Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

You support Heckler's veto, interesting.

Students at risk? That's Berkely PD and Cal police job. And Berkeley PD is paid above and beyond every time for security that it simply fails to establish. They won't even make the black bloc remove their masks, which is the black letter of the law.

Now we know that the mayor of Berkeley is pro-Antifa so its no wonder.

She was denied equal access to the facilities that the other speaker was in the series. Period.

If you are allowed to speak in an auditorium, with seats and microphones for a q&a style speech during prime time hours where most people can attend, and I am relegated to an outside public square with a megaphone during busy hours when noone can attend, that is not equal access nor is it really a facility. Its a public square and under a little different jurisdiction.
Factually incorrect.
Factually incorrect.
The speakers job is to speak, the universities job is to arrange equal access to the facilities and protection is the job of the police. Just simple facts there dude. And no Berkeley didn't just have one day, that's all stated already on councils website, sorry.
The speakers job is to speak, the universities job is to arrange equal access to the facilities and protection is the job of the police. Just simple facts there dude. And no Berkeley didn't just have one day, that's all stated already on councils website, sorry.

the university is under no obligation to arrange a speaking role for someone who promotes hate speech and is actively working to bus in heavily armed nazis and fascists.
nazis, like the trump supporting nazi who shot an unarmed protestor at a milo event up in washington state just a few weeks back.

nice sock puppet account.
Yeah it's getting stupid. How about professor bikelock at Berkeley? That's gonna be assault with intent right there. And good old Berkeley pd let him wear a mask and encouraged it all with the help of the mayor.
the university is under no obligation to arrange a speaking role for someone who promotes hate speech and is actively working to bus in heavily armed nazis and fascists.

Yeah they are. It's called a contract and they had one. Furthermore the speakers were contracted largely by non partisan student groups. This is not a partisan issue, sorry for your loss.
Yeah it's getting stupid. How about professor bikelock at Berkeley? That's gonna be assault with intent right there. And good old Berkeley pd let him wear a mask and encouraged it all with the help of the mayor.

nazis wearing masks:


anti-fascists not wearing masks:


any more questions, you dumb racist?