Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

So in your view they have no motives of their own?
Thats exactly my point, my assertion is that we need to leave them to their complicated quagmire of shit and stop getting involved.

Dropping weapons for a group that is mostly our enemies and then claiming to be fighting terrorism, is in my opinion, retarded.
We've been there for years and we've managed to fuck it up as only we can.

We've had no plan there, so we've been blown willy nilly about, pushed by the latest headlines. That's no way to achieve any objective other than throwing away money.

But it's taxpayer money, and the defense industry and military contractors are feasting. So who cares?

That's the cynical view, dangerously close to reality.

If we want to be in Syria, we need to do something drastically different than anything we've done as a nation since the end of WWII; actually help the people. If we aren't willing to commit to doing that, we have no business there.

Of course, when has that ever stopped us?
Best way to overthrow a dictator is to show the people how good it is elsewhere.
You'll have to ask him why he would do that. It did come a few days after Rumps mouthpieces said there was no need for regime change and talks of US alliance with Assad. We don't know what was said at those meetings. Maybe the answer is in transcripts of those meetings. I don't know.

Look at the list of subscribers to this false flag conspiracy theory: Alt right, Alex Jones, Russia, ttystik

I mean, come on man, just because somebody said it doesn't make it true. It smells and reads like fake news. Like pizzagate. I'll stand behind my statement that we don't know much. Listening to accounts of people who survived it, they said it was an air strike. I'll wait for more information and change my mind if credible information shows up. Until now, the people repeating this are not reliable for information. This is fake news.

Doesn't change the fact that Rump launched a military strike without a strategy or preparation for the consequences. That he did it without notifying Congress and Congress is just rolling over without defending its constitutional role is very concerning. The false flag rumor is unnecessary and distracts from the very concerning issue of a rogue president who unilaterally commits acts war on other governments.

Nunez' little Henry Penny action was a false flag and completely manufactured. It didn't sound right then..I don't need anyone three weeks later to tell me it was.

And then there was this little thing about divesting..did he Fogdog?..divest? This is known as an insult to your intelligence..


Don't listen to what he what he does.

In his first 100 days, what has he accomplished that has benefitted the working class?

Can anyone list ONE thing?..just one.
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This will be thoroughly investigated and the truth will come out.

At the very least, the official line from America doesn't pass the smell test.

The warehouse story doesn't either; sarin gas is unstable and it's stored in two components, one of which is isopropyl alcohol- which of course burns very nicely when bombed.

‘…when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’

Sherlock Holmes Quote

-The Blanched Soldier

Convenient lie from the convenient fool.
The "people" are the ones not involved in the conflict.

Uhmm, every living being in that "country" is involved in the conflict. Most involuntarily. You try not being involved when someone drops a barrel bomb on your town or neighborhood, or occupies your village and takes everything they want/need for themselves and shoots anyone who objects.
Uhmm, every living being in that "country" is involved in the conflict. Most involuntarily. You try not being involved when someone drops a barrel bomb on your town or neighborhood, or occupies your village and takes everything they want/need for themselves and shoots anyone who objects.
Don't get so cranky just cos it's early, I clearly meant as combatants.
Nunez' little Henry Penny action was a false flag and completely manufactured. It didn't sound right then..I don't need anyone three weeks later to tell me it was.

And then there was this little thing about divesting..did he Fogdog?..divest? This is known as an insult to your intelligence..

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Don't listen to what he what he does.

In his first 100 days, what has he accomplished that has benefitted the working class?

Can anyone list ONE thing?..just one.
The disagreement is over this idea of a false flag conspiracy in the bombing of a Syrian air base. Not defense of Trump.

I'm not as oblivious as you, I don't buy easily into conspiracy theories, left or right.
The disagreement is over this idea of a false flag conspiracy in the bombing of a Syrian air base. Not defense of Trump.

I'm not as oblivious as you, I don't buy easily into conspiracy theories, left or right.
You'll notice I don't buy into them willy nilly.

This whole situation doesn't add up. If I'm wrong, and I could be, I'm still certain there's a lot more to it than the official story would have us believe.

Think for a second; we're going to bomb an airfield and NOT destroy warplanes or damage the runway?! Da fuk?

The 'chemical attack' fails to make sense in the same way.
The "people" are the ones not involved in the conflict.
The more I look at this statement, the more astonishingly ignorant it is.

Victims are involved, often committed- just like the pig in a ham sandwich.

Who you you think 'rebels' actually are? Their sons, and increasingly daughters.

Why are there so many factions? Because to save themselves, their families and their homeland, they'll take support from whoever offers it.

If you can, if you dare, think about how YOU would feel in the middle of a war zone where none of the powers involved give a shit whether you or your children live or die. What would YOU be willing to do?

It's time you put down the mouse and get out more. You've been hiding behind your keyboard for way too long and it's cost you perspective, Stinkydigit.
Don't get so cranky just cos it's early, I clearly meant as combatants.
The more I look at this statement, the more astonishingly ignorant it is.

Victims are involved, often committed- just like the pig in a ham sandwich.

Who you you think 'rebels' actually are? Their sons, and increasingly daughters.

Why are there so many factions? Because to save themselves, their families and their homeland, they'll take support from whoever offers it.

If you can, if you dare, think about how YOU would feel in the middle of a war zone where none of the powers involved give a shit whether you or your children live or die. What would YOU be willing to do?

It's time you put down the mouse and get out more. You've been hiding behind your keyboard for way too long and it's cost you perspective, Stinkydigit.
Well done writing what this dude already wrote in more words and after I'd already answered.

The Syrian people are not engaged in the war but are victims of it.
Think for a second; we're going to bomb an airfield and NOT destroy warplanes or damage the runway?! Da fuk?

The 'chemical attack' fails to make sense in the same way.
Weak logic. You speak as if Trump's actions are limited to ones that make sense. There are plenty of reasons why we didn't take out the air field.

Same goes for Assad's crime of use of Sarin on civilians. From what I read of your objections, you are basically asking what military reason could there be for that action. But a military reason isn't the only basis Assad may have for doing so.

Just because you don't understand is not a validation of the false flag conspiracy theory.
Weak logic. You speak as if Trump's actions are limited to ones that make sense. There are plenty of reasons why we didn't take out the air field.

Same goes for Assad's crime of use of Sarin on civilians. From what I read of your objections, you are basically asking what military reason could there be for that action. But a military reason isn't the only basis Assad may have for doing so.

Just because you don't understand is not a validation of the false flag conspiracy theory.
Taking out Assad helps ISIS, taking out ISIS helps Assad

Which side of this clusterfuck do you believe is right?

If none, then why are we there?
Weak logic. You speak as if Trump's actions are limited to ones that make sense. There are plenty of reasons why we didn't take out the air field.

Same goes for Assad's crime of use of Sarin on civilians. From what I read of your objections, you are basically asking what military reason could there be for that action. But a military reason isn't the only basis Assad may have for doing so.

Just because you don't understand is not a validation of the false flag conspiracy theory.
This is political science, not physics.

All I'm saying is that there is much that doesn't add up.

Here's a physical science fact for you; if those containers actually had sarin gas, then why didn't the guys sitting at the crater site die immediately? They had painter's masks on, totally inadequate protection against sarin.

The whole thing is a setup.

Where's your evidence that the official story has any basis in fact? Cuz CNN said so?
All I'm saying is that there is much that doesn't add up.
Just because you don't understand is not a validation of the false flag conspiracy theory.

Here's a physical science fact for you; if those containers actually had sarin gas, then why didn't the guys sitting at the crater site die immediately? They had painter's masks on, totally inadequate protection against sarin.

The whole thing is a setup.

Where's your evidence that the official story has any basis in fact? Cuz CNN said so?

Here is another fact: Sarin is unstable with a shelf-life of a couple of weeks after mixing the two pre-cursors. They don't store Sarin, they store the pre-cursors. They aren't vitamins but they aren't "Sarin nerve gas" until mixed. It would be incredibly stupid to store the two precursors next together. So, yeah, it's completley reasonable that a bomb could cause a spill without a casualty at a warehouse "storing Sarin" because it's not stored as Sarin, it is stored as a precursor. It's completely reasonable to expect the other precursor is stored somewhere else.

The false flag conspiracy theory is yours, not mine. You prove it.
Here is another fact: Sarin is unstable with a shelf-life of a couple of weeks after mixing the two pre-cursors. They don't store Sarin, they store the pre-cursors. They aren't vitamins but they aren't "Sarin nerve gas" until mixed. It would be incredibly stupid to store the two precursors next together. So, yeah, it's completley reasonable that a bomb could cause a spill without a casualty at a warehouse "storing Sarin" because it's not stored as Sarin, it is stored as a precursor. It's completely reasonable to expect the other precursor is stored somewhere else.

The false flag conspiracy theory is yours, not mine. You prove it.
The crater. Where it 'exploded'.
What does that have to do with the false flag conspiracy theory?

it's the tulsi gabbard canard.

"any action against assad means you love ISIS!"

it's would the dumbest, most naive thing i've heard in a while, if not for the fact the the bernie-left is trying to outdo the literally mentally retarded republicans for first prize of biggest dumbass award.