Well-Known Member
When revisionist history is written, look to who benefits the revision. In the case of holocaust revisionism, the ones who benefit are demagogues, jew-haters, Palestinians, those who oppose Israel. Palestinians have a good case without calling into question the holocaust. Other than Palestinians, the people who benefit are shameless liars, haters and zealots. That would make @Flowki a tool of liars, haters and zealots.I do believe gas chambers were a thing, as were the original gas vans, firing squads, tying people together and throwing them off bridges (and far worse). I also believe the amount killed was more than ''deniers'' claim. What I based my final verdict on was that newspaper thing, so many isolated incidents pre war of ''6 million Jews'' being killed in a separate Holocaust, famine or what ever else. The same/similar number was given for ww2 and I have to question why that number keeps popping up, those news papers are there to see (but if they are faked I revoke this opinion). One could say that it was actually more than 6 million that died in the war.. but it would be safer to assume this was yet another fabrication of an already well used propaganda figure across countless unrelated events. I do not know if those previous separate cases had any substance in truth, did those Jews die of starvation or what ever else?.. if so, it's almost impossible that 6 million Jews in every case was the figure, for coincidental and numerical reasons. If those isolated cases were simply lies or fabrication then it proves my point either way.
What America done to the Japanese(lets not forget) and Vietnam is completely relevant to Churchill, he paved the way to make bombing civilians a tactic. It is like saying the British, who rolled the first machine over the trenches had nothing to do with the eventual inception of the tiger tank. Or the Germans and rockets > America > moon. Was it rockets by Germany?.. well you get what I mean.
None of this is meant to excuse or diminish the holocaust. Main stream media/history books teach in a very black and white good and evil way. They leave out or lie about information that would project a more grey picture, a middle ground of responsibility and punishment for blatant war crimes. If mainstream media and ''official'' reports are to be trusted, along with acting on that information then Tony, Bush and those involved should be in jail.
Mainstream media in my country for the past few year. They show as little of Jeremy corb as possible, he even says this himself. They show you what they want to try and manipulate outcomes. The guy has huge support yet gets little to no air time.. while some of what he does get is done in a way as to undermine him. Leaving out a side of a story is as good as lying.
This is riddled with errors. You're delusional if you think Churchill was the first to target civilians in warfare.I do believe gas chambers were a thing, as were the original gas vans, firing squads, tying people together and throwing them off bridges (and far worse). I also believe the amount killed was more than ''deniers'' claim. What I based my final verdict on was that newspaper thing, so many isolated incidents pre war of ''6 million Jews'' being killed in a separate Holocaust, famine or what ever else. The same/similar number was given for ww2 and I have to question why that number keeps popping up, those news papers are there to see (but if they are faked I revoke this opinion). One could say that it was actually more than 6 million that died in the war.. but it would be safer to assume this was yet another fabrication of an already well used propaganda figure across countless unrelated events. I do not know if those previous separate cases had any substance in truth, did those Jews die of starvation or what ever else?.. if so, it's almost impossible that 6 million Jews in every case was the figure, for coincidental and numerical reasons. If those isolated cases were simply lies or fabrication then it proves my point either way.
What America done to the Japanese(lets not forget) and Vietnam is completely relevant to Churchill, he paved the way to make bombing civilians a tactic. It is like saying the British, who rolled the first machine over the trenches had nothing to do with the eventual inception of the tiger tank. Or the Germans and rockets > America > moon. Was it rockets by Germany?.. well you get what I mean.
None of this is meant to excuse or diminish the holocaust. Main stream media/history books teach in a very black and white good and evil way. They leave out or lie about information that would project a more grey picture, a middle ground of responsibility and punishment for blatant war crimes. If mainstream media and ''official'' reports are to be trusted, along with acting on that information then Tony, Bush and those involved should be in jail.
Mainstream media in my country for the past few year. They show as little of Jeremy corb as possible, he even says this himself. They show you what they want to try and manipulate outcomes. The guy has huge support yet gets little to no air time.. while some of what he does get is done in a way as to undermine him. Leaving out a side of a story is as good as lying.
When revisionist history is written, look to who benefits the revision. In the case of holocaust revisionism, the ones who benefit are demagogues, jew-haters, Palestinians, those who oppose Israel. Palestinians have a good case without calling into question the holocaust. Other than Palestinians, the people who benefit are shameless liars, haters and zealots. That would make @Flowki a tool of liars, haters and zealots.
This is riddled with errors. You're delusional if you think Churchill was the first to target civilians in warfare.
I'm not an expert in the Holocaust, but you sound like you're saying that if 6 million weren't killed, it was somehow no big deal.
Vietnam isn't relevant to a discussion about the Holocaust as it came 20+ years later on the other side of the planet.
And there's much more I don't care to dignify with a response.
Except this; you say you 'believe in' the Nazi gas chambers.
Do you also 'believe in' the Declaration of Independence??
They're both historical facts and as such don't require belief, only an understanding of history.
Yet it's telling you say things like that and don't expect people to take offense.
delusional. Unjustified sense of grandeur. Needs help. Hope he doesn't get it. Soon to be street bum if not already.I am not delusional at all. Rather than turn this into a history lesson can you not agree that Churchill opened the door to a tactic that allowed the mass murder of civilians like very little seen before. In a civilized country that tactic should NEVER have got the go ahead, argue otherwise. Like it or not he holocaust pales in comparison to the level of destruction brought about by civilian targeted bombing runs by all nations involved, then and after, including Vietnam. I don't know how you can be so dismissive or defensive over such a horrible tactic and it's origin. I am not arguing Jews were not persecuted, you on the other hand seem to be arguing against this.
Yes I believe both the nazi gas chambers and the declaration of independence took place. Your question is flawed though, and since you don't think some of my points are worth a dignified response then you can figure out the flaw for yourself. What I will say though, is that the details (hint) of a historical fact are the basis of this argument.
I don't expect people to take offense. I try to look at everything as unbiased as possible and keep an open mind that fact is not always fact, in terms of the details. If people want to go ahead and believe every historical or official fact no questions asked, that's up to them. I am quite ashamed for society though if one can not question such historical or official fact with ought being judged as some kind of racist nut case. Every person on this planet has the ability to lie, regardless of what organization or government they belong too. To simply believe that anything put in the history books is true, including all details.. is dangerous imo. Again, I am arguing mostly details, not full out facts.
The reason these details count is because of the mass injustice involved. What the Nazis did to Jews gets way too much attention, to the point it's took on a smoke screen role for western society and media/movies. Where are the endless Hollywood movies of what the Americans did to the Vietnamese, what Churchill did to the Indians/Germans, what we all done to the middle east?. You don't get to see how it ws for the innocent people caught up on the other end of our shitfest.. but lets cry once again for what Nazis did to Jews, and how we stopped it all.
It's not a matter of belief. That's for fake conspiracy theorists.I am not delusional at all. Rather than turn this into a history lesson can you not agree that Churchill opened the door to a tactic that allowed the mass murder of civilians like very little seen before. In a civilized country that tactic should NEVER have got the go ahead, argue otherwise. Like it or not he holocaust pales in comparison to the level of destruction brought about by civilian targeted bombing runs by all nations involved, then and after, including Vietnam. I don't know how you can be so dismissive or defensive over such a horrible tactic and it's origin. I am not arguing Jews were not persecuted, you on the other hand seem to be arguing against this.
Yes I believe both the nazi gas chambers and the declaration of independence took place. Your question is flawed though, and since you don't think some of my points are worth a dignified response then you can figure out the flaw for yourself. What I will say though, is that the details (hint) of a historical fact are the basis of this argument.
I don't expect people to take offense. I try to look at everything as unbiased as possible and keep an open mind that fact is not always fact, in terms of the details. If people want to go ahead and believe every historical or official fact no questions asked, that's up to them. I am quite ashamed for society though if one can not question such historical or official fact with ought being judged as some kind of racist nut case. Every person on this planet has the ability to lie, regardless of what organization or government they belong too. To simply believe that anything put in the history books is true, including all details.. is dangerous imo. Again, I am arguing mostly details, not full out facts.
The reason these details count is because of the mass injustice involved. What the Nazis did to Jews gets way too much attention, to the point it's took on a smoke screen role for western society and media/movies. Where are the endless Hollywood movies of what the Americans did to the Vietnamese, what Churchill did to the Indians/Germans, what we all done to the middle east?. You don't get to see how it ws for the innocent people caught up on the other end of our shitfest.. but lets cry once again for what Nazis did to Jews, and how we stopped it all.
@.nobody.HOAX.. Notice how many WW2 movies Jewish Hollywood has made with Oscar Award Winning Soundtracks to make you feel so sorry for something that has never been proven...
All American history books on the topic of WW2 are all written by Jews who are also the Deans of every Major University... So its beyond easy to manipulate peoples opinions and views.. IVY League Zionist school are masters of changing Historical Facts to serve the Zionist Agenda ..
Chinese Historians dont acknowledge that Millions of Jews died by Hitler... there is no real proof except for Hollywood Hoax movies
You are so utterly full of shit. Ten or twenty years ago I would have invited you to come and spend some time with the dozen or so survivors I have known well. Time has taken them now but I will not allow you to piss on their graves.HOAX.. Notice how many WW2 movies Jewish Hollywood has made with Oscar Award Winning Soundtracks to make you feel so sorry for something that has never been proven...
All American history books on the topic of WW2 are all written by Jews who are also the Deans of every Major University... So its beyond easy to manipulate peoples opinions and views.. IVY League Zionist school are masters of changing Historical Facts to serve the Zionist Agenda ..
Chinese Historians dont acknowledge that Millions of Jews died by Hitler... there is no real proof except for Hollywood Hoax movies
Chinese Historians say...HOAX.. Notice how many WW2 movies Jewish Hollywood has made with Oscar Award Winning Soundtracks to make you feel so sorry for something that has never been proven...
All American history books on the topic of WW2 are all written by Jews who are also the Deans of every Major University... So its beyond easy to manipulate peoples opinions and views.. IVY League Zionist school are masters of changing Historical Facts to serve the Zionist Agenda ..
Chinese Historians dont acknowledge that Millions of Jews died by Hitler... there is no real proof except for Hollywood Hoax movies
Why is that @oswizzle still here? I had it on ignore for a while and was surprised to find out that it's not only posting but has become ever more delusional in its antisemitism. Would our mods tolerate it if it said same about slavery and African Americans? It contributes nothing to the forum. Just spews hate and lies.You are so utterly full of shit. Ten or twenty years ago I would have invited you to come and spend some time with the dozen or so survivors I have known well. Time has taken them now but I will not allow you to piss on their graves.
delusional. Unjustified sense of grandeur. Needs help. Hope he doesn't get it. Soon to be street bum if not already.
It's not a matter of belief. That's for fake conspiracy theorists.
There is no doubt that Hitler planned extermination of the Jews long before he took power. Plenty of documents in their own government establish that he acted on this. Very common for a delusional conspiracy theorist to grab onto one bit of information that is debatable and claim it proves the entire case to be false. Such as 6 million killed. Does it really matter if the number is 4.5 million? Or 11 million? Laughable position to take. "it wasn't 6 million therefore the holocaust didn't happen."
I did not for one second say the Holocaust did not happen or that many people died nor did I try to play down how many did. Read my posts again and try to do it from a less defensive angle. It does not matter if the number was 4.5 or 6 million.. it matters that the number itself was lied about. I mean historically, what does 1.5 million people matter?. Historically, what does it matter how many civilians Churchill killed, Hitler was the true evil after all?. This is not impartial accurate facts and you should have a problem with that.. you really should (just like most news is no longer impartial). Trust me when I tell you that I hate what both Hitler and Churchill did by the same amount. The issue is that the disgust for what was done is not equally distributed by OP title, history books.. or general opinion (All the flame I am getting here for example).
Naturally the point it was all intending to make is that government/mainstream manipulate the narrative into simplistic child like view of life where all is good or all is evil. Western civilization good.... Iraq evil, etc.
Well anyway, on a lighter note.
I think Media has always had an agenda but we just did not know it. Once the internet and the Trojan horse that is social media evolved, we began to see conflicting narratives. Mainstream and government have not yet been able to control/predict it and I think you can see real evidence of that now. Polls over the past years have got so many big events wrong and I believe that is because they reflect an old rigged system trying to survive in the current platform of alternative news that social media provides. Alternative could be good or bad.. depends on if you wanted Trump or you wanted out of the EU. Jeremy corbyn stands to be the next huge upset to old school media. Tory polls stated he had no chance with Teresa may at 80% if I recall, most young people use social media though. They ran a vote reflecting that and he was at around 60% or more across 150k votes, while Teresa may had about 15%. Does not say he is to win but it shows how one ''poll'' to the next can give off a very different picture that very well effects popular opinion. Add to that the relentless mainstream media campaign against him and you can not call this anything else than a pretense of democracy. But hopefully alternative media will continue to enforce real democracy.
LOLI did not for one second say the Holocaust did not happen or that many people died nor did I try to play down how many did. Read my posts again and try to do it from a less defensive angle. It does not matter if the number was 4.5 or 6 million.. it matters that the number itself was lied about. I mean historically, what does 1.5 million people matter?. Historically, what does it matter how many civilians Churchill killed, Hitler was the true evil after all?. This is not impartial accurate facts and you should have a problem with that.. you really should (just like most news is no longer impartial). Trust me when I tell you that I hate what both Hitler and Churchill did by the same amount. The issue is that the disgust for what was done is not equally distributed by OP title, history books.. or general opinion (All the flame I am getting here for example).
Naturally the point it was all intending to make is that government/mainstream manipulate the narrative into simplistic child like view of life where all is good or all is evil. Western civilization good.... Iraq evil, etc.
Also, look at this you quoted.
''After all, the Holocaust has generally been recognized as one of the most terrible crimes that ever took place, and surely the very emblem of evil in the modern age.''
Look at the wording here.. the emblem of evil. What the actual fuck was dropping nukes on civilians then?. Do any of you even understand what a nuke does to people who survive initial blast?. Napalm ranks high in the list of emblems of evil.. but Agent orange, that takes the trophy for me. I'd ask how many of you even know what Agent orange was, let alone it's lasting effects. An interesting fact here though, is that America dropped around 3 or 4x the amount of bombs (can't remember exact figure) on Vietnam than was dropped in WW2. This was not bombing of tactical targets.. it was simply to blanket bomb the entire country and inflict as much civilian/military/infrastructure and agricultural damage as possible. What America done to Japan and Vietnam was worse than what Hitler done to Jews. But that's when controlling the narrative becomes handy. Aka your man is bias.
Do not take this the wrong way, a lot of Americans among others protested endlessly against such actions. They were ignored, just as we now ignore or are not readily told of the events themselves.
Why is that @oswizzle still here? I had it on ignore for a while and was surprised to find out that it's not only posting but has become ever more delusional in its antisemitism. Would our mods tolerate it if it said same about slavery and African Americans? It contributes nothing to the forum. Just spews hate and lies.