DNC Email Leak

and you bring up a 5 month old post. Time to let Hillary go, much bigger problems has arisen
Actually it relates to the Democratic divide which I feel is a current and important issue

So do you think the American people should have a right to view private communications from DNC(as well as RNC) officials who are responsible for organizing free and fair public elections? If not, why not?

Do you support waging physical war with Russia if Putin or the Russian government is orchestrated in influencing the 2016 presidential election? Why/why not?
Actually it relates to the Democratic divide which I feel is a current and important issue

So do you think the American people should have a right to view private communications from DNC(as well as RNC) officials who are responsible for organizing free and fair public elections? If not, why not? No. Called private for a reason. Unfortunate I would feel the same way about RNC email being lifted illegally. Politics are a fucking nasty business. I'm grown so understand that bullshit

Do you support waging physical war with Russia if Putin or the Russian government is orchestrated in influencing the 2016 presidential election? Why/why not?not for war after spending years in the military. Others ways to hurt Russia.

now stop with the bullshit threads. Time to focus on Trump
and you bring up a 5 month old post. Time to let Hillary go, much bigger problems has arisen
Bringing up the alternative isn't irrelevant. It's important to keep in mind how fucked we would have been either way. I held my nose and voted for the guy what's left of mainstream "journalism" views as an adversary.

Primarily, the best aspect of Trump is that it's perfectly okay to criticize every breath he takes and every media outlet will do so. This means getting off their ass and actually reporting on policy making instead of gently masturbating Obama for 8 years while he bombs hospitals and schools in UN green zones. Anyone in the Oval Office is a de facto war criminal, the moment Trump is sworn in, he's a war criminal. I want to see Washington's genocidal imperialism aired out for what it is, with Clinton, it'd be another after school special.

And the way I see it, pretty much every government policy backfires completely:
-the patriot act is probably the least patriotic document ever coined
-the ACA has given unfettered access to monopolistic practices and pricing
-Iraqi Freedom created Iraqi militant road warrior hellscape
-moderate rebels are actually Al Nusra militant front groups
-"closing Gitmo"
-"Assad must go"
the list goes on and on

So if Trump gets something really draconian through, say, "The Military Boot Stomping Your Head Act", you can expect it to backfire completely and everyone will get a brand new Toyota Prius. Big government for you.
Bringing up the alternative isn't irrelevant. It's important to keep in mind how fucked we would have been either way. I held my nose and voted for the guy what's left of mainstream "journalism" views as an adversary.

Primarily, the best aspect of Trump is that it's perfectly okay to criticize every breath he takes and every media outlet will do so. This means getting off their ass and actually reporting on policy making instead of gently masturbating Obama for 8 years while he bombs hospitals and schools in UN green zones. Anyone in the Oval Office is a de facto war criminal, the moment Trump is sworn in, he's a war criminal. I want to see Washington's genocidal imperialism aired out for what it is, with Clinton, it'd be another after school special.

And the way I see it, pretty much every government policy backfires completely:
-the patriot act is probably the least patriotic document ever coined
-the ACA has given unfettered access to monopolistic practices and pricing
-Iraqi Freedom created Iraqi militant road warrior hellscape
-moderate rebels are actually Al Nusra militant front groups
-"closing Gitmo"
-"Assad must go"
the list goes on and on

So if Trump gets something really draconian through, say, "The Military Boot Stomping Your Head Act", you can expect it to backfire completely and everyone will get a brand new Toyota Prius. Big government for you.
You ARE a complete idiot.
Do you think the emails that were hacked should have been part of the public domain to begin with?

You haven't worked in an office before. People use whatever means of communication sometimes for brainstorming ideas. If an organization is to grow and do great things people need to talk openly, especially float ideas. The basic fault of the DNC is they corruptly biased their efforts to Clinton. That's an organizational problem revealed in e-mails but obvious without it. That shit needs to get fixed. If one thinks that the DNC cannot become an impartial body then fuck it, dissolve it and be done with any idea of the Democratic Party pooling resources to build infrastructure that every candidate needs regardless. I'd like to think that there is a way to avoid the cost of redundancy. In which case, don't cripple the staff by demanding open access to whatever hair brained idea somebody floats.
Actually it relates to the Democratic divide which I feel is a current and important issue

So do you think the American people should have a right to view private communications from DNC(as well as RNC) officials who are responsible for organizing free and fair public elections? If not, why not?

Well, they were private, before they were hacked so I'm not sure I understand the question.

Do you support waging physical war with Russia if Putin or the Russian government is orchestrated in influencing the 2016 presidential election? Why/why not?

Hell, no. I'd love to see a cyber response though. A nuclear virus would be nice, scramble their systems up.
Well, they were private, before they were hacked so I'm not sure I understand the question.

Hell, no. I'd love to see a cyber response though. A nuclear virus would be nice, scramble their systems up.
Please tell me y'all aren't dumb enough to think this wouldn't escalate?

Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks
19 Jan, 2017 in Uncategorized by craig
In his final press conference, beginning around 8 minutes 30 seconds in, Obama admits that they have no evidence of how WikiLeaks got the DNC material. This undermines the stream of completely evidence-free nonsense that has been emerging from the US intelligence services this last two months, in which a series of suppositions have been strung together to make unfounded assertions that have been repeated again and again in the mainstream media.

Most crucially of all Obama refers to “The DNC emails that were leaked”. Note “leaked” and not “hacked”. I have been repeating that this was a leak, not a hack, until I am blue in the face. William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, has asserted that were it a hack the NSA would be able to give the precise details down to the second it occurred, and it is plain from the reports released they have no such information. Yet the media has persisted with this nonsense “Russian hacking” story.

Obama’s reference to the “the DNC emails that were leaked” appears very natural, fluent and unforced. It is good to have the truth finally told.

Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks
19 Jan, 2017 in Uncategorized by craig
In his final press conference, beginning around 8 minutes 30 seconds in, Obama admits that they have no evidence of how WikiLeaks got the DNC material. This undermines the stream of completely evidence-free nonsense that has been emerging from the US intelligence services this last two months, in which a series of suppositions have been strung together to make unfounded assertions that have been repeated again and again in the mainstream media.

Most crucially of all Obama refers to “The DNC emails that were leaked”. Note “leaked” and not “hacked”. I have been repeating that this was a leak, not a hack, until I am blue in the face. William Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, has asserted that were it a hack the NSA would be able to give the precise details down to the second it occurred, and it is plain from the reports released they have no such information. Yet the media has persisted with this nonsense “Russian hacking” story.

Obama’s reference to the “the DNC emails that were leaked” appears very natural, fluent and unforced. It is good to have the truth finally told.
Hacked and then leaked.

"Hacked" is the act of obtaining them, "leaked" is what you do with them once obtained.

Sorry the President uses correct words unlike "Bigly".
Hacked and then leaked.

"Hacked" is the act of obtaining them, "leaked" is what you do with them once obtained.

Sorry the President uses correct words unlike "Bigly".

It's actually 'big league' that he's saying. Similar to China sounding like vagina.

He's an 80s guy..a total zero when it comes to pop culture and computers which is why he used the visual aid of those blank files and pages to represent his sons taking over the business..he's old school..doesn't realize we don't use paper anymore and that legal docs are sent via encrypted software now.
Hacked and then leaked.

"Hacked" is the act of obtaining them, "leaked" is what you do with them once obtained.

Sorry the President uses correct words unlike "Bigly".

Hacked is entering the server without permission. Leaked is you obtain and distribute.

You can have a direct leak from someone who has permission to server.
It's actually 'big league' that he's saying. Similar to China sounding like vagina.

He's an 80s guy..a total zero when it comes to pop culture and computers which is why he used the visual aid of those blank files and pages to represent his sons taking over the business..he's old school..doesn't realize we don't use paper anymore and that legal docs are sent via encrypted software now.
Then I'm old fashioned, because I want a hard copy of anything I or someone else signs.