dear diary,
david is so seething with anger that he cannot sleep. his cats are probably begging at an empty food bowl.
"if it grabs your shirt..."
Fucking pure comedy.
dear diary,
david is so seething with anger that he cannot sleep. his cats are probably begging at an empty food bowl.
You and buck's polyamory seems a better model.@twostrokenut @fdd2blk when is the wedding?
a piece of carbide steel with a razor sharp blade spinning at 20,000 rpm totally wouldn't rip your skin off or anything.
Might make your first scar ever.
You should start using bandsaws. Then you can cry about losing limbs and shit.
Can you poke an eye out with a red ryder?
what's it like knowing i literally walked onto a crew and within months was running my own carpentry business, making more in 4 months than you make in a year?
As if I'm gonna listen to a trailer dweller's advice about home ownership.But I can come up with 50k though to avoid pmi on your house, and you can't somehow. Hows that greenhouse producing?
Realized how lulzy this is. You make 52k with that carpentry business per year. After 3 years you still pay 400 a month to a bank to insure them against your default on a 1500 per month note on your home. And youre only a minority slice of The household income. And you say your earnings are more than reported. So just a lying meth head with broadband is what you end up being.
Brag about your income more though.
As if I'm gonna listen to a trailer dweller's advice about home ownership.
Having 20% to put down is solid advice. The fact youre pushing 40 and supposedly "get paper" and don't have the discipline to save a few of those bucks to put down is freaking sad.
3 years you've been paying pmi at 400 a month......thats 15k. And 20% down for you was only 50k.....and youre sharing this purchase. And....well I'm sad enough I will just stop there.
what's it like knowing i literally walked onto a crew and within months was running my own carpentry business, making more in 4 months than you make in a year?
I was swinging a hammer when I was 16. You aren't doing anything amazing. And you're scared of a router, never mind the scaffolding.
I was swinging a hammer when I was 16.
But did the nails go in straight?
how old am i again?
You can't mention it? Yes you can. Its a top secret with crypto if you were anybody and you can mention it.That sounds very strange. Considering, I was in the military for 10 years and worked with many legal immigrants that got their citizenship while they were in service. It's a free service to them.
Also, how the heck would he be able to enlist without a valid birth certificate and/or green card? Not possible. I'm not speaking out of my ass. I know for a fact, you don't make it past bootcamp without a full background check completed.
You can skate by with some hidden medical evidence if you are not receiving a clearance but you can't serve without those two items.
I held a secret clearance and another clearance I can not mention that required an intensive background investigation that included talking to people I grew up with and asking some seriously personal shit.
If he took his life, it wasn't for being deported, he had underlying issues much bigger than deportation.
Mad respect to those who are not native born and serve for this country. To give your life to a place you were not born in and feel any obligation to is a sacrifice that is of a real hero.
I thought doxing was frowned upon.
I thought doxing was frowned upon.
Please post the information I need.That's actually funny. It's good to see you relax a little.