Any advice welcome

Hey everyone trying to get some advice on taking better care of my plants.

A quick little background all but one of my plants are approximately 4 months old.. all were started from seeds. I've made many mistakes and I've lost a couple plants in the process. Hey it's a learning experience for me! Despite all this they seem relatively healthy(I could be wrong),but they could be doing better.

The problems I have had include, but are not limited to: poor soil(originally very woody). Transplanted plants into different soils(3 diff mixes actually, so I could compare). This helped a ton. Also since the beginning, I am pretty sure I have struggled mostly with overwatering, but also a little bit of underwatering. In addition, I think I probably have had nutrient deficiencies/toxicities as well as some minor heat stress and trying to dial in the height of my LED light. All could have/had root issues. Not being super diligent on pruning/topping/etc, trying to figure out what works best, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to look/advise. Onto the pics, which aren't the best because they are taken through grow room sunglasses under the led light. I can try to get better pics if it will help:

Kalish- short, slow growth, this one hasn't put on any height in months. Was considering topping, but the stems alternate, not sure how to approach pruning on this one. Burnt tips lower growth, bleached/yellowed, Tips middle growth. top leaves look healthy

Cheese - glossy look, many leaves full claw. Leave tips yellowing and browning

Jack herer - some wilting(thought she was just thirsty, but hasn't responded since I watered her) lower leaves showing general yellowing, she was just recently pruned and stretches around so maybe it's just some stress still?

MNG2 - mostly looks healthy, But the tips of many leaves aren't bent 90' straight down(N toxicity?)

Random3 - she is the youngest and seemingly the healthiest. Probably because she has had a much smoother ride then all the others. Leag tips showing slight upward curl.

All plants showing some non symmetrical curving leaf structures, which I thought was indicative of MG deficiency. So I do have calmag and have given a little bit to all the plants. Also have some Jacks? All purpose fertilizer. Have some organic dr earth tomato fertilizer that I've sprinkled a little on the top of the soil of all the girls.

Anyway any advice/input on any aspect of the grow is very welcome. Particularly interested in your opinion of the health of my plant, nutrient advice, and pruning advice

Thanks all!
you're over feeding, over thinking. water when dry feed when hungry
Let me be clear about the nutes, I do have them, but have only basically giving them water, until the last couple weeks when I began to feed lightly. but I have had the yellow tips through out the grow and at some points nitrogen defieciency when I was having a lot of yellowing and it appeared concentrated on lower growth, the girls look as healthy now as they ever have under my care. But thank you for the simple explanation, you're I am overthinking

Humidity ranging from 60 to 82 as shown in the picture is to high.
This humidity reading is abnormal. We experienced heavy rains over the last 4 days, which has shot that thing up! It has been consistently between 38-45 pretty steadily, thanks for pointing that out tho
I'm psychic so its different for me, but watch the growth, colors, patterns, then its like clockwork, you'll be psychic too.
Haha I like the idea of getting to read your plants, I just have no feel for it yet.. me seeing the yellowing makes me think they have a deficiency or something


Well-Known Member
Haha I like the idea of getting to read your plants, I just have no feel for it yet.. me seeing the yellowing makes me think they have a deficiency or something
youre on the right track. keep in mind outdoor colors though, they change too, with natural deficiencies(temps, less poop, less good light, less fungus in soil, less everything..... as they ripen their fruit... I dont run out and fertilize my apples when the leaves begin to change seasonally. I do fertilize my prize non mj flowers right to the end though, because I dont smoke them, and they look pretty longer.