAYS win over strength.
where it gets fun is when you combine the three, strength, speed, and most importantly, technique.
when i was younger i used to shadow box with 15 lb cast iron dumbells, that will get you some serious speed
it's a whore though..
my dad was BRUTAL, one thing in particular he'd do when we misbehaved.. he'd say
"go sit on the wall"
for like 5 of the LONGEST minutes ever, we'd sit against the wall, our legs a 90 degree angle and hold it there until your entire body was trembling and rubbery
my god..
that one and we had a wooden dowel rod, for like the closets, a hole drilled through the middle, and a rope with a five pound weight attached to it, the exercise was holding that out, at a 90 degree angle, and using your forearms to slowly wind the weight up by twisting the wooden rod.
your deltoids and forearms just on FIRE
fuck me..
or "duck-walking"
man, my dad would just brutalize us.
good stuff though, beats the shit outta getting fat and watching tv/playin video games
I love the outdoors and exercise regularly but I still like playing video games every so often.