GC's 2016/17 outdoor season

Nice and frosty.
thanks man, i think that strain maybe not being released again, just hope their genes are suitable for a pollen chuck, the other Plat Buff has been pollinated with GDP x C99, hows your group going now? cold snap has hit here, got my head down bum up trying to get a heated greenhouse in operation before the real cold hits!
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thanks man, i think that strain maybe not being released again, just hope their genes are suitable for a pollen chuck, the other Plat Buff has been pollinated with GDP x C99, hows your group going now? cold snap has hit here, got my head down bum up trying to get a heated greenhouse in operation before the real cold hits!
Mines going good putting up another 3 greenhouses on the weekend . gth1 , black gum ,blue dream and skunk sativa have settled into the green houses. They won't start fliwering for another 3 weeks. Money maker , c99 , tnr, pineapple express, black d.o.g, gorilla bomb seedlings are all in one greenhouse ready to be transplanted into different greenhouses. Trippy gorilla, royal purple kush, THC bomb , cherry bomb, cherry og , critical super silver haze seedlings are in another greenhouse will leave them there for another 2 weeks before transplanting them. Once there seeded and harvested I'll put in white widow, sour deisel .sour kosher, double black and a couple of other strains to Finnish around early september
Mines going good putting up another 3 greenhouses on the weekend . gth1 , black gum ,blue dream and skunk sativa have settled into the green houses. They won't start fliwering for another 3 weeks. Money maker , c99 , tnr, pineapple express, black d.o.g, gorilla bomb seedlings are all in one greenhouse ready to be transplanted into different greenhouses. Trippy gorilla, royal purple kush, THC bomb , cherry bomb, cherry og , critical super silver haze seedlings are in another greenhouse will leave them there for another 2 weeks before transplanting them. Once there seeded and harvested I'll put in white widow, sour deisel .sour kosher, double black and a couple of other strains to Finnish around early september
great stuff! sounds like you get as much fun pollen chucking as i do, im really hoping i can do my greenhouse justice through this upcoming winter, be a real bonus and open up more opportunity if it works....or rather if i can work it properly
great stuff! sounds like you get as much fun pollen chucking as i do, im really hoping i can do my greenhouse justice through this upcoming winter, be a real bonus and open up more opportunity if it works....or rather if i can work it properly
All depends on how cold it gets where you are. Its makes it so much easier to pollen chuck in winter rather than doing it at the end of the season. I got a good feeling about spring harvest this year might pollinate some of the spring females. Also going to cross syrup auto male over 1 trippy gorilla and 1 gorilla bomb and over the next 2 years try and make a small non auto strain. Yeh I think I love pollen chucking as much as you.
That plat buffalo is looking frosty GC!
Question for you - if your neighbors are close enough to need that 2m privacy fence, how do you deal with the smell? I am curious because I have been considering putting a few outdoors, but if you can smell them 100 yards away they would not be very hidden.
That plat buffalo is looking frosty GC!
Question for you - if your neighbors are close enough to need that 2m privacy fence, how do you deal with the smell? I am curious because I have been considering putting a few outdoors, but if you can smell them 100 yards away they would not be very hidden.
hi man, thankfully the prevailing wind approx 95% time blows the odour away from the direction of my lost cause neighbours, but i do think they possibly may get a whiff when the wind does blow their way, the grow area is fully encircled with that green synthetic 2m high cloth, there is also another 2m high chain mesh fence around the grow area with pitbull sorts roaming too, so these act as further deterrent.
but im sure if you choose the less smelly types and kept away from the Chemdog's you would be ok, tying plants down with string also changes their profile away from the typical xmas tree shape most people are used to/looking for,
ive got some really dank Chemdog x Sour Diesel x Romulan beans here but can only grow out a few at any one time cos they are so stinky, just outcrossed those again with Mosca C99 & it has thankfully lowered the odour level to a reasonable limit yet still retaining most of the other favorable characteristics of the C x SD x R, will be growing out more of that recent cross in the next season
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GDP x C99...as purdy as it gets
IHG Platinum Buffalo following the above in the beauty stakes!
Raspberry Kush x C99 coming in a close 3rd in the pageant!
IMG_6464.JPG IMG_6468.JPG
Very nice . really like the light green 1
thanks, there's some color there but none that im sure are all purple, got some other purp types still in their sealed breeders packs & waiting for the right season to have an all purp pollen chuck, hoping that at the end of it a solid purp type will eventuate in that every seed from its batch with be a true purp type, so many purp types dont have real potency so its a must its gotta have 'the power' to make the grade as well as bag appeal
approx 50% of the GDP x C99 & Raspberry Kush x C99 have purp types...the rest are plain Jane green & browns
Purple is pretty, but I will take potency over pretty every day. I am not great with Celsius conversions, but is it not quite warm there still? If they get a few cool nights near the end a lot more color will show.
Purple is pretty, but I will take potency over pretty every day. I am not great with Celsius conversions, but is it not quite warm there still? If they get a few cool nights near the end a lot more color will show.
its getting down below 10C/50F every nite now for the last week here, yes 100% agree about the color vs potency requirement, yet i feel strains like the GDP have reached the potency level of being good, though the prob with GDP is that its not 100% colored where every plant has got that fantastic hue...i will be using very potent types that in general have color to breed with other color types when i do that purp pollen chuck, truly that purp Raspberry Kush x C99 is as potent as i can deal with bro, sits me on my ass not a problem with that gear lol!
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thanks, there's some color there but none that im sure are all purple, got some other purp types still in their sealed breeders packs & waiting for the right season to have an all purp pollen chuck, hoping that at the end of it a solid purp type will eventuate in that every seed from its batch with be a true purp type, so many purp types dont have real potency so its a must its gotta have 'the power' to make the grade as well as bag appeal
approx 50% of the GDP x C99 & Raspberry Kush x C99 have purp types...the rest are plain Jane green & browns
Yeh I used to grow purple indica's . they were all purple leaves stems the lot but they lacked big potency and hated frost so I threw the strain away. Plus they stuck out like dog balls in the bush so rippers found them easily
Yeh I used to grow purple indica's . they were all purple leaves stems the lot but they lacked big potency and hated frost so I threw the strain away. Plus they stuck out like dog balls in the bush so rippers found them easily
very understandable you tossed that purp type away, im like that too if a type doesnt make the grade...out it goes, since my grow area is encircled by the shadecloth & fenced in rippers are not a real concern inside that area, when i do pollen chucks & have to take them a long distance from the main grow area & leave them there for 7-14 days thats when the rippers are a danger
very understandable you tossed that purp type away, im like that too if a type doesnt make the grade...out it goes, since my grow area is encircled by the shadecloth & fenced in rippers are not a real concern inside that area, when i do pollen chucks & have to take them a long distance from the main grow area & leave them there for 7-14 days thats when the rippers are a danger
Hoping rippers don't see my greenhouses this winter really don't want to lose these new strains after I lost a lot of strains to mold. All my auto females have germinated and started growing but the 10 syrup auto reg seeds I bought havnt germinated after two weeks not happy about that.
Hoping rippers don't see my greenhouses this winter really don't want to lose these new strains after I lost a lot of strains to mold. All my auto females have germinated and started growing but the 10 syrup auto reg seeds I bought havnt germinated after two weeks not happy about that.
wish you good fortune with those greenhouses, one of my biggest chucks ever(in 2002) got found by the thieves, lost everything, i had a few dead packets of beans that didnt germinate this season
burning bush nurseries; 10 sunset sherbet
burning bush nurseries; 5 key lime pie
apothecary; 9 cookies og
i never go back to a breeder that sells me dud beans man
wish you good fortune with those greenhouses, one of my biggest chucks ever(in 2002) got found by the thieves, lost everything, i had a few dead packets of beans that didnt germinate this season
burning bush nurseries; 10 sunset sherbet
burning bush nurseries; 5 key lime pie
apothecary; 9 cookies og
i never go back to a breeder that sells me dud beans man
I Usually get 100 percent germination rate. Sucks that these didn't germinate. Yeh hate bastards who steal breeding patches. Lost quite a few breeding plants to rippers this season . seeds not matured and they just cut the plant down.
I Usually get 100 percent germination rate. Sucks that these didn't germinate. Yeh hate bastards who steal breeding patches. Lost quite a few breeding plants to rippers this season . seeds not matured and they just cut the plant down.
theres good points & bad to each grow method whether indoors or outdoors, but anyone who thinks growing weed is a cakewalk is very ilinformed, person has gotta really love doing it or they wouldnt do it, more than just a few serious concerns associated with the practice for sure...
I Usually get 100 percent germination rate. Sucks that these didn't germinate. Yeh hate bastards who steal breeding patches. Lost quite a few breeding plants to rippers this season . seeds not matured and they just cut the plant down.
That is rough. I tried guerilla grows a couple times before I moved. I had more problems with deer than people. It is a crappy feeling to get to your plants and find nothing but stalks.
its getting down below 10C/50F every nite now for the last week here, yes 100% agree about the color vs potency requirement, yet i feel strains like the GDP have reached the potency level of being good, though the prob with GDP is that its not 100% colored where every plant has got that fantastic hue...i will be using very potent types that in general have color to breed with other color types when i do that purp pollen chuck, truly that purp Raspberry Kush x C99 is as potent as i can deal with bro, sits me on my ass not a problem with that gear lol!
I had a couple phenos of purple types that were mostly green, but frostier, that I kept for a bit. I had trouble finding one that had color, flavor, and strength. Seems like I could only get two out of three. Norstar's Purple Mayhem I had to give away - dark colors, but too much smell even with a carbon filter. He still breeds a few things with that purp male, it is from Gooey genetics instead of GDP. Might be an interesting addition to your purple chuck.