Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

Idiot you have no argument, you haven't got even a clue.
Jack ass, youre a noisy bigoted gum flapper, nothing more. "Working the amount of hours justifies" ? What the fuck are you trying to express. Whatever youre doing hasnt helped with your syntax or clown like assertions. Your critical thinking skills are abysmal. If you uttered that idiot shit in a critical thinking class perhapbs then you'd get a taste of the "real world". Youre a noisy fucking half witted bigot. Shut the fuck up, be humble and learn something before you flunk out.

Report me? For speaking the truth? Okay bub

Flunk out? haha! I'm on Dean's list w/ a 3.9+ GPA and an A in world politics? A in women's studies? I can succeed in even the most liberally biased courses taught by liberal professors. In fact, I was praised by my world politics teacher for the clarity of my writing.

Working a lot of hours does not justify me seeing the real world. BUT, I am self-sufficient at the age of 19 unlike most kids my age living at home. I would say I have had a good dose of reality

I do not condemn people on their race. Since you focus on terror, THIS is the more of the real Islamic world. Here:
1. Muhammed allows sex slavery: (Quran 33:50)
2. Muhammed married Aisha, a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9 (Sahih 8:3309).
3. There are 109 verses alone for killing unbelievers (Quran 2:191-193 and 108 others!)
4. Muhammed advocated the beating of wives (Quran 4:34)
5. Rape women in front of their husbands? Hadith (Abu Dawud: 2150)
Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is YOU who is blind to the reality of this world.
Report me? For speaking the truth? Okay bub
I was praised by my world politics teacher for the clarity of my writing.

Working a lot of hours does not justify me seeing the real world. BUT, I am self-sufficient at the age of 19 unlike most kids my age living at home. I would say I have had a good dose of reality

I do not condemn people on their race. Since you focus on terror, THIS is the more of the real Islamic world. Here:
1. Muhammed allows sex slavery: (Quran 33:50)
2. Muhammed married Aisha, a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9 (Sahih 8:3309).
3. There are 109 verses alone for killing unbelievers (Quran 2:191-193 and 108 others!)
4. Muhammed advocated the beating of wives (Quran 4:34)
5. Rape women in front of their husbands? Hadith (Abu Dawud: 2150)
Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is YOU who is blind to the reality of this world.


you've left a load of fucking incoherent turds here, Is this a sample of your clarity:

"I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

"In The welder makes more than the philosopher, but yet you dump on community college?"

Simpleton, that shit is incoherent, it contains ideas that are logically unconnected, and it reveals a juvenile level of intellectual; and psychological development. Youre a bloated jack ass son. The idiot shit you post does not look, smell or sound like any kind of educated well reasoned thinking.

Posting absurd old scripture doesnt make you an exegete it makes you a fucking clueless, bigoted asswipe.

I never used the word "report" if you are afflicted with cognitive issues fess up and I'll ignore your ignorance.
Last edited:

"The argument that this was a one-off incident is just false. These attacks have popped up time and time again throughout the West. It’s not just the Quebec mosque attack that occurred last month or the 2015 Charleston mass shooting at a black church. They have occurred so frequently that Ben Mathis-Lilley managed to compile a list of 32 fatal white extremist attacks since Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, including attacks by Ku Klux Klan leader Frazier Glenn Miller in 2014, neo-Nazi Keith Luke in 2009, and white supremacist James von Brunn in 2009. (And it doesn’t even include attacks outside the US, like the 2011 Norway attacks by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik.)

And the statistics, in fact, show that right-wing extremist attacks, often carried out by white supremacists and nationalists, have typically killed more Americans in most years than Muslim jihadist terrorist attacks since 9/11. (Although deaths from terrorism are very rare in the US: As my colleague Zack Beauchamp noted, deaths from terrorism by Muslims, as one example, make up one-third of 1 percent of all murders in the US.)

These attacks aren’t happening in a vacuum; there are organized groups encouraging these kinds of atrocities in America. Consider, for example, that the KKK is the US’s original terrorist group, inspiring the first federal antiterrorism law — the Ku Klux Act — ever. The Southern Poverty Law Center has a frightening map of hate groups, ranging from neo-Nazis to other white nationalists, that number in the hundreds in the US. And some of these groups have grown in the past few years — such as the alt-right, a fringe far-right movement with racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Semitic views.

We also can’t ignore the rise of right-wing nationalist political parties in the West over the past few years — driven largely, according to the empirical research, by hateful attitudes toward immigrants and Muslims. After all, Alexandre Bissonnette, the 27-year-old who attacked a mosque in Quebec last month, was reportedly a fan of far-right-wing politicians like France’s Marine Le Pen and President Donald Trump.

Many of these groups’ leaders will say they don’t advocate for violence. Alt-right leader Richard Spencer, for example, has said he wants a “peaceful ethnic cleansing” of America — an obviously absurd and extremely hateful proposition. And Le Pen’s party called the Quebec mosque attack “deplorable.” (Trump, however, has not addressed the attack publicly.)

But when you trade in rhetoric that’s explicitly hateful toward minorities, it’s not really surprising that some members will take that message to an extreme, as has happened time and time again in America and other Western nations."

you've left a load of fucking incoherent turds here, Is this a sample of your clarity: "I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

Simpleton that shit is incoherent it contains ideas that are logically unconnected, and it reveals a juvenile level of intellectual; and psychological development. Youre a bloated jack ass son. The idiot shit you post does not look smell or sound like any kind of educated well reasoned thinking.

Posting absurd old scripture doesnt make you an exegete it makes you a fucking clueless bigoted asswipe.

I never used the word "report" if you are afflicted with cognitive issues fess up and I'll ignore your ignorance.


you've left a load of fucking incoherent turds here, Is this a sample of your clarity: "I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

Simpleton that shit is incoherent it contains ideas that are logically unconnected, and it reveals a juvenile level of intellectual; and psychological development. Youre a bloated jack ass son. The idiot shit you post does not look smell or sound like any kind of educated well reasoned thinking.

Posting absurd old scripture doesnt make you an exegete it makes you a fucking clueless bigoted asswipe,

When you compare the "old scripture" to modern predominantly Muslim countries, there is little difference.
See: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, all preform hanging of gays.

Al-Queda, ISIS, Hamas, all rampant in the region.

Egypt and other "Arab Spring" countries voted in the Muslim Brotherhood after overthrowing their government. AKA the MAJORITY via democracy want Sharia law as the law.

Just saying over and over that my arguments are "incoherent" and full of crap doesn't mean you make a valid argument. You also make personal attacks w/out proof that I'm wrong. It means you have little means of disproving my claims (because they are true). You are the true simple boy here.

"The argument that this was a one-off incident is just false. These attacks have popped up time and time again throughout the West. It’s not just the Quebec mosque attack that occurred last month or the 2015 Charleston mass shooting at a black church. They have occurred so frequently that Ben Mathis-Lilley managed to compile a list of 32 fatal white extremist attacks since Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, including attacks by Ku Klux Klan leader Frazier Glenn Miller in 2014, neo-Nazi Keith Luke in 2009, and white supremacist James von Brunn in 2009. (And it doesn’t even include attacks outside the US, like the 2011 Norway attacks by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik.)

And the statistics, in fact, show that right-wing extremist attacks, often carried out by white supremacists and nationalists, have typically killed more Americans in most years than Muslim jihadist terrorist attacks since 9/11. (Although deaths from terrorism are very rare in the US: As my colleague Zack Beauchamp noted, deaths from terrorism by Muslims, as one example, make up one-third of 1 percent of all murders in the US.)

These attacks aren’t happening in a vacuum; there are organized groups encouraging these kinds of atrocities in America. Consider, for example, that the KKK is the US’s original terrorist group, inspiring the first federal antiterrorism law — the Ku Klux Act — ever. The Southern Poverty Law Center has a frightening map of hate groups, ranging from neo-Nazis to other white nationalists, that number in the hundreds in the US. And some of these groups have grown in the past few years — such as the alt-right, a fringe far-right movement with racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Semitic views.

We also can’t ignore the rise of right-wing nationalist political parties in the West over the past few years — driven largely, according to the empirical research, by hateful attitudes toward immigrants and Muslims. After all, Alexandre Bissonnette, the 27-year-old who attacked a mosque in Quebec last month, was reportedly a fan of far-right-wing politicians like France’s Marine Le Pen and President Donald Trump.

Many of these groups’ leaders will say they don’t advocate for violence. Alt-right leader Richard Spencer, for example, has said he wants a “peaceful ethnic cleansing” of America — an obviously absurd and extremely hateful proposition. And Le Pen’s party called the Quebec mosque attack “deplorable.” (Trump, however, has not addressed the attack publicly.)

But when you trade in rhetoric that’s explicitly hateful toward minorities, it’s not really surprising that some members will take that message to an extreme, as has happened time and time again in America and other Western nations."

Okay so obviously the KKK groups are NOT okay. And killing Muslims NOT okay. When did I align myself with racism? I didn't. Stop making unfounded claims. I am criticizing a religion's doctrines of Jihad, Sharia, Taqiyya and how they truly ARE realized in places where that particular religion is dominant. Just the other day, in Deareborn Michigan there is a case of two AMERICAN Muslim doctors preforming genital mutilation on a pair of 7 year old girls.

Statistically, you mention 32 total right-wing extremist attacks in 16 years since 9/11. Did I not just point out there was 32 Islamic terror attacks that killed 404 and injured over 200 in the last two weeks ALONE?

That only proves the disproportion of Islamic terror. 32 every other week or 32 every 16 years? I'll go with America over the Middle East on this one bub.
The God of Abraham killed damn near everyone on Earth

Wow, that is dumb.

First, that's an attempted deflection (it appears you use deflection to attack Christianity or Jews?). Second, you further prove my point, wince We are talking about Islam which you clearly don't understand is the God of Abraham! It is an Abrahamic religion, just like Jews or Christians.

I'm not Christian apologist, as I'm not really a Christian. But, with a keen eye you will see a different message in Christianity than in Islam. The end message in the New Testament is to "love thy neighbor" and "who lives by the sword dies by the sword" so it is not up to man in the Christian perspective to commit violence in any form toward unbelievers. It is up to God to do any of that sort of thing as we see in the Old Testament. Even though Christians have unfortunately killed unbelievers throughout history, such as the inquisitions and the slaughter of Native Americans, the practice is still very unbiblical in any form considering the teachings of Jesus.
dude youre a fucking idiot. i'm not "saying it" I'm documenting it, citing it, using your words as proof.

Your sentences are incoherent, your logic is plainly faulty. Your knowledge of religion and religious texts is non existent. Youre a fucking noisy, bloated bigot. Your idiot rants are laughable turds by an ignorant bigot.

My Grammar is fine, for crying out loud. You don't document anything? You might use my quotes but you don't use logic to disprove them other than "it's full of incoherent shit". That doesn't get you anywhere in terms of argumentative productivity

The only person who makes arguments based on fact is HAF2
Okay so obviously the KKK groups are NOT okay. And killing Muslims NOT okay. When did I align myself with racism? I didn't. Stop making unfounded claims.
I posted an article. I didn't mention you, quote you, or make any claim about you in any way.

It's interesting that posting about alt-right hate groups made you feel like you were being attacked.

you stupid fuck, i posted your incoherent "sentences" and you're denying it? Youre the definition of a fucking idiot. I never used the word "grammar" asshole. "argumentative productivity" idiot you cannot present a single coherent thought. You gas bag about religion yet you have no intellectual training or experience with the texts. Youre a flaccid clown dude.

Youre too fucking arrogant and naive to grasp that you are totally out of your depth here. Stop the lying and the ridiculous, child like arguments you learned in creation camp. Youre no scholar, you're not a nimble thinker, you fail in attempting to communicate your thoughts in writing. You need the schooling. Stop being a fucking know it all, stoking your ignorant beliefs they are making you into an impotent, laughable alt-rt caricature.

"The most violent religion on Earth is any that have people in them. Those who are trying to win elections or ratings by telling us scary Muslim stories are playing a dangerous game. They are calling into question the basic humanity of others, making it easier for us to tolerate their persecution. They’ll get as far as our ignorance and cowardice will allow.

No matter what a religion teaches, some bloody-minded believers will twist it to justify their own dark urges. Religion does what people tell it to do. There is a clear connection between religion and violence – human beings."

Can you seriously not comprehend these statements? GO back to school bub.

"I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

I referenced the hours I work and my self-sufficiency to prove that I can hold my own in this world, which proves I can understand enough of reality to at least take care of myself unlike many 19 year-olds.

"In The welder makes more than the philosopher, but yet you dump on community college?"

You were claiming that I go to community college as if it were worse than going to regular University (which isn't true). BUT, I said that the welder (community college) makes more than the philosopher (crappy expensive University degree) to prove that community college at times is much more economically maximizing than a 4 year University.

"Youre too fucking arrogant and naive to grasp that you are totally out of your depth here. Stop the lying and the ridiculous, child like arguments you learned in creation camp. Youre no scholar, you're not a nimble thinker, you fail in attempting to communicate your thoughts in writing. You need the schooling. Stop being a fucking know it all, stoking your ignorant beliefs they are making you into an impotent, laughable alt-rt caricature."

Not one valid argument you only call names, once again. What a waste of words. I make valid arguments myself and you act like a child in return.

"The most violent religion on Earth is that any of the people that are in them"

Not necessarily. You don't see Southern Baptists or other Christian groups murdering people on the mass scale that Muslims do. That is because Islam preaches violence and most other religions DON'T
I posted an article. I didn't mention you, quote you, or make any claim about you in any way.

It's interesting that posting about alt-right hate groups made you feel like you were being attacked.

View attachment 3930940
You rang their dinner bell. But he's just terrified of brown people, you can see it in his posts. I don't think I could live my life being in fear like that
Can you seriously not comprehend these statements? GO back to school bub.

"I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

I referenced the hours I work and my self-sufficiency to prove that I can hold my own in this world, which proves I can understand enough of reality to at least take care of myself unlike many 19 year-olds.

"In The welder makes more than the philosopher, but yet you dump on community college?"

You were claiming that I go to community college as if it were worse than going to regular University (which isn't true). BUT, I said that the welder (community college) makes more than the philosopher (crappy expensive University degree) to prove that community college at times is much more economically maximizing than a 4 year University.

"Youre too fucking arrogant and naive to grasp that you are totally out of your depth here. Stop the lying and the ridiculous, child like arguments you learned in creation camp. Youre no scholar, you're not a nimble thinker, you fail in attempting to communicate your thoughts in writing. You need the schooling. Stop being a fucking know it all, stoking your ignorant beliefs they are making you into an impotent, laughable alt-rt caricature."

Not one valid argument you only call names, once again. What a waste of words. I make valid arguments myself and you act like a child in return.

"The most violent religion on Earth is that any of the people that are in them"

Not necessarily. You don't see Southern Baptists or other Christian groups murdering people on the mass scale that Muslims do. That is because Islam preaches violence and most other religions DON'T
I remember when I was 19 and thought I had everything figured out too.. it's ok
Can you seriously not comprehend these statements? GO back to school bub.

"I think working the amount of hours that I do justifies seeing the real world for what it is." ?

I referenced the hours I work and my self-sufficiency to prove that I can hold my own in this world, which proves I can understand enough of reality to at least take care of myself unlike many 19 year-olds.

"In The welder makes more than the philosopher, but yet you dump on community college?"

You were claiming that I go to community college as if it were worse than going to regular University (which isn't true). BUT, I said that the welder (community college) makes more than the philosopher (crappy expensive University degree) to prove that community college at times is much more economically maximizing than a 4 year University.

"Youre too fucking arrogant and naive to grasp that you are totally out of your depth here. Stop the lying and the ridiculous, child like arguments you learned in creation camp. Youre no scholar, you're not a nimble thinker, you fail in attempting to communicate your thoughts in writing. You need the schooling. Stop being a fucking know it all, stoking your ignorant beliefs they are making you into an impotent, laughable alt-rt caricature."

Not one valid argument you only call names, once again. What a waste of words. I make valid arguments myself and you act like a child in return.

"The most violent religion on Earth is that any of the people that are in them"

Not necessarily. You don't see Southern Baptists or other Christian groups murdering people on the mass scale that Muslims do. That is because Islam preaches violence and most other religions DON'T

Witless child your diaper is full. The stench is overpowering me. I surrender.

upload_2017-4-25_11-50-53.jpegupload_2017-4-25_11-50-53.jpegupload_2017-4-25_11-50-53.jpeg upload_2017-4-25_11-50-53.jpeg
I posted an article. I didn't mention you, quote you, or make any claim about you in any way.

It's interesting that posting about alt-right hate groups made you feel like you were being attacked.

View attachment 3930940

The article mentions how racist groups like neo-nazis are and how they are connected to the "alt-right". Right here:
"But when you trade in rhetoric that’s explicitly hateful toward minorities, it’s not really surprising that some members will take that message to an extreme, as has happened time and time again in America and other Western nations."

This has no relation whatsoever to the violence of Islam that is rampant in the Middle East. It only addresses the domestic, American problem of white nationalism, etc. Not the worldwide problem of Jihad, etc.

You rang their dinner bell. But he's just terrified of brown people, you can see it in his posts. I don't think I could live my life being in fear like that

Not ONCE do I attack "brown people". I attack the violent doctrines of Jihad, Sharia, and Taqiyya and their real-world realizations in the Middle East. Whoever follows them whether they be any color is of no concern to me. I simply disagree with killing nonbelievers and the treatment of women like dogs.
You rang their dinner bell. But he's just terrified of brown people, you can see it in his posts. I don't think I could live my life being in fear like that
I don't understand all religion equally. I don't fear the religious, but I have a hard time understanding them.
I do fear extremists from all sects. But extremists have simularities with other extremists. Not so much with other people of their most obvious group(s). In my opinion.