Any powdery mildew experts?

Pesticide Residues in Food, 1992 Evaluations: Residues, Part 1 life of myclobutanil&f=false

Look at the half life and assessment of translocation via spraying the leaves as opposed to soaking the roots in grapes and apples. Half life range is 7-30 days with the avg being 10-15 days.
We are poking in the dark on studies unless we have one with MJ. Other plants are not the same. But the avg gives a good reason why MJ wouldn't show any if you spray it by the first day of flowering and the study would show why it probably wouldn't even move into the buds. Xylem up, Phloem down. It doesn't get brought down to the roots to get redistributed. Read the study I posted about translocation when teh roots are soaked.

I was supposed to take pictures of the test results just in case I got into a debate with some people who won't believe me on the internet. Shit I forgot to do that. Correction, I forgot to care. Believe what you want it really doesn't matter to me, at all.

This has been fun but I have better things to do. Let me know if you find a study you understand and proves anything.
That's from 92, science has advanced quite a bit since then
It was used to catch any blowing spores. Then it was mopped up. It was on the floor dumbass not the walls.
Now go back to your hole troll. You are see thru. You have nothing so you just try and dig at everything. Repeatedly showing your failure.
MJ isn't "some crop" and I showed you the avg and general range and told you about my experience. You don't even know the way a plant works and how this systemic fungicide works. Wasted my time with your lack of understanding and pestering.

And futurederm isn't a google scholar paper. You haven't backed anything.
U call him a dumbass but ur wiping up fat which I assure u residue will be left enough to colonise different areas of ur grow. And yes MJ is just some crop amd I provided a ton of preer reviewed papers that u ignored or said it didn't apply even though it Defo did.

PM is systemic and its a generic term that refers to a group of related fungi that are plant-specific and share common symptoms. The PM that can infect ornamentals will not necessarily spread to your vegetable garden or vise versa. However, it does spread easily from plant to plant from active spores. Understanding the difference is important.

Anyone thinking of using Eagle 20 should do their homework first. If you want to use if for your own personal smoke, cool. Have at it....but to sell/give/share cannabis treated with Eagle 20 without FULL disclose is unethical. Especially in a "medical" context due the nature and possibility of a user with a compromised immune system. And by FULL DISCLOSURE I mean a FULL explanation of the dangers and risks associated with Eagle20...not just "oh I had a bout of PM but I sprayed some shit so its cool now"
This is very alarming I hope he knows he is introducing cyanide to people. 205C releases the toxic gas, lighting it up with a butane lighter will definitely exceed that temp.
If this is how you act you aren't helping anyone. You are perpetuating people spreading PM. You even said you never had it, you are talking about something you have NO experience with.
I've proven everything I've said is probable. You just don't understand it.
Some pic of a test isn't going to convince you. You'd say I faked it. There is no way for me to prove anything to you, you are biased and close minded.
He was giving you constructive criticism which u spat back in his face.u disrespected him first like anyone who disagrees with killing patients look through ur thread it follows a specific theme, you're a moron
If this is how you act you aren't helping anyone. You are perpetuating people spreading PM. You even said you never had it, you are talking about something you have NO experience with.
I've proven everything I've said is probable. You just don't understand it.
Some pic of a test isn't going to convince you. You'd say I faked it. There is no way for me to prove anything to you, you are biased and close minded.
I never had pm on an indoor grow.

I've had it a few times with outdoor grows as well as bud rot.

With indoor it is easy to prevent pm. Good airflow, proper humidity and supplemental uv light prevents pm.

You still haven't proved anything. Just conjecture.

Lets see a garden pic.
i get it in the spring sometimes when the weather is very damp, my house is built against the side of a hill and the back gets musty smelling if it rains a lot. i've found that a product called SCD Bio-ag works great, its just a lacto-bacillus culture, you can buy a quart for around 20 bucks. put a teaspoon of molasses in a quart of water, add a half a cup of scd, wait till the next day, you got another quart of scd to spray all your plants with. its the same as people saying spray skim milk on your plants. skim milk has a low fat content so it doesn't promote anything else to grow, and the lacto-bacillus in the milk out competes anything else growing on your plants, then dies off. scd has no fat to begin with, and its pretty much pure lacto-bacillus, so it just cuts out all the bullshit of using skim milk.
This is very alarming I hope he knows he is introducing cyanide to people. 205C releases the toxic gas, lighting it up with a butane lighter will definitely exceed that temp.

Read the whole thread, you are a bit late to the game and these arseholes I'm debating with are liars. First there was none left in the flowers and second you are introducing cyanide(3-5x that found in a cigarette) every time you burn MJ, so unless you know how much more there is with each ppb left in the MJ you don't really sound like you know what you are talking about. No offense but if you didn't know that Hydrogen Cyanide was a NATURAL byproduct of burning MJ and you don't know how much more is created by x amount left in the MJ then you are just fearmongering because there is "more" hydrogen cyanide when there is myclobutonil left in the flowers. Is it something you want, no, but if you need to get rid of PM without fail then it can safely be used to do that. But using a buzzword, cyanide, without knowing amount, etc. you are just trying to make things look as bad as possible(lying) to sway peoples opinions.
And if you vape the buds HC isn't formed and if you eat the buds it'd be the same as eating non organic soybeans, apples, grapes, or any other food that eagle 20 is commonly used on.
I never had pm on an indoor grow.

I've had it a few times with outdoor grows as well as bud rot.

With indoor it is easy to prevent pm. Good airflow, proper humidity and supplemental uv light prevents pm.

You still haven't proved anything. Just conjecture.

Lets see a garden pic.
U dont even need UV just good circulation n a dehumidifier with auro shut off.vwg I go 50 flowering 35% but tbh ove not her plugged in yet since it sicka at 35%
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Read the whole thread, you are a bit late to the game and these arseholes I'm debating with are liars. First there was none left in the flowers and second you are introducing cyanide(3-5x that found in a cigarette) every time you burn MJ, so unless you know how much more there is with each ppb left in the MJ you don't really sound like you know what you are talking about. No offense but if you didn't know that Hydrogen Cyanide was a NATURAL byproduct of burning MJ and you don't know how much more is created by x amount left in the MJ then you are just fearmongering because there is "more" hydrogen cyanide when there is myclobutonil left in the flowers. Is it something you want, no, but if you need to get rid of PM without fail then it can safely be used to do that. But using a buzzword, cyanide, without knowing amount, etc. you are just trying to make things look as bad as possible(lying) to sway peoples opinions.
And if you vape the buds HC isn't formed and if you eat the buds it'd be the same as eating non organic soybeans, apples, grapes, or any other food that eagle 20 is commonly used on.
A debate means both parties have different views but after sharing there views which usually ends with a vote so lets debate; whom thinks this lad doesn't know shit about shit
Why the fuk would I want to show you a picture of my garden? You really think I give 2 shits about what you think of me, my garden or my patients? I have nothing to prove to you. I was giving the OP advice which they asked for and got jumped on by you, the slipper queen and dr who the fuk is he?
I've proven everything I've said is probable. There is NOTHING more I can post or do to "prove" anything. Tell you what, why don't you take a plant, spray some myclobutanil on it to runoff, flower it and take a sample in for a test. That's how science works! I'm sorry I can't do anything to prove anything to you but if I could you wouldn't listen or believe it anyway and i have better things to do with my time then to try and gain "respect" that I don't really care to have.

And slipperqueen, science and the truth don't really care about your vote or view or what you believe. No matter the outcome it still says that myclobutanil can be used safely and effectively to rid prized plants or newly quarantined clones of PM. Period, End of story. That's the way it is whether or not you believe it.

You still haven't proved anything. Just conjecture.

Lets see a garden pic.
Read the whole thread, you are a bit late to the game and these arseholes I'm debating with are liars. First there was none left in the flowers and second you are introducing cyanide(3-5x that found in a cigarette) every time you burn MJ, so unless you know how much more there is with each ppb left in the MJ you don't really sound like you know what you are talking about. No offense but if you didn't know that Hydrogen Cyanide was a NATURAL byproduct of burning MJ and you don't know how much more is created by x amount left in the MJ then you are just fearmongering because there is "more" hydrogen cyanide when there is myclobutonil left in the flowers. Is it something you want, no, but if you need to get rid of PM without fail then it can safely be used to do that. But using a buzzword, cyanide, without knowing amount, etc. you are just trying to make things look as bad as possible(lying) to sway peoples opinions.
And if you vape the buds HC isn't formed and if you eat the buds it'd be the same as eating non organic soybeans, apples, grapes, or any other food that eagle 20 is commonly used on.

The amount of HC in cannabis may not be enough to be to lethal and like you stated it's a natural byproduct. Our bodies can consume small amounts of HC which it is also found in some common foods not just cannabis and cigarettes. Very close mind of you to only think that. However HC can become dangerous when you hit 50mg-200mg level. Why do think the federal government banned Eagle 20 on tobacco?? Your portray of ignorance is even more evident when your excuse is "since I don't know how much more will be created by x amount left it's ok to use as long as it's getting rid of PM" Hydrogen Cyanide is not a "buzzword" or anything to take lightly when you are using it as a fungicide and supplying to people who are unaware. Yes it is "considered" harmless when you eat it as a grape that has been sprayed with Eagle 20 but when heated it does produces a chemical that is harmful and even more to someone who has an immune deficiency condition. If what your doing is for your own consumption by all means do what you need to do. Otherwise people like you give the industry a bad reputation by taking advantage for your own benefit at the expense of someone's health.
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I dont see pm and never used a fungicide I admit, but if a must I think the safest way to use even an approved fungicide to save genetics would be to treat infected clones, take cuttings from those cured clones after the plants grow out in veg, kill infected/treated host plants. root, veg, flower new pm free untreated clones as normal? run two dehumidifiers, move more warm dry air, and never never take in a stranger plant.
I shit in a tortilla, but wiped it down real good so that when tested the levels of fecal matter were acceptable by the FDA.

Anyone want a taco?
The government never banned eagle 20 on tobacco. It was never tested to be used on tobacco. Show me where it says anything about it being tested and shown to be too toxic to use and that it doesn't ever dissipate in tobacco. It's NOT ALLOWED for use on tobacco because it's not been tested to be used on tobacco. It has not been tested to show the amount of time you have to wait for it to be reduced to an nonharmful level for use on tobacco. Please understand the difference or show me where it has been tested and chosen to be banned for use.

Who said anything about giving it to people unaware that you used it?

As I have said elsewhere that it is only used in 2ml per gallon and is only 20% myclobutanil. Do you know how many plants you can spray with a gallon of water? Do you know how much you'd have to consume to get to 50-200mg? Do you know the half life? Did you even read how I used it and that NONE WAS LEFT IN THE FLOWERS?
Please read the whole thread before you reply so I don't have to hold you by the hand to go back over everything that was said and the lies being cast by the 3 trolls I'm "debating". If you don't believe me fine but don't make me rehash the whole story.

The amount of HC in cannabis may not be enough to be to lethal and like you stated it's a natural byproduct. Our bodies can consume small amounts of HC which it is also found in some common foods not just cannabis and cigarettes. Very close mind of you to only think that. However HC can become dangerous when you hit 50mg-200mg level. Why do think the federal government banned Eagle 20 on tobacco?? Your portray of ignorance is even more evident when your excuse is "since I don't know how much more will be created by x amount left it's ok to use as long as it's getting rid of PM" Hydrogen Cyanide is not a "buzzword" or anything to take lightly when you are using it as a fungicide and supplying to people who are unaware. Yes it is "considered" harmless when you eat it as a grape that has been sprayed with Eagle 20 but when heated it does produces a chemical that is harmful and even more to someone who has an immune deficiency condition. If what your doing is for your own consumption by all means do what you need to do. Otherwise people like you give the industry a bad reputation by taking advantage for your own benefit at the expense of someone's health.
Well, I have to chime in here. I've used it myself in the past. Mainly before all the flack that has/is being slung around about it. Used it on a Fruity Pebbles & a Blueberry strain I was running. If I recall correctly, I used it almost 2 weeks before flowering because at that time I had a few patches of the PM show up on both of those said strains. It did the trick with 1st application, never seen any pm after that point. I then made sure to flush heavily at the end of the flowering cycle. Never noted any traces of it. Since then I've stepped away from pesticides and fungusides and try to solve any issues that arise without all that. All organic now and haven't looked back.
Well, I have to chime in here. I've used it myself in the past. Mainly before all the flack that has/is being slung around about it. Used it on a Fruity Pebbles & a Blueberry strain I was running. If I recall correctly, I used it almost 2 weeks before flowering because at that time I had a few patches of the PM show up on both of those said strains. It did the trick with 1st application, never seen any pm after that point. I then made sure to flush heavily at the end of the flowering cycle. Never noted any traces of it. Since then I've stepped away from pesticides and fungusides and try to solve any issues that arise without all that. All organic now and haven't looked back.
The insulting wasnt directed at u btw
The amount of HC in cannabis may not be enough to be to lethal and like you stated it's a natural byproduct. Our bodies can consume small amounts of HC which it is also found in some common foods not just cannabis and cigarettes. Very close mind of you to only think that. However HC can become dangerous when you hit 50mg-200mg level. Why do think the federal government banned Eagle 20 on tobacco?? Your portray of ignorance is even more evident when your excuse is "since I don't know how much more will be created by x amount left it's ok to use as long as it's getting rid of PM" Hydrogen Cyanide is not a "buzzword" or anything to take lightly when you are using it as a fungicide and supplying to people who are unaware. Yes it is "considered" harmless when you eat it as a grape that has been sprayed with Eagle 20 but when heated it does produces a chemical that is harmful and even more to someone who has an immune deficiency condition. If what your doing is for your own consumption by all means do what you need to do. Otherwise people like you give the industry a bad reputation by taking advantage for your own benefit at the expense of someone's health.
This has literally all been said to him already but worded in different ways to try n sway his stubbornness. I even linked a few peer reviewed papers on it. And hes produced no solid evidence as I already stated and you the decarboxylation during the introduction of fire will make it pretty dangerous..straight into the bronchioles n your aystem n to top it off im aasuming most his patients have some forum of cancer so their immune aystem may be compromised in some Way depending on the stage of the ur stupidity is gonna kill ppl, probably already has. take not how I replaced stupidity with ignorance as weve u well informed now so the only concluaion is ur a dumbass
Can't we all just get along.. gee wiz.
Hes poisoning ppl with damaged immune systems or even fine immune systems. We cant have this level of misinformation on the forum. Think of a NOOB using this shit thinking its cool with great results so keeps applying n boom ppl die literally if levels are high enough but tbh if its smoked I personally wouldnt buy it even at 100 an oz even if it was sprayed once