We're Buying Mexico A New Wall

Never heard of him.

Suuurrrreeee ya have, he's one of the 'precious few' (slimebags) here that shares your nazi ideals, guilt-based impotence, general misery, and utter devaluation of life itself.

You two should get together, maybe split a bottle of MD 20/20 while you talk about what it's like to be middle aged and working for minimum wage, all the while disappointing your families and adding zero to society!
Suuurrrreeee ya have, he's one of the 'precious few' (slimebags) here that shares your nazi ideals, guilt-based impotence, general misery, and utter devaluation of life itself.

You two should get together, maybe split a bottle of MD 20/20 while you talk about what it's like to be middle aged and working for minimum wage, all the while disappointing your families and adding zero to society!
I don't know the guy, but like you he sounds like a serious dipshit.
I think I have two doses here. 5.2lbs of San Pedro (1 was 12x4, the other was 12x3). Crockpot'd for 12 hours, then reduced from 3 quarts to 6 ounces.

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Read my sig, cop, you've already admitted it.

Why you so anti 2A?
I really have no clue what you are talking about? Anti 2A , are you talking about company? I think you are talking about you make believe 50 Cal?

Read my sig, cop, you've already admitted it.
Officer Stroker here, I want you to come down to the station.
I'm still waiting bonehead lol