Let me quote you from a PM I received, will leave the sender's name off.
well i drank a few beers and popped a bar earlier. had some great herb for after.
so i dumped out of what i had left and it was more than i had ever smoked before. i put it on a screen in my bong, topped it with a tiny pinch of basil. then i ripped that shit harder than ever before, cleared the whole thing. i held it as long as i possibly could.
mind you i had sphongle DMT on.
ok so half way into holding the hit in i already notice some major things happening. and after that it TOTALLY took over. i was ripped to some place inside the song and computer. i fully forgot what i was on what world this is, how long have i been like this. but it all felt sooooo amazing.
i totally let go and let it take me away. ohh man it gets so much better every time i do it.
im never gonna stop extracting this wonderful substance.
thanks again bro for all you help... i don't think i would have done it if it wasn't for you.
Oct 8, 2009
LCD changes you, DMT changes everything but you.