get ready for new home prices to go up.

All politicians lie to get to the top, most are sociopaths, don't trust anyone who wants power.
This might be what's most wrong with our political system; our structures for enforcing accountability are noticeably weak.

I'm curious though- why do you find it acceptable? Your cynicism makes it plain that you do.
this is great news for the woodsmen of maine,canada has been dumping cheap govt sponsored lumber for years pretty much starving the loggers up here,they also do it with crappy frozen seafood .this is great news for all loggers an hopfully the fisher men r next
No kidding the lumber you pick up that's stamped from Canada is generally twisted warped full of knots that just fall out. Plus the Canadian lumber market has hurt US based lumber yards an woodsmen.
No kidding the lumber you pick up that's stamped from Canada is generally twisted warped full of knots that just fall out. Plus the Canadian lumber market has hurt US based lumber yards an woodsmen.[/QUO they drive the price down to kill workers in the usa.then come in an lease the same land cut an haul to canuck land mill an then truck to usa .wow whos getting screwed:bigjoint: I do love my northern brothers
if the US lumber market were competitive on its own, your lord emperor wouldn't feel the need to slap a 20% tariff on the canadian lumber, you apologist dipshit.
uncle buck all respect,but live up on a north border state that depends on timber the canukes r killing us
americans are awesome and we are so strong and no one can stop us! we're #1 and we're great again!

also, please give us massive protections so we stand a chance at competing with all those other inferior nations.
if the US lumber market were competitive on its own, your lord emperor wouldn't feel the need to slap a 20% tariff on the canadian lumber, you apologist dipshit.
Living in Michigan close to the border I've seen the effect it's had. Good hard working people that have lost their jobs it's sad your too dense to realize this. Just like everyone from my home state of Louisiana have suddenly been able to get back to work on oil rigs and natural gas wells. We don't need Canadian lumber nor do we need to support their market. What we do need are Americans working an you clearly missed the part where I stated Canadian lumber has turned to shit? Maybe just maybe we can start getting some decent lumber again. I seen you said you were a tradesman.........being a fluffer for pornstars don't count as a real trade.
Living in Michigan close to the border I've seen the effect it's had. Good hard working people that have lost their jobs it's sad your too dense to realize this. Just like everyone from my home state of Louisiana have suddenly been able to get back to work on oil rigs and natural gas wells. We don't need Canadian lumber nor do we need to support their market. What we do need are Americans working an you clearly missed the part where I stated Canadian lumber has turned to shit? Maybe just maybe we can start getting some decent lumber again. I seen you said you were a tradesman.........being a fluffer for pornstars don't count as a real trade.

so all of us home builders have to lose our jobs because lazy backwoods fucktards like you can't even compete with canadians without special privileges and protections?

jesusfuck, you are one lazy, entitled, selfish loser.

why don't you just be better at your job, you lazy mediocre white?
so all of us home builders have to lose our jobs because lazy backwoods fucktards like you can't even compete with canadians without special privileges and protections?

jesusfuck, you are one lazy, entitled, selfish loser.

why don't you just be better at your job, you lazy mediocre white?
Lazy no, entitled again no, selfish Im not either. Seems as though you don't know much about me in the least. Sounds like your building homes for the wrong people OR you simply suck at it if your worried about losing your job. Or maybe you live in the wrong state where everything is handed to everyone including illegals so no one has money or they simply have no drive to make anything more of themselves much like Denmark I believe. Denmark is ranked as the happiest place to live but when interviewed they weren't really happy just content and no one wanted to work to make any more due to the fact that the middle class is taxed at 50% and goes up from there. Sure they get free healthcare and school but all they eat is herring and stay drunk. Doesn't sound happy to me. Go go gadget liberal deterantIMG_0231.JPG
...Sounds like your building homes for the wrong people OR you simply suck at it if your worried about losing your job. Or maybe you live in the wrong state where everything is handed to everyone...
this is fucking priceless.

the guy who needs special protections in the form of a 20% tariff in order to keep his job (which he sucks at) is accusing other people of being worried about losing their jobs and people having everything handed to them.

you just can't pay for this level of unintended irony from the unskilled, incompetent, hapless trumptards.

you need special privileges and protections to stay in business because you can't compete with foreigners, but of course it is everyone else who has everything handed to them. you fucking retard.
btw, my liberal-ass state has 2.6% unemployment, massive growth and expansion, and lots of sanctuary city protections for our very skilled and valuable migrant community.

i would trade 10 lazy, selfish, entitled retards like you for just one hard-working, non-complaining, selfless immigrant like jose or juan or maria or bettina.

you are a drain on this country you worthless fucking leech.
Lazy no, entitled again no, selfish Im not either. Seems as though you don't know much about me in the least. Sounds like your building homes for the wrong people OR you simply suck at it if your worried about losing your job. Or maybe you live in the wrong state where everything is handed to everyone including illegals so no one has money or they simply have no drive to make anything more of themselves much like Denmark I believe. Denmark is ranked as the happiest place to live but when interviewed they weren't really happy just content and no one wanted to work to make any more due to the fact that the middle class is taxed at 50% and goes up from there. Sure they get free healthcare and school but all they eat is herring and stay drunk. Doesn't sound happy to me. Go go gadget liberal deterantView attachment 3932784

Also marijuana is legal there (correction, legal in Christiania)
Also marijuana is legal there.

isn't it great how this trump-loving retard takes a stab at those "illegals" who came here to work hard without complaining, yet he himself is even more of an "illegal"?

cutting off your nose to spite your face, i will never get it. racism is a powerful drug i guess.
I live in NC now (transplanted from NYC).
I see it everyday. I've met one decent Trump supporter who realized his mistake. Good guy, finishing his college degree, likes to hunt and and is pretty conservative but he's not an abrasive, racist prick. I can respect his views and his values because he is polite and can argue them. I wish more Southerners around here were like him.

If you like chicken, turkey, or pork thank an immigrant for working at the processing plants.

White kids don't last a week inseminating and castrating pigs at $10hr. Fact!
this is fucking priceless.

the guy who needs special protections in the form of a 20% tariff in order to keep his job (which he sucks at) is accusing other people of being worried about losing their jobs and people having everything handed to them.

you just can't pay for this level of unintended irony from the unskilled, incompetent, hapless trumptards.

you need special privileges and protections to stay in business because you can't compete with foreigners, but of course it is everyone else who has everything handed to them. you fucking retard.

Perhaps if their doors were open to all, they'd be solvent?
Lazy no, entitled again no, selfish Im not either. Seems as though you don't know much about me in the least. Sounds like your building homes for the wrong people OR you simply suck at it if your worried about losing your job. Or maybe you live in the wrong state where everything is handed to everyone including illegals so no one has money or they simply have no drive to make anything more of themselves much like Denmark I believe. Denmark is ranked as the happiest place to live but when interviewed they weren't really happy just content and no one wanted to work to make any more due to the fact that the middle class is taxed at 50% and goes up from there. Sure they get free healthcare and school but all they eat is herring and stay drunk. Doesn't sound happy to me. Go go gadget liberal deterantView attachment 3932784

The president attends a remedial course to explain how the government works.

He also wears diapers.
this is fucking priceless.

the guy who needs special protections in the form of a 20% tariff in order to keep his job (which he sucks at) is accusing other people of being worried about losing their jobs and people having everything handed to them.

you just can't pay for this level of unintended irony from the unskilled, incompetent, hapless trumptards.

you need special privileges and protections to stay in business because you can't compete with foreigners, but of course it is everyone else who has everything handed to them. you fucking retard.
Well again you sadly are misinformed. I never stated I cut trees for a living I have family that do. Nor am I worried about my work as I have a good job in technology with my bachelors in computer science as well as countless( well they can be counted) certifications from comptia, Microsoft and Cisco. Plus on top of it all I have my little farm with pigs, chickens and all that stuff so I'm fairly busy. See I knew you were from one of those liberal chapped ass states. Boudrouex's butt paste would make a killing in those states. @bundee1 as I said immigrants can come here the right way or piss off I grow my own food I have three pigs Berkshire ones to be exact that will make tasty bacon and such in august as well as 124 ish chickens. Oh and yes cannabis is legal for medical use here in Michigan, Louisiana meh not so much but that's my real home.
isn't it great how this trump-loving retard takes a stab at those "illegals" who came here to work hard without complaining, yet he himself is even more of an "illegal"?

cutting off your nose to spite your face, i will never get it. racism is a powerful drug i guess.
They don't complain because they're easy to replace hmmmmmmm strange