My method is to germinate the seeds in a paper towel. Covered plastic dish with a vent. Placed on top of the water heater. IR thermometer says the top of the water heater is 80-85°f. Temperature checked inside the bowl, around 77-80.
Once the seed cracks and you can see the white of the tap root. It go's into a prepared growdan cubes. (Knock off Rockwool cubes, same spun rock)
The cubes were placed in a sandwich bag of PH adjusted water. Placed next to the seeds in the dish. Same temperature.
After the seeds are placed in the cubes. The cubes then go into an up side down ,clear plastic tote. It's 9" deep. Probably 12" long. 8" wide. White lid. Holes drilled in all sides of the clear part. I have a little grate of some kind that came out a slow cooker. I set the cubes on that, then place them on the white lid. It keeps the cubes space on the bottom.
Stick the clear part over the top. Set it back on the water heater. Once the seed pod grows past the surface of the cube. Reaches out the hole. The container go's directly under a 300 watt LED. Distance about 30-35" from the light. On top of the prepared one or two gallon, fabric pots.
When the sprout shows a tap root out the bottom of the cubes. They come out the mini green house and are planted in the soil.
Then it's the waiting game...