GC's 2016/17 outdoor season

lower 2 pics Dynasty Caramel Haze day 34 approx 3' high, typical sativa terpines present...pollinated by GDP x C99, hoping to chunk out these sat genes in this pollen chuck
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Cannaventure Girl Scout Cookies Mix pollinated via Barney Rubble
Trichome Jungle Ginger Bread pollinated via Barney Rubble
lower 3 pics bay Exclusives Tiramisu Cookies(OGKB pheno) pollinated via Barney Rubble day 34 approx 3' high, throwing some exceptional musky type terpines, hard to explain...but nice!
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this Cannaventure Raspberry Kush(cacao/chocolate pheno) x C99 chuck is as near to my ideal as it gets, awesome taste and potency, ease of manicure, bag appeal...ffs it doesnt get any better than this! but the GDP x C99 is a very close second!
GDP x C99
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this root rot disease here is spread in and over the ground, from what i gather its a form of pythium/botrytis/fusarium that is resistant to many forms of control, some farms not so far away are being quarrantined by the government for 30yrs! uncontrollable man!
That sucks to hear. Glad we don't have that disease here on the coast

That sucks to hear. Glad we don't have that disease here on the coast
truly man if you seen the carnage this root rot disease wreaks...can only equate it to a swarm of locusts in its total devastation! cept its just the rootzone demolished, btw hows your hothouse in the scrub coming along? still warm enough here to grow outside but very soon a hothouse will be needed im guessing!
today all pollen chucks have returned home from their various zones, grateful the rippers were not as successful as previous seasons!
zone A
Cannarado Barney Rubble(m)
IHG Platinum Buffalo(f)
IHG cactido(f)
IHG Do-Lato(f)
IHG Timeless Montage(f)
Bay Exclusives Tiramisu Cookies(f) OGKB pheno
Cannaventure Girl Scout Cookies Mix(f)
Raspberry Kush x Mosca C99(f)
UK Cheese x Mikado x Blueberry(f)
GDP x C99(f)
Trichome Jungle Ginger Bread(f)

zone B
GDP x C99(m)
Bay Exclusives Tiramisu Cookies(f)
Dynasty Caramel Haze(f)
Raspberry Kush x C99(f)*
MK Ultra x C99(f)
IHG Platinum Buffalo(f)
IHG Timeless Montage(f)

* culled cos of herm tendency

zone C
G.A.S. Cherry Sherbet(m)
IHG Timeless Montage(f)
Bay Exclusives Tiramisu Cookies(f) stretchy pheno
Cannarado Barney Rubble(f)
Trichome Jungle Ginger Bread(f)
Raspberry Kush x C99(f)
GDP x C99(f)

probably 50% of these chucks will make the grade(hope)...one never knows!
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Jesus fuck how many seeds did you make haha . some nice sounding strains there. Really nice plants you have there. At the moment its still warm here have blue dream,black gum, skunk sativa ,gth1 out in the greenhouses . germinating now out in greenhouses are trippy gorilla ,gorilla bomb,black d.o.g , critical super silver haze, tnr ,pineapple express ,royal purple kush ,THC bomb,kc33 ,cherry bomb, double black, money maker ,Deimos , blue cheese,m.o.b, white widow, sage and sour, and a few other photos and these autos ,auto berry ,auto pineapple express, auto candy kush , magnum, auto ultimate and syrup reg autos to use as breeding males. IMG_20170417_115016.jpg IMG_20170417_115823.jpg IMG_20170417_111233.jpg IMG_20170417_111545.jpg
lol...gotta have large stock of beans cos disease can wipe them out by the handful!, damn good selection you still got going too! wonder when the real cold weather will move in on us?, gotta nut out this greenhouse setup yet...gettin there slowly
lol...gotta have large stock of beans cos disease can wipe them out by the handful!, damn good selection you still got going too! wonder when the real cold weather will move in on us?, gotta nut out this greenhouse setup yet...gettin there slowly
I'd say maybe 3 weeks before the big frosts set in. Been researching big Sativa's and decided to buy golden tiger. Massive plants so hopefully they will be the breeding block for my sativa crosses. Hoping my black dog x royal purple kush will give me a really good spring harvest .
I'd say maybe 3 weeks before the big frosts set in. Been researching big Sativa's and decided to buy golden tiger. Massive plants so hopefully they will be the breeding block for my sativa crosses. Hoping my black dog x royal purple kush will give me a really good spring harvest .
i better get the greenhouse happening soon i think, that golden tiger sounds good, i havnt grown any solid sativa for many yrs...was just looking at the dynasty caramel haze growing here now, she's a real sat girl that one...brings back so many memories when sativa beans were the only types i could find in my backwoods area...long before the internet, sativa were the only types we were growing then
Sounds like a nice sativa. Yeah I remember those days only seeds we could get we're Columbian and Mexican pure Sativa's. Wished I still had those strains would of been great for breeding . big big skinny plants
Sounds like a nice sativa. Yeah I remember those days only seeds we could get we're Columbian and Mexican pure Sativa's. Wished I still had those strains would of been great for breeding . big big skinny plants
where i was we didnt know what types they were, just called it all bush buds lol, we were out of the mainstream, most of it was just average smoko, when one of us dared to hit the big smoke sometimes he would bring back some sticks which many said were thai, but i think old mate just bought a shit lb of bush & wrapped it up himself them scammed us into thinking we were getting something special...hehehe...good ol bush boys ha!
where i was we didnt know what types they were, just called it all bush buds lol, we were out of the mainstream, most of it was just average smoko, when one of us dared to hit the big smoke sometimes he would bring back some sticks which many said were thai, but i think old mate just bought a shit lb of bush & wrapped it up himself them scammed us into thinking we were getting something special...hehehe...good ol bush boys ha!
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thanks man...be very interesting to see how her offspring turn out? a person never knows when a chuck is done
That's true, and there are quite a few that are weaker or have worse structure than the parents, but I love the unexpected surprises. A lot of times, the crosses are kinda what I was expecting in most of the seeds. It is the small portion of seeds where recessive expressions come out that I like finding though. With all those crosses you made I am sure some cool things are going to show up next year.
That's true, and there are quite a few that are weaker or have worse structure than the parents, but I love the unexpected surprises. A lot of times, the crosses are kinda what I was expecting in most of the seeds. It is the small portion of seeds where recessive expressions come out that I like finding though. With all those crosses you made I am sure some cool things are going to show up next year.
thanks, yes pollen chucks are a real gamble...last seasons main hopes of being a success but were a major letdown were the La Plata DGOG & Irie Cookie Stomper, the genes of both those types did not lend themselves to outcrossing!...total flops, was especially interested in DGOG being outbred as its just such a nice plant overall imo...but it was not to be, though everything else hit with the Mosca C99 male turned out very nice, overall i find on average approx 50% in a pollen chuck(of more than 2 strains) wont turn out desirable
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had a feeling the Platinum Buffalo was gonna be a badass bitch! hoping the Cannarado Barney Rubble(FPOG x Orange Cookies) pollen takes in her
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