Question for x meth users

Fdd is a good guy...never known him to be otherwise...please keep it civil

I dont think so. Of course I probably wouldn't know anyway unless he does it in front of me. I'll look up n see what the tools of the trade look like n then take a quick look around n see if anything looks familiar.
What I read said that even stress can cause a kind of relapse causing behavioral issues.
In the end I know I gotta get outta here...just went to a job interview today. If I get it Im gone.

Are you missing light bulbs?
bro. as a former addict myself i can FIRMLY say that the reason hes stealing your pills is because hes still on drugs. PERIOD. The reason hes always slurring his words is because hes fucking blasted on methadone pills
bro. as a former addict myself i can FIRMLY say that the reason hes stealing your pills is because hes still on drugs. PERIOD. The reason hes always slurring his words is because hes fucking blasted on methadone pills
I don't think he's taking anything other than his mind meds. For the depression, anxiety and shit like that. I know his brain is wasted and I figured it was damage from his former life.
Least I hope that's the case. Anything I should be on the lookout for?
Dam...I feel sorry for the guy...that's always been a problem for me. Its like he looks up to me for guidance or something...he can't even figure out how to use my french press (he broke his kuerig) so rather than ask me every day to show him, because he needs to be shown repeatedly, he just bought a jar of instant.

There's a childlike innocence to James. Or is it stupidity? Is there even a difference? You can see it in his eyes, which can't seem to make eye contact with mine.
Was he born stupid or did the drugs make him that way? I've always wondered if the old adage was true that ignorance is bliss. He looks pretty blissful to me. Always happy go lucky. Not a care in the world. At this moment he's talking baby talk to his chihuahua. With that deep, gruff voice it sounds kind of creepy and unsettling.

I sometimes think there's a purpose for all the things that happen in my life. What could be the purpose for meeting James? Was he brought to me for me to learn something about myself? I mean, I know he won't be in my life in a year, probably less, but what is the nature of this simple human being and what could I possibly learn from him? Am I just over thinking it?
Blissfully ignorant or no I still don't trust him.

Tryna find a job in Sedona today. Red rock country. Fricken beautiful up there. Only been once. Touristy. At least what I saw in that short time. But its a great place to paint and sell my paintings.
I'm not looking forward to another hot ass summer with 110 temps. I would like to stay here in AZ just not southern AZ. I like a little cold and some snow once in a while, Idk, we'll see.

Tomorrow I have a date. With a woman. (I can hear the snickering) Her name is Christel. She's a german citizen living here in AZ. We both are artists. She does beautiful work. When I met her two years ago we had talked about rooming together in Puerto Panasco, Sonora, Mexico. Its a small, touristy, mexican fishing town on the gulf of California. Living like bohemians on great seafood, inexpensive locally made linen clothes and selling our art to tourists and spring breakers from the states.
We still might. Ive never lived in another country. It could be a lot of fun. She knows I'm not into women so there's no sexual tension. I think we'd make good room mates.

Meth mush. That's his brain. Shits just as nasty as heroin. 2 most addictive drugs.. meth and heroin. I would get out. Those people are so unbalanced who knows what could happen. Before you know it he could try something stupid like robbing you or your place. Not that you couldn't handle yourself, Just not worth the risk. Only a matter of time. ( i was a heroin addict for 10 years)
Meth mush. That's his brain. Shits just as nasty as heroin. 2 most addictive drugs.. meth and heroin. I would get out. Those people are so unbalanced who knows what could happen. Before you know it he could try something stupid like robbing you or your place. Not that you couldn't handle yourself, Just not worth the risk. Only a matter of time. ( i was a heroin addict for 10 years)
Yeah ur right.....ima start working on it. It just takes money and a steady job, neither of which i have
Christel is a very ironic name considering the topic of this thread...

As far as the roomie goes, once you get in too deep with meth, it alters your DNA and you become a pathological POS. Find a new one!
Fdd is a good guy...never known him to be otherwise...please keep it civil

I dont think so. Of course I probably wouldn't know anyway unless he does it in front of me. I'll look up n see what the tools of the trade look like n then take a quick look around n see if anything looks familiar.
What I read said that even stress can cause a kind of relapse causing behavioral issues.
In the end I know I gotta get outta here...just went to a job interview today. If I get it Im gone.

So. First of all. Yes, there's hope that he can sober up and be a normal part of society again. I honestly feel like he's still using, the way you explain his uncommon sporadic behavior. In my experience (been around meth for 5+ years) you need to monitor his sleep patterns, and also the actions of his closest friends. Odds are.. if the guy he's chilling with everyday is geeked up and really dingy, you can bet your bottom dollar James is geekin too. It's not common that someone who loves meth can kick it around people who are doing meth and not do it. Straight up. And the methadone problem sucks bro. Hide them hide them hide them. Methadone can be traded or sold to any one who has a thing for painkillers or heroin. I think he's selling them for dope.
So. First of all. Yes, there's hope that he can sober up and be a normal part of society again. I honestly feel like he's still using, the way you explain his uncommon sporadic behavior. In my experience (been around meth for 5+ years) you need to monitor his sleep patterns, and also the actions of his closest friends. Odds are.. if the guy he's chilling with everyday is geeked up and really dingy, you can bet your bottom dollar James is geekin too. It's not common that someone who loves meth can kick it around people who are doing meth and not do it. Straight up. And the methadone problem sucks bro. Hide them hide them hide them. Methadone can be traded or sold to any one who has a thing for painkillers or heroin. I think he's selling them for dope.
james doesnt know but i bought a nanny cam and i know when he comes in my room when im not,here. Which is all the fucking time. Im trying to find nother living situation but there isnt alot in my price range. I even thought of steeping some look a like pills in rat poison, placing them in an old pill bottle nd witing for the inevitable outcome, i hve no respedt dor him at all. Idk...i might even get away with it. I have become one jaded mother fucker.
What's an ex meth user? Does such a thing actually exist?

I'd like to believe, but I've been bitterly disappointed before; Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy...
His actions speak louder than his words. His druggie friends who he talks so much shit about behind their backs keep coming here. Thats what makes me think he's still using.
Dont be a snitch, just lock ur shit away better....
Having an "ex" addict in your house is risky enough, but knowing you have meds around that he could use, and expecting him not to help himself is like expecting a crack fiend to pay back his week old debt LOL.

Edit: just read the post u made about lacing the shit with rat poison. Someone needs to set up a gofundme page for James to get him the fuck away from your murderous ass.
james doesnt know but i bought a nanny cam and i know when he comes in my room when im not,here. Which is all the fucking time. Im trying to find nother living situation but there isnt alot in my price range. I even thought of steeping some look a like pills in rat poison, placing them in an old pill bottle nd witing for the inevitable outcome, i hve no respedt dor him at all. Idk...i might even get away with it. I have become one jaded mother fucker.

Yeah I disagree completely with the post above saying you need to lock YOUR meds up better....seems like somebody may be a James in real life^^^^......can't wait to see the nanny cam footage .....and your known by the company you keep,,,so if he has tweaker friends around him and coming bye know the rest

Explodind dye pack in the cabinet would be awesome lol......come home to James with an orange face ......knowing a tweaker he'd probably say he was eating orange kool aid powder......get em Danny
