Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Yea, humans are also one of the biggest threats to the wellbeing of the what? I eat meat daily, I'm just pointing out the difference between needing to do somthing and wanting much meat goes bad and gets thrown out so I don't see the need to go out and kill somthing when there is a abundance of it already
By that logic, slavery is a good thing
Ever been to an abattoir? Watched the process from feedlot to those cute little styrofoam containers? The weeks of stress, confinement and uncertainty, then on that particular day a mass of you and your buddies are forced into a new area reeking of blood, intestines, pheromones of fear and panic.
Or, one day you are bebopping around the forest, hungry and looking for breakfast and bam, lights out.

One is an industrialized system, the other is life
Everyone knows where meat comes from, most don't want to consider the details. It's easy to not consider the contents of the styrofoam container as a once living critter. Just as it's easy to consider industrialized slaughter and processing as clean and humane since most folks can't relate to the process. Yep, pure hypocrisy
Ever been to an abattoir? Watched the process from feedlot to those cute little styrofoam containers? The weeks of stress, confinement and uncertainty, then on that particular day a mass of you and your buddies are forced into a new area reeking of blood, intestines, pheromones of fear and panic.
Or, one day you are bebopping around the forest, hungry and looking for breakfast and bam, lights out.

One is an industrialized system, the other is life
I'm not saying I agree with how they produce meat on a large scale, and wether I eat it or not it's going to continue to go on...there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately, other than eat the meat of the already killed animal available to me and not go out and kill another one that is living happy and freely
I'm not saying I agree with how they produce meat on a large scale, and wether I eat it or not it's going to continue to go on...there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately, other than eat the meat of the already killed animal available to me and not go out and kill another one that is living happy and freely
A perfect case of "think locally act globally"
I'm not saying I agree with how they produce meat on a large scale, and wether I eat it or not it's going to continue to go on...there is nothing I can do about that unfortunately, other than eat the meat of the already killed animal available to me and not go out and kill another one that is living happy and freely

That makes no sense what so ever.
So if a cow is killed and butchered at an industrial facility then you'll eat it with no reservations, but if I kill it and process it I'm Bad?

I didn't feed it the hormones & antibiotics - I didn't confine it to a tiny fenced in space so it couldn't move - I didn't . . . fuck it, if you don't get it by now you probably won't ever.
That makes no sense what so ever.
So if a cow is killed and butchered at an industrial facility then you'll eat it with no reservations, but if I kill it and process it I'm Bad?

I didn't feed it the hormones & antibiotics - I didn't confine it to a tiny fenced in space so it couldn't move - I didn't . . . fuck it, if you don't get it by now you probably won't ever.
I clearly didn't say that....but at the end of the day I'm not the one killing animals and gutting them, so I'm ok with that
Sounds like driving a car. A lot of people drive but don't know jack shit about cars or how they work.
A lot of people eat meat and pretend nobody got bloody.
But as long as bubbleTard is in the mood to personify animals, WTF? Let's do it...
If I was a cow/deer/whatever, I would prefer to live free in the wild. Just doing my thing; eating, fucking, sleeping... then BLAM! I'm dead and some human eats me.
Sure beats being raised in captivity. Walking around in my own excrement, or even worse -- raised in a crate where I can't turn around. Death is a welcome respite for those poor fuckers, but that's what chroniclyStupid prefers???
Derp. :dunce:
He is a perfect example of how the regular german population got involved in the holocaust. That same argument; "It's not right. But they are doing it anyway so I guess I'll participate".

So many snowflakes, so few convictions
It tends to be the leading argument in moral abdication, generally. "~shrug~ what can I do? so I might as well tear off a piece for me."