DNC Email Leak

Except his corporations are filled with miniorities and women and you have yet to demonstrate his actual exclusionary practices.

All I see is hysterical hyperbole based on the fact that you believe that not allowing illegal immigration is racist.
The guy is loved by the KKK. They know a racist when they see one. The guy has practically zero support from you name the minority -- Gay, Muslim, Black, Hispanic. They know a racist-bigot when they see one. The ONE black executive working for him he calls a personal assistant. The only person who says Trump isn't racist is you and I think you are lying about your belief of that too.
I ditched my satellite service over a year ago and haven't watched one second of Fox News for about a year before that. Only one tv in the house, connected to a XBOX One with Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube, that's it.

I catch the occasional clip if it's referenced from a website I happen to be checking out.

Nice try though.

On the other hand, I'll bet you're glued to MSNBC and the HuffPo.

do you ever stop crying?
The guy saying this to you is not wearing pants so take it with all the seriousness it deserves.

You're a hideous failure bro. Out of human compassion, right now, I'm saying a prayer for anyone who has to contend with your absolute lack of wit, imagination and character. Your loutishness is nearly weaponized.
Yeah! I heard Bill say that, and laughed.

Now that you're experiencing the deep South yourself, how has your opinion of that culture changed? When I was stationed in Jacksonville, I saw that redneck culture, and I just wanted to move away from there.


I lived in Arkansas for a few years. It was very educational. My faith in our country's ability to make progress on many fronts was sorely depleted.
Look gang, I'm starting to smell the over the top breathless headline grabbing daily churn of a very slick political op; Chump! Is the new Bogeyman! So vote for Shillary, because even though she's just as bought and paid for and just as corrupt in stealing the nomination, she's better than Chump!

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm...
So nobody is really that bad, this must be a conspiracy by Hillary?