get ready for new home prices to go up.

They don't complain because they're easy to replace hmmmmmmm strange

they don't complain because they are not entitled, whiny, selfish pussies like you.

they take jobs from lazy foreigners like you because they are better than you at those jobs. they don't sit back and cry for their government to put a tariff on the foreigners just so that they can be competitive.

you lazy, mediocre white.
Well again you sadly are misinformed. I never stated I cut trees for a living I have family that do. Nor am I worried about my work as I have a good job in technology with my bachelors in computer science as well as countless( well they can be counted) certifications from comptia, Microsoft and Cisco. Plus on top of it all I have my little farm with pigs, chickens and all that stuff so I'm fairly busy. See I knew you were from one of those liberal chapped ass states. Boudrouex's butt paste would make a killing in those states. @bundee1 as I said immigrants can come here the right way or piss off I grow my own food I have three pigs Berkshire ones to be exact that will make tasty bacon and such in august as well as 124 ish chickens. Oh and yes cannabis is legal for medical use here in Michigan, Louisiana meh not so much but that's my real home.
nobody cares about you. The right sure like to talk about themselves. Just like their maximum leader.
Well again you sadly are misinformed. I never stated I cut trees for a living I have family that do. Nor am I worried about my work as I have a good job in technology with my bachelors in computer science as well as countless( well they can be counted) certifications from comptia, Microsoft and Cisco. Plus on top of it all I have my little farm with pigs, chickens and all that stuff so I'm fairly busy. See I knew you were from one of those liberal chapped ass states. Boudrouex's butt paste would make a killing in those states. @bundee1 as I said immigrants can come here the right way or piss off I grow my own food I have three pigs Berkshire ones to be exact that will make tasty bacon and such in august as well as 124 ish chickens. Oh and yes cannabis is legal for medical use here in Michigan, Louisiana meh not so much but that's my real home.

oh, so your family tree is full of lazy, entitled, selfish, mediocre whites. and you stock a few animals on some worthless throwaway land in michigan.

really setting the world on fire there, eh? fucking obese, middle-aged, mediocre, racist white.
they don't complain because they are not entitled, whiny, selfish pussies like you.

they take jobs from lazy foreigners like you because they are better than you at those jobs. they don't sit back and cry for their government to put a tariff on the foreigners just so that they can be competitive.

you lazy, mediocre white.
Awwwww did I hit a nerve. like I said I'm good and could give two shits about anyone else outside of family and friends
Awwwww did I hit a nerve. like I said I'm good and could give two shits about anyone else outside of family and friends

you mean your lazy ass, entitled, selfish, family and friends who can't even get a fucking job without begging the government to put a tariff on more successful, harder working foreigners?

you lazy mediocre white.
oh, so your family tree is full of lazy, entitled, selfish, mediocre whites. and you stock a few animals on some worthless throwaway land in michigan.

really setting the world on fire there, eh? fucking obese, middle-aged, mediocre, racist white.
Oh I admit I am racist I'm racist against stupid people. I do have some animals with 40 acres with a nice little stream that runs through it but I don't want too many just enough to have some quality bacon and such. Obese though nah I try to get a short 3 to 5 miles in but I am glad your concerned about my health. Get a vest like mine and beat my 1.5 and 3 mile times with 100 extra pounds on you to note my last 2 mile run I came in at 13 mins 46 secs. grab you one and let's go.
Reminds me of the nauseating pawn shop scenes around here.....efficient and professional folks, typically brown people, dashing and running circles around the beer-bellied shitkickers that 'work' alongside them. Shops filled with fastidious employees and the unfortunate Boss Hoggs sprinkled in. :cuss:

Speaking of....

I could give two shits about anyone else outside of family and friends

This, friends, is the very definition of humanity.

Please, die in your sleep. It's for the best.
Reminds me of the nauseating pawn shop scenes around here.....efficient and professional folks, typically brown people, dashing and running circles around the beer-bellied shitkickers that 'work' alongside them. Shops filled with fastidious employees and the unfortunate Boss Hoggs sprinkled in. :cuss:

Speaking of....

This, friends, is the very definition of humanity.

Please, die in your sleep. It's for the best.
Nah it's the truth if everyone else worried about themselves rather than what everyone else we would be better off
Nah it's the truth if everyone else worried about themselves rather than what everyone else we would be better off

says the guy begging for the president to put tariffs on foreigners because his lazy, entitled, selfish, and mediocre white buddies and family can't compete with foreigners.

if you only worried about yourselves, you would just work harder and beat those foreigners rather than begging for special privileges and protections.

dumbass racist mediocre white.
But see you can report it but everyone is racist at some level or another. What's sad is people won't admit it. Your racist towards people on some level or another.

no, racism is learned.

not everyone learns it. just the lazy, entitled, selfish, mediocre losers who need a scapegoat to pin their problems on because they are unable to cope with the fact that they are losers.
Yes funny thing the federal government is full of contradictions.

we're not talking abou tthe federal government's contradictions, we are talking about yours, you racist white loser.

now tell us more about how you hate "illegals" while growing federally illegal plants, ya dumb mediocre white.
says the guy begging for the president to put tariffs on foreigners because his lazy, entitled, selfish, and mediocre white buddies and family can't compete with foreigners.

if you only worried about yourselves, you would just work harder and beat those foreigners rather than begging for special privileges and protections.

dumbass racist mediocre white.
Boy you really stay on one statement and drag it out of context. Like most liberals hang up on one thing and keep going like a broken record. Boo hoo my fe's fe's got hurt lol
Nah it's the truth if everyone else worried about themselves rather than what everyone else we would be better off

But see you can report it but everyone is racist at some level or another. What's sad is people won't admit it. Your racist towards people on some level or another.

I remember you from last year.

Lowlife then, lowlife now.