Bridgelux EB Series Build

I dont know exactly what went down but your language and attitude towards others is kind of upsetting. Youre keeping on about issues youre having with other members - just drop it.

Yes yes pickles, ppl calling me a cancer and a spoon fed asshole is me having an attitude and poor language? okaaaaaay *rolls eyes again*. Anyone else feel like chiming in about how awful i am for asking for help on choosing a driver?
Yes yes pickles, ppl calling me a cancer and a spoon fed asshole is me having an attitude and poor language? okaaaaaay *rolls eyes again*. Anyone else feel like chiming in about how awful i am for asking for help on choosing a driver?
See now you just accused me of calling you an aweful person. This is I think related to why the others are upset with you. I didnt say you were an aweful person. Im not trying to fight with you but I feel like youre being offensive towards me.

I also never mentioned anything about you asking for advice for a driver. Why are you pinning these things on me? What did I do to you?
Well, that really does not sound very fair.

Have you already discovered the ignore list?
You can add users to this list to never see their comments and you can report incidents.
In which case the entire comment progress is evaluated independently and, if necessary, a warning is issued.

It is probably not as satisfying as to shoot back but in the long run it avoids useless comments.
As you see, this misunderstanding alone between you guys and we have pages of comments that have nothing to do with the theme of the thread.
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See now you just accused me of calling you an aweful person. This is I think related to why the others are upset with you. I didnt say you were an aweful person. Im not trying to fight with you but I feel like youre being offensive towards me.

Yep and go back and look, the first person that attacked me was because i basically said id never understand a 3 paragraph long math lesson about ppf ppfd ect ect and he should try to teach that to someone else cause id never learn it. He responded by posting incredibly insulting images and responses. I ignored him and then nogod started on it calling me names. It continued on from there. I eventually lost patience and started responding back the same way they speak to me.

If ppl are going to be troll douces towards me they will get it right back. Im active in about 5 threads around here, this is the only one and only people ive had any issue with around here.

Aparently im a cancer though.
Well, that really does not sound very fair.

Have you already discovered the ignore list?
You can add users to this list to never see their comments and you can report incidents.
In which case the entire comment progress is evaluated independently and, if necessary, a warning is issued.

It is probably not as satisfying as to shoot back but in the long run it avoids useless comments.
As you see, this misunderstanding alone between you guys and we have pages of comments that have nothing to do with the theme of the thread.

Cmon ive been posting here less than a month and every 2nd thread around here is like this going back as far as ive looked, aparently at least 2 years, but im the problem?
Hey Buddy!
Assuming I wanted to build a 300w lamp, I would take 24 F-series strips of 560mm and an HLG-320H-C2100B.
I would always connect 6 strips in series and the whole 4 times in parallel.
Would be about 135v and 525mA per cluster, efficiency: 58%, 284w net., 302w total, 175PAR/w..

The F-series Gen3 includes parts that are made like a good dessert - double chips! They have 2 rows of diodes on each strip. There are double diode parts in both the 560 and 1120 mm sizes. The strips scale up proportionately, so the double-row, 1120 mm part has 4x the number of diodes and 4x the wattage of the single-row, 560mm part. The price per strip scales as well with a slight discount for the higher wattage and longer parts. Digikey had the double-row, 1120mm part on the website last week, but it has disappeared at the moment.

Using the double-diode strips, and longer strips if you have the room, might make for an easier build. The trade-off is slightly less even light distribution.
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Cmon ive been posting here less than a month and every 2nd thread around here is like this going back as far as ive looked, aparently at least 2 years, but im the problem?

I have not said that you are the problem.
But to stay with your example, PPF and PPFD are two basic things and not so hard to understand.
However, if you refuse from the outset to learn something more about it and then say it bluntly, do not be surprised that you get such answers.As I said, the sound makes the music.If you want to have a say, you should at least know the base of the basic concepts and their meaning.
I have not said that you are the problem.
But to stay with your example, PPF and PPFD are two basic things and not so hard to understand.
However, if you refuse from the outset to learn something more about it and then say it bluntly, do not be surprised that you get such answers.As I said, the sound makes the music.If you want to have a say, you should at least know the base of the basic concepts and their meaning.

I didnt refuse, i said i wouldnt be able to learn it. Math isnt my thing, I had a partial scholorship to university yet i could barely pass grade 11 math. Unwilling and not capable are not the same thing.

Edit: and i really need to know photon flux or whatever he was trying to explain to me to pick a driver and wire it? C'mon now thats just not true. I didnt ask for help on that i asked what driver would fit best for 8 samsung h strips.

Either way this is getting old. will you guys just drop it. I have no issues with pickles or random. I have issues with ppl calling me a cancer and spoon fed because im practically dislexic about math.
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The F-series Gen3 includes parts that are made like a good dessert - double chips! They have 2 rows of diodes on each strip. There are double diode parts in both the 560 and 1120 mm sizes. The wattage of the strips scale up proportionately, so the double-row, 1120 mm part has 4x the number of diodes and 4x the wattage of the single-row, 560mm part. The price per strip scales as well with a slight discount for the higher wattage and longer parts. Digikey had the double-row, 1120mm part on the website last week, but it has disappeared at the moment.

Using the double-diode strips, and longer strips if you have the room, might make for an easier build. The trade-off is slightly less even light distribution.

Hey DirtRunner,
I did not find them listed, so I did not mention them.
But you are totally right!
One of these double-row 1120mm strips (2 * 144 LEDs) is identical to one QB-288 but with other internal design(16S18P instead 18S16P) and even has indentic driver requirements(46 instead of 50v). If you can handle the length well, the double-row strips are again somewhat cheaper and you only have to do half the wiring.
I didnt refuse, i said i wouldnt be able to learn it. Math isnt my thing, I had a partial scholorship to university yet i could barely pass grade 11 math. Unwilling and not capable are not the same thing.

Edit: and i really need to know photon flux or whatever he was trying to explain to me to pick a driver and wire it? C'mon now thats just not true. I didnt ask for help on that i asked what driver would fit best for 8 samsung h strips.

Either way this is getting old. will you guys just drop it. I have no issues with pickles or random. I have issues with ppl calling me a cancer and spoon fed because im practically dislexic about math.

With pleasure! I've already forgotten it!
And I promise you I will never call you a cancer, nor will I try to spoonfeed you with anythink you don't want or can not understand.

ppf is the total amount of photons emitted by a given lightsource and ppfd is the total amounts of photons reaching the canopy.
You don't need to know how high are the avogrado's numbers nor how to calculate ppf or ppfd from a datasheet.

With respect, it is up to everyone to decide how deeply he wants to enter into matter.
With pleasure! I've already forgotten it!
And I promise you I will never call you a cancer, nor will I try to spoonfeed you with anythink you don't want or can not understand.

ppf is the total amount of photons emitted by a given lightsource and ppfd is the total amounts of photons reaching the canopy.
You don't need to know how high are the avogrado's numbers nor how to calculate ppf or ppfd from a datasheet.

With respect, it is up to everyone to decide how deeply he wants to enter into matter.

Yes, and i have 16 samsung H strips 0 clue about wether to do series or parellel wiring and no clue what driver will fit for these ive still only had responses about drivers from one guy who listed 5 different ones, then 2 posts later said no wait i was wrong and then listed 8 completely different ones. Since then all ive gotten is personal attacks or responses about personal attacks or needless discussions about photons to a canopy. How is any of that going to help me wire my lights. Thats all i want to do.
The F series is not even for sale yet, i would not get excited about pricing for an item that has 0 available and a six week lead time.

Nobody forces you to do so!
We all know it's not available yet, but they will ... soon, ... because otherwise they would not be listed incl. price.
In fact, the single row strips are already orderable and the double-row 2feet strips too, each with prices, so why try to talk them badly.
All i suggested was to reign in the excitement until they are actually for sale, i didnt speak badly about anything. Digikey says 6 week lead time.
PPFD is ppf that is divided by a 1 square meter. That's it.


900 ppf in a 1 sq meter space [900/1] = 900PPFD
900 ppf in a .5 sq meter space [900 / .5]= 1800!!!!PPFD
900 ppf in a 2 sq meter space [900 / 2]= 450 PPFD

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Yes, and i have 16 samsung H strips 0 clue about wether to do series or parellel wiring and no clue what driver will fit for these ive still only had responses about drivers from one guy who listed 5 different ones, then 2 posts later said no wait i was wrong and then listed 8 completely different ones. Since then all ive gotten is personal attacks or responses about personal attacks or needless discussions about photons to a canopy. How is any of that going to help me wire my lights. Thats all i want to do.
Post a new thread. Call it Samsung H Series led strips.

Then post

- the part number and spec of your strips.
- how many you have
- the vf of the strips

Someone will reply with your answer
Yes, and i have 16 samsung H strips 0 clue about wether to do series or parellel wiring and no clue what driver will fit for these ive still only had responses about drivers from one guy who listed 5 different ones, then 2 posts later said no wait i was wrong and then listed 8 completely different ones. Since then all ive gotten is personal attacks or responses about personal attacks or needless discussions about photons to a canopy. How is any of that going to help me wire my lights. Thats all i want to do.

Okay, then I will try my best to give you the answer you are looking for.
Do you have 16 560mm strips?
How much watts do you want to distribute on your surface and how big is your area?
Yes, and i have 16 samsung H strips 0 clue about wether to do series or parellel wiring and no clue what driver will fit for these ive still only had responses about drivers from one guy who listed 5 different ones, then 2 posts later said no wait i was wrong and then listed 8 completely different ones. Since then all ive gotten is personal attacks or responses about personal attacks or needless discussions about photons to a canopy. How is any of that going to help me wire my lights. Thats all i want to do.
Depending how you power them will depend on how strong the light is. He might have been asking about ppfd because he was trying to help you fogure out how luch ligjt you needed - and that would help give you a better idea what drivee you want.

You can wire it up in different ways and drive the leds soft or hard. It depends on
1. what PPFD you are trying to achieve
2. How big your space is
3. Which led you have
4. How much you care about efficiency.
PPFD is ppf that is divided by a 1 square meter. That's it.

PPFD is ppf that is divided by a 1 square meter. That's it.

PPFD is PPF divided by a given area.
If you have an area of 1m² then ppf is ppfd.
If you have only an half squarmeter the ppfd it double the ppf.
And remember there are distance losses because of the squared laws, reflective walls and so on..
So PPFD is PPF divided by a given area minus ~10-20% losses!

Okay, you edited your post. So forget it...
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Okay, then I will try my best to give you the answer you are looking for.
Do you have 16 560mm strips?
How much watts do you want to distribute on your surface and how big is your area?

Yes, the 22 inch ones. Im looking to run two banks of 8 with seperate drivers for flexability, Im looking to run them near their capacity at the moment which i believe is around 1000mA as time goes on more lighting will be added and they will be run softer or dimmed down. I initially thought paralell would be best because i was under the impression its easier to add more in when in parallel if theres a compelling reason for a different option im open to anything. I tried reading the how to power led strips thread but it became quite overwelming. I thought the meanwell 185 driver with the dimmer was a good choice from my own research but im just too confused at this point to know. Once i know what driver and series or parellel i wont need any other assistance as i know how to wire, just not how to decide what option is going to fit best for these 24v strips.

Thank you random, a voice of sanity thru the insanity