Who is dumber, Trump or Bush?

Nah, hes intelligent enough to do the job (competency) but he's a self serving piece of shit.

Think along the lines of Senator Palpatine in Star Wars.
I had the dubious pleasure of living through that administration. I know exactly what kind of self dealing power grabbing fuck he was.
If you are on this site you lived through the bush years. It wasnt that long ago
Unlike many here, I was old enough to vote against him.

Our country has been moving to the right since Mr Reagan took office, to the great detriment of anyone not in the top 10% earning brackets.

It's been working more and more poorly as time goes on, meanwhile corporations keep getting more and more tax breaks and subsidies- which makes things worse.

Our country is headed towards aristocracy, a situation not unlike Mexico, where a very few at the top control the entire economy while everyone else lives at the edge of starvation and can't save enough to get ahead.

Mexico's crime rate is a direct result of this situation, where desperation drives people to do whatever they can to make a living, no matter how dangerous.

Leveling the economic playing field is the very best way to keep that kind of thing from happening here. If people can see themselves getting ahead within the system, they won't be so tempted/desperate that they'll seek out a life of crime.

Dumber than Bush.

W. was at least politically experienced enough to occaisionally look semi presidential, and he had the reflexes to duck flying shoes.

Trump regime can't govern, has never looked presidential, and their 2 best options to combat low approval ratings are shooting missles and yelling 'fake news'.

They haven't accomplished anything in 100 days other than a SCOTUS pick and wasting money traveling around and launching tomahawks at low value targets.

Keep up the good work!
I know, I can't wait for them to start another party.
We're not going to start another party, we're going to take the Democratic party over and vote out every corporate establishment politician in office
They think by fracturing the Democrats they can get universal healthcare, living wage, free education, etc all passed in one cycle.
We think by getting rid of the politicians who call themselves Democrats who don't support progressive policies, and by electing actual progressives to replace them, we will achieve things like universal healthcare, a living wage and universal college

You think by continuing to vote for these people, we'll get a 1% change in the right direction, and that's something to actually praise and hope for. That's what's "sad"...
Im still flabbergasted at the idea that the economic powerhouse that America is, does not have a Free Federal healthcare.

Its really strange..weirder even, when people argue against it.(and their normally the people it would benefit the most)
Poor education, a concerted propaganda campaign and cognitive dissonance.

An argument completely lost on them because they lack the vocabulary to understand WTF I'm taking about!
"Socialized" sounds too much like "socialist" and we can't have any of that commie shit here

also, the insurance industry is too entrenched- socialized healthcare would make health insurance obsolete. You're talking billions of dollars that aren't getting siphoned off into people's portfolios
"Socialized" sounds too much like "socialist" and we can't have any of that commie shit here

also, the insurance industry is too entrenched- socialized healthcare would make health insurance obsolete. You're talking billions of dollars that aren't getting siphoned off into people's portfolios
not necessarily. We have both.

Just have to have incentives (like tax breaks, among things like no waiting list for elective surgery etc) to encourage those who can afford private health insurance to have it.

They can live side by side and work together.
"Socialized" sounds too much like "socialist" and we can't have any of that commie shit here

also, the insurance industry is too entrenched- socialized healthcare would make health insurance obsolete. You're talking billions of dollars that aren't getting siphoned off into people's portfolios
Just because it's been wrong for a long time doesn't mean it's immune to being fixed.
a civil rights lawyer who fought for paid leave and union rights while DOL secretary.

nothing qualifies him as a "corporate" democrat, whatever that is.

you have lost your fucking mind.
A corporate Democrat is one who takes corporate money and acts in ways that make it clear s/he wants to keep getting it.

The argument that Tom Perez in a corporate Democrat has a lot of merit. Maybe you should actually listen to some of the YouTube clips being posted here.

Then again, as a Democratic elitist, maybe you're just representing what you really believe; that money really should rule in politics.