Brand newbie starting first grow- all advice is welcome


Active Member
Thank you for anyone taking the time to read this. I will mkae a list of what i have purchased below. If anyone would share their best recommendations on how to go about this i would greatly appreciate it. I live in the Midwest and will start this inside and transplant it to outdoors in an area with plenty of sun. Here is what i have so far:
Marijuana Horticultural indoor/outdoor medical growers bible (just in case no one wants to help )
Seeds: 5 white widow X AWW X Headband Mikado
10-12 White grapes seed from hazeman
5 Berry 47 Auto ( purple AK 47 Auto IBL X Auto Berry IBL)
Fox Farm Soil
Sun Blaze T5 high output 120 volt fluorescent fixture (2k lumens per lamp totaling 4k lumens)
10 2 gallon "smart pot" growing containers. there a cloth style pot for those who dont know. store said there great.
1 root riot plant starter w 50 cubes. Im told its a mini indoor greenhouse to start your grow?

My question is how long do I leave the seeds under the grow light? I heard 18 hrs/ day? could i go all day? how high above the root starter should i hang the light?
at what point do i transplant them out doors? How many seed starter cubes can i place per 2gal pot? I dont want to stunt there growth by not allowing enough grow room.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!
No offense intended but get a book like The Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes you will be miles ahead. good luck
No offense intended but get a book like The Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes you will be miles ahead. good luck

Thank you. I asked the guy at the store the best book for idiots and that's what he recommended. Ill hop on amazon and locate a copy. Thank you
While your waiting for the one on Amazon to arrive, you can Google search "cannabis grow bible pdf" and the first link has a copy of the book that you can read for free. I would link it but I'm too new to post a link lol
While your waiting for the one on Amazon to arrive, you can Google search "cannabis grow bible pdf" and the first link has a copy of the book that you can read for free. I would link it but I'm too new to post a link lol

excellent thank you very much. I appreciate it. Everyone heres alot friendlier than bodybuilding boards for instance "why dont you try google a@@hole" lol. Thanks alot
If anyone cares I guess ill post up. I started them inside under the light i bought last night. I figure this is a trial an error first run so might as well give it a go. I just need to figure out how long to run the light for. I have to head down south towards the end of the week. I have my fingers crossed I might be able to transplant them to the outdoors by then?
In addition to the Grow Bible, I got a lot of help from com

Im checking it now thank you. I tried to find a "growing weed for dummies" book like they have for how to use the internet but i couldn't find such a book. maybe after i learn i can fill that void in the market lol.
If anyone cares I guess ill post up. I started them inside under the light i bought last night. I figure this is a trial an error first run so might as well give it a go. I just need to figure out how long to run the light for. I have to head down south towards the end of the week. I have my fingers crossed I might be able to transplant them to the outdoors by then?
goto the newbie grows threads. There are 100's as yourself that start these threads and many if not all your questions have been answered.

It just takes effort on your part to use the search board.
goto the newbie grows threads. There are 100's as yourself that start these threads and many if not all your questions have been answered.

It just takes effort on your part to use the search board.

I have been doing alot of reading. I just get confused because everyone situation or grow tools or strains are different so they adapt it from their and I dont feel comfortable making those decisions just yet. Since this is my first time doing anything other than pumpkins, tulips, and tomatoes I guess Im worried and overthinking it. Ill keep reading though and attempt to piece things together.
I personally find that growing the plant is rather easy and rewarding. Rabbits, deer, bugs, mold, storms, rippers, and cops are troublesome.

You are right about this guy says this and that guy says that. I take all of what I have read and experienced, and then use my gut.
I have been doing alot of reading. I just get confused because everyone situation or grow tools or strains are different so they adapt it from their and I dont feel comfortable making those decisions just yet. Since this is my first time doing anything other than pumpkins, tulips, and tomatoes I guess Im worried and overthinking it. Ill keep reading though and attempt to piece things together.

Old friend told me, that if you can grow tomatoes, you can grow cannabis just takes a little longer
Old friend told me, that if you can grow tomatoes, you can grow cannabis just takes a little longer

well thats reassuring. I checked this am and in about 72hrs my seeds have began to sprout under an indoor light and mini greenhouse. I planted 2 outside yesterday (seeds) to see how they differ from starting under a indoor grow light versus good old mother nature.
Well here we are after I think 72-84 hrs. Well I tried to post a pic but im unable too. Do I need to host them on another sight in order to post? I tried to use snipit to post also. No such luck. I have some small sprouts about the length of my pinky finger nail. eventually, sooner than later there going to go outside to be free.
Well here we are after I think 72-84 hrs. Well I tried to post a pic but im unable too. Do I need to host them on another sight in order to post? I tried to use snipit to post also. No such luck. I have some small sprouts about the length of my pinky finger nail. eventually, sooner than later there going to go outside to be free.

dude look at the bottom, see where it says "upload a file", there you upload pics
Thanks Budman. I had an open box in my lower corner that kept popping up for an outlook error so I couldn't see that. Now it makes sense. Thank you. That tray has been under a sun blaze T5 fluorescent 4k Lumens for going on 4 days now. I know its not much to see but thats what Ive got started.


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For the little ones with the shell still stuck on, try misting them every so often to soften them up so they open up and fall off easy on their own.
Thank you for anyone taking the time to read this. I will mkae a list of what i have purchased below. If anyone would share their best recommendations on how to go about this i would greatly appreciate it. I live in the Midwest and will start this inside and transplant it to outdoors in an area with plenty of sun. Here is what i have so far:
Marijuana Horticultural indoor/outdoor medical growers bible (just in case no one wants to help )
Seeds: 5 white widow X AWW X Headband Mikado
10-12 White grapes seed from hazeman
5 Berry 47 Auto ( purple AK 47 Auto IBL X Auto Berry IBL)
Fox Farm Soil
Sun Blaze T5 high output 120 volt fluorescent fixture (2k lumens per lamp totaling 4k lumens)
10 2 gallon "smart pot" growing containers. there a cloth style pot for those who dont know. store said there great.
1 root riot plant starter w 50 cubes. Im told its a mini indoor greenhouse to start your grow?

My question is how long do I leave the seeds under the grow light? I heard 18 hrs/ day? could i go all day? how high above the root starter should i hang the light?
at what point do i transplant them out doors? How many seed starter cubes can i place per 2gal pot? I dont want to stunt there growth by not allowing enough grow room.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!
My go to advice for novice growers is to pop a bunch of bag seed a couple of weeks before your good ones. That way you can kill a few without the social, and economic pressures that come with bought seeds.

Good luck to you.
For the little ones with the shell still stuck on, try misting them every so often to soften them up so they open up and fall off easy on their own.

Ok thank you very much. I will give that a shot today. Since Im starting these indoors and moving them to outside do you know 1. how long to leave them under 24hr light? and 2. how long to leave them indoors before moving them to 3gal pots I got for ea.