Who is dumber, Trump or Bush?

I never claimed to be trained in economics, I think I've made it pretty obvious without directly saying it that I did Computer Science.

What I said was that I understand it, and if you can't see how all the micro and macro economic factors combined to produce the 08 Recession then why are you even posting?
Oh come now; let's hear your theory.

Tell me yours, I'll tell you mine sweetie...
I'm not gonna argue with an idiot, you'll drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

Keep just blaming Bush though, you dummy cuck.
Stupid drivel with zero substance.

It's your calling card.

I gave you an opening to explain your point of view and you ran like a roach from the light.

You simply don't have any idea what you're talking about so you hide behind personal insults, badly delivered.
Stupid drivel with zero substance.

It's your calling card.

I gave you an opening to explain your point of view and you ran like a roach from the light.

You simply don't have any idea what you're talking about so you hide behind personal insults, badly delivered.
I've explained it several times and your response was "BOOOSH!!!".

Honestly, you regressive left are as dumb as the Trump supporters.
I know, I can't wait for them to start another party.lmao.
All he does is talk shit.

"He's got a very good brain and says lots of things"


They think by fracturing the Democrats they can get universal healthcare, living wage, free education, etc all passed in one cycle.

Did the hard-core idiots supporting Bernie this cycle push America more to the left or the right with their stupidity?
Couldn't afford to buy a house.

Bought a house.

Went bankrupt.

Im not familiar with American Banking guidelines and laws but why wasn't there the very sensible law that states "a person must be able to afford the loan?" No way in the world i can get a loan for a house without the means to pay it back. Even when renting the rent cannot exceed a % of your income. Other wise the bank, or real estate in the rental case are held liable.
Do people get in trouble on house loans? Cause they do but its after the fact. Nobody can predict their future.

Its pretty sensible, like free healthcare really. Just looking after those who are shareholders in the country.
Im not familiar with American Banking guidelines and laws but why wasn't there the very sensible law that states "a person must be able to afford the loan?" No way in the world i can get a loan for a house without the means to pay it back. Even when renting the rent cannot exceed a % of your income. Other wise the bank, or real estate in the rental case are held liable.
Do people get in trouble on house loans? Cause they do but its after the fact. Nobody can predict their future.

Its pretty sensible, like free healthcare really. Just looking after those who are shareholders in the country.

They were giving loans to anyone and everyone who applied. They didn't care. If you default on the loan they just come take the house.
Im not familiar with American Banking guidelines and laws but why wasn't there the very sensible law that states "a person must be able to afford the loan?" No way in the world i can get a loan for a house without the means to pay it back. Even when renting the rent cannot exceed a % of your income. Other wise the bank, or real estate in the rental case are held liable.
Do people get in trouble on house loans? Cause they do but its after the fact. Nobody can predict their future.

Its pretty sensible, like free healthcare really. Just looking after those who are shareholders in the country.
We've 'fixed' things here in America so that when the house of cards built on liar's loans tumbles, the banks get bailed out at taxpayer expense while the homeowners get turned out into the street.

I wish I was kidding.
We've 'fixed' things here in America so that when the house of cards built on liar's loans tumbles, the banks get bailed out at taxpayer expense while the homeowners get turned out into the street.

I wish I was kidding.
We do have a loan that could be called a " liars loan". I have one....Basically if your self employed you can sign a Stat Dec saying you can afford the loan but the deposit needed must be 60% of the loan amount. So there is allot of equity and a large buffer.
We do have a loan that could be called a " liars loan". I have one....Basically if your self employed you can sign a Stat Dec saying you can afford the loan but the deposit needed must be 60% of the loan amount. So there is allot of equity and a large buffer.
That's nowhere near a liar's loan. There's down money involved!

Another common acronym is NINJA loan;
No Income, No Job, no Assets.