DNC Email Leak

So far, the results are as expected. I knew it was all bullshit when they said we needed to unite together and fight the Republicans. As you can clearly see, they don't even unite to support Democracy.. Or that the DNC should be held legally accountable for upholding what Democrats vote for.. That is shameful.

Be truthful to yourself first.

Sanders lost by a margin too wide for you guys to convince me.

4,000,000 and like what, 12%? If it was 250,000 and under 1%, you might have a case.

I'd be more pissed that my California vote in the general doesn't count as much as a Pennsylvania vote.

Now that strikes me as unfair.

I have a legitimate question for you now.

Answer honestly, please.

Who would represent your interest better.

A. an establishment Democrat

B. any republican
"The Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process."

If the DNC publicly states they don't abide by the bylaws and the charter, why would any Democrats donate to them?

Have they just fully succumbed to corporate donations to fund their campaigns? Forgotten about the middle-class?
"All signs point to yes"
Be truthful to yourself first.

Sanders lost by a margin too wide for you guys to convince me.

4,000,000 and like what, 12%? If it was 250,000 and under 1%, you might have a case.

I'd be more pissed that my California vote in the general doesn't count as much as a Pennsylvania vote.

Now that strikes me as unfair.

I have a legitimate question for you now.

Answer honestly, please.

Who would represent your interest better.

A. an establishment Democrat

B. any republican
Whether Bernie would have won is a different issue.

The Democratic Party has apparently decided that it is no longer beholden to the people of is constituents.

To the extent that Bernie Sanders is involved now, it's only to show just how corrupt the system has become.

At this point I don't give a fuck if Bernie gets in or not, I want to see political parties behave as instruments of the will of the American people, not the arbiters.

Even the Republican Party behaved more honestly and I never thought I'd see the day.

And no, the Democratic Party has no right to decide FOR us. Otherwise we aren't a democracy.

And the answer to your question is currently inhabiting the White House.
Whether Bernie would have won is a different issue.

The Democratic Party has apparently decided that it is no longer beholden to the people of is constituents.

To the extent that Bernie Sanders is involved now, it's only to show just how corrupt the system has become.

At this point I don't give a fuck if Bernie gets in or not, I want to see political parties behave as instruments of the will of the American people, not the arbiters.

Even the Republican Party behaved more honestly and I never thought I'd see the day.

And no, the Democratic Party has no right to decide FOR us. Otherwise we aren't a democracy.

And the answer to your question is currently inhabiting the White House.

you are an unwitting dupe. a useful idiot. you spend more time crying about this nothing-burger than you do about the impending treason and impeachment against the real enemy.

you should be proud that bernie went from 2% to 43% and changed the platform. and maybe try harder not to be so indifferent to the issues important to women and POC that make up the backbone of the democratic party.

or just go vote republican and see what good that does ya.
you are an unwitting dupe. a useful idiot. you spend more time crying about this nothing-burger than you do about the impending treason and impeachment against the real enemy.

you should be proud that bernie went from 2% to 43% and changed the platform. and maybe try harder not to be so indifferent to the issues important to women and POC that make up the backbone of the democratic party.

or just go vote republican and see what good that does ya.
My enemy is anyone or any organization that would subvert democracy.

Clearly you're still stuck in the mud of partisanship.

I've washed my boots and I'm moving forward.
My enemy is anyone or any organization that would subvert democracy.

Clearly you're still stuck in the mud of partisanship.

I've washed my boots and I'm moving forward.

if you're crying about bernie's 4 million vote loss still, you are not moving forward.

if you are calling a 4 million vote win "subverting democracy", you are completely backwards.

i'm done trying to wipe the asses of crybaby bernouts. he lost.
Bernie lost, true. He had help losing. True. How much? Who knows? Would it have mattered? Again, no one knows.

Bernie's positions represent mine better than anyone else in the Democratic Party and there were many people who felt as I did.

Ridiculing us is a fool's errand. We have every right to think what we want. That's what makes us citizens.

The DNC need to stop telling us what to want, and start listening. If they fall at this, they'll keep failing at elections.

After all, they're now the minority EVERYWHERE, so clearly they're doing something wrong.

All your self righteous screeching doesn't change that fact at all, so maybe you, @UncleBuck should stop telling everyone what to think and start listening.
if you're crying about bernie's 4 million vote loss still, you are not moving forward.

if you are calling a 4 million vote win "subverting democracy", you are completely backwards.

i'm done trying to wipe the asses of crybaby bernouts. he lost.
I've decided to just keep posting the facts and ignore their misplaced arrogant bullshit.

They were Democrats once, there might be something left...maybe if we just keep bombarding them with facts it'll sink in eventually?