Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact yes. Lights off for another hour so pics will have to wait for a bit. Last update when my camera battery was dying I wanted to take pics of how I cleaned them up. I was probably a little conservative, only going 1/4 of the way up because on some plants the bottom branches had grown up through the canopy and it seemed like a bad idea to cut them off. So I just cut anything that didn't have a chance to get any light.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Bit of a lapse in the journal there. Just makes the new update all the more exciting, right?!

Let's see. Where were we? All of the newest clones except for one has bitten the dust. I will call it the Chosen One, Mother to all future White Lady plants. At least in my garden. She must have a strong spirit. Only 1 of 14 clones to survive.

I have 5 new sprouts - 1 Super Skunk, 2 Bubblicious, 2 Jock Horror

The flowering clones are beginning week 6 flower... and doing quite well if I may say so.

I experienced a bit a phosphorous deficiency on some lower buds and leaves of two plants but the problem seems to be subsiding.

The reason for the P def is I ran out of AN Overdrive which is 1-5-4. I was able to get some Ionic Boost instead which is 0-5-6. After two feedings, it seems to be kicking in. I also got some of this GH floranectar sweetener.

Oh, and I finally learned how to use photobucket:bigjoint:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
looking good man, i have had some bad luck with clones aswell, but i lost the most of them to heat.... anyhow i am using a little DWC bubble system i thought of to do clones, i will let you know in a couple weeks if it works! :bigjoint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Not sure many are following this thread anymore but I'll do a quick update anyway.

We've got the 5 seedlings -2 Jock Horror, 2 Bubblicious, 1 Super Skunk - and one White Lady clone in the veg closet.

I burned a couple seedlings a little bit but for the most part they are doing fine. The Bubblicious are far more sensitive to N burn than the others

Bubblicious 1

Bubblicious 2 - got the worst of it

Jock Horror 1

Jock Horror 2

Super Skunk 1

The flower room is really looking great. Even better than last time.

This is flower day 54. I'll probably run them to day 70. And for anyone curious, the Ionic Boost works really well. And it's cheap. Much better value than AN Overdrive IMO.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
HEY M.. LOOK'S GOOD MAN..I DONT USE ENEYTHING BUT A.N... i love it i have so mutch of it to..i just keep bueing good deal's on line!!! but cool man keep up the hard work!!! have you talked to tet??

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
HEY M.. LOOK'S GOOD MAN..I DONT USE ENEYTHING BUT A.N... i love it i have so mutch of it to..i just keep bueing good deal's on line!!! but cool man keep up the hard work!!! have you talked to tet??
Thanks, man. I really like AN too but there's some bs about they didn't get certification in my state so they don't sell it in stores. So when I ran out, I had to get something and the Ionic substituted very nicely.

I see Tetra over at the other place all the time. I don't want to speak for him but seems like he's pretty fed up with a lot of things that went on over here, especially with HHM. I think it sucks for everybody what's going on but I still like to drop by RIU now and then. The two sites are a lot different IMO. Over there, it is a smaller community but that has it's advantages. Everyone knows each other pretty much so they're more careful about what they say (no kids talking shit). Plus, everyone is pretty knowledgable, the average member has more growing experience vs here. But I still like to mix it up with the masses over here too. Hope to see you over there sometime. Getting used to the different layout takes a couple days but it's worth it.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks, man. I really like AN too but there's some bs about they didn't get certification in my state so they don't sell it in stores. So when I ran out, I had to get something and the Ionic substituted very nicely.

I see Tetra over at the other place all the time. I don't want to speak for him but seems like he's pretty fed up with a lot of things that went on over here, especially with HHM. I think it sucks for everybody what's going on but I still like to drop by RIU now and then. The two sites are a lot different IMO. Over there, it is a smaller community but that has it's advantages. Everyone knows each other pretty much so they're more careful about what they say (no kids talking shit). Plus, everyone is pretty knowledgable, the average member has more growing experience vs here. But I still like to mix it up with the masses over here too. Hope to see you over there sometime. Getting used to the different layout takes a couple days but it's worth it.
I agree SS is pretty chill, but RIU is a all around better design for a forum website.... i am at both but my TLB homies are all over there almost except a few straglers, which is cool i cant blame anyone for not liking that site cause personally i dont really like it much either, its hard to navigate and just not as fast... but its the new TLB home site so what can you do??? anyhow clones are fucking rocking, and everything is looking great man!! keep on keeping on!!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That's weird. The other site runs so much better for me. Pages load faster and I've never seen where the page just won't load at all like happens here sometimes (daily). And I kind of like their navigation better, where you can view all the new posts since the last time you've visited. Realistically, that wouldn't work here because there is a much greater volume of posts. Only downside to SS for me is they reduce photobucket images a lot. My pics are so much bigger and nicer looking in this thread here. But I'm really splitting hairs with that one. I got used to all the other differences in a week.


Well-Known Member
o its the website thats slow?. i been realy abusing this computer ,because it didnt want obey me, sorry o friend.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
asher, that link in your sig goes to your photo album. Can't post any replies there. Do you have a grow journal? If not, you should start one. This journal really improved my chances for success.


Well-Known Member
30 days. Stressful time. Still waiting to know male/female? I'll check it out.
Cool, I'll post and IM ya when I get a week or so into flower. Just got my 400w HPS today so I have to get that all set up.

Thanks again.

P.S. I have a journel let me figure it out.:dunce:

OK my sig goes to the correct place thanks.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Update time:
The seedlings have really gone to hell. I hate seedlings. They keep bouncing back and forth between burn and deficiency. Things have settled down recently and they should be just fine.

The White Lady clone was moved to the flower room 5 days ago. The big girls have about ten days until chop.

The colas are swelling so much that they can't support their own weight.

Others are still standing strong

Some closeups

These pics are actually from two days ago. Since then I took 6 clones from the smaller White Lady plant.


Well-Known Member
omg that is fucking pr0n!!! damn you, i'm so jealous!

i wish i could +rep you. smoke a whole bunch for me ;) :bigjoint:

the only thing i dont like is how overgrown it is in there. very nice though, im just OCD and would shit bricks.