LED Strip Build Questions


Well-Known Member
I have a 2ft x 4ft tent and I'm thinking of building 4 lights: Two 2x2 veg lights and two 2x2 flower lights. I was looking at COBs, but I like the LED strips for their evenly spread out coverage and their thermal properties -- no heat sinks needed. I'm aware of two options, the Bridgelux EB series and the Samsung H-series strips (and I've browsed through the "Bridgelux EB Series" and "DIY with Quantum Boards" threads, but they're huge and it's very hard to sift the useful information out of the noise). I have about a million questions, but I'll start with these:

1) How do I decide how many strips I need to fully illuminate my space? I'm planning to have my lights on a dimmer; I'd like them to be able to produce a bit more light than I could possibly use, and I'll dim them to what seems right. I've read that you can get these as close as 6 inches to the plants; let's say I'm going to run them 12 inches above the plants. On growweedeasy.com I found a chart that claims that for vegetative growth plants should get 40,000 - 70,000 lux, and for flowering they should get 60,000 - 85,000 lux. Would you shoot for a veg light that produces 70,000 lux from a foot above the plants and a flowering light that produces 85,000 lux a foot above? I found a lux to lumens calculator online that suggests that for 85,000 lux over 4 square feet I need 31,587 lumens, but the calculator didn't ask for a distance, and that has to matter. I found another that did include distance (as well as a view angle); that one came up with 14,532 lumens at 1 foot and 90 degrees, but then came up with 1690 lumens at 1 foot and 30 degrees, which makes no sense to me. So I am pretty confused on this basic question.

2) Can I compare "typical" efficacy ratings?
Looking at the 3500K units for comparison, Samsung lists their model H562D as having a typical efficacy of 182 lm/W, at 480 mA, 22.5 V (10.8 W). The corresponding Bridgelux model has a typical efficacy of 156 lm/W, at 700 mA, 22.1 V (15.5 W). Ignoring price of the modules for now, does that simply mean the Samsung is the better choice? I'd expect the companies to be giving specs for something near their "sweet spots" -- in other words, if I run the Bridgelux at 300 mA or 400 mA instead of 700 mA, then I wouldn't expect the efficacy to go up appreciably -- in fact I'd expect it to go down (otherwise why wouldn't they list it that way?) -- but what do I know (almost nothing).

and one more, for now:

3) How important is color temperature and CRI? The Bridgelux strips go from 3000K to 5700K, and the Samsung from 3000K to 5000K. Since I am planning to have separate veg and flower lights, I can go to extremes for each, and if I went with COBs I think I can find 2700K lights for flower and 6500K lights for veg. Is that enough of a reason to reconsider going with COBs? Also, these strips are all 80 CRI; COBs are available at 90 CRI. How much does that matter? And finally, the Bridgelux data sheet includes a graph of the spectrum; the Samsung does not (but I can probably find one for the LM561C chip, which is what it uses). Should I be looking carefully at those before making my decision, or can I just rely on the color temperature numbers?

Thanks very much for any help you can give.
I just looked farther down in the Bridgelux data sheet and it seems that I was mistaken to match their "nominal" current with their "typical" efficacy. In their "Product Performance at Commonly Used Drive Currents" table they give the efficacy as 156 lm/W at 350mA (not 700 mA). The efficacy at 700mA is 136 lm/W. At 100 mA it goes up to 166 lm/W.

Samsung doesn't have a similar table, but they list their "min," "typical," and "max" efficacies as 164 lm/W, 182 lm/W, and 200 lm/W, respectively.
Not sure 100%, but I think that the min, max and typical efficacies are more of an average over the whole series, meaning you can get a strip that produces any value between 164 to 200 lm/w driven at 700 mA.

A way to calculate efficacy when driving on different current is looking at the 561C's graphs- The H562D series is 8 561's in series and 6 parallel meaning each 561 led is driven @ 80 mA. Now you will need to look at the LM561C datasheets and look for the relative luminous flux vs forward current graph and see the relative % and divide it by the relative % while driving at 80 mA. Then you multiply the result with the typical flux and divide it by the the new power. Note that when driving harder the voltage goes up as well, so when calculating the new power you should take that into consideration as well and work with the forward current vs forward voltage graph.
Why not take 3000 or 3500°k and use it as all for one?
3.000°k is also good for vegging and you can save a lot of money unless you want to use 2 tents.(one veg, one flower tent)

To 1.,
forget lux / lumen measurements!
I do not want you to be bored with efficiency calculations, so I will make it easier.
You need about 300-400w for 750-1000μMols in a 2x4 tent.
2 HLG-185 driver would be a good driver choice no matter which strip you choose at the end.

To 2., the Samsung H-strips are more efficient but also costs significantly more.(179lm/w @480mA vs. ~164lm/w @480mA, 3.000°k)
In addition, there are the new F series, gen3 of Samsung, same 561c chips but 50% more LED's for $ 1 less.(72 instead of 48 LED's per strip)
They are not available yet but I've been talking to digikey and they say they are overdue and should have been there since 3. april.
So it's only a matter of time untill they are available.


And they are available as double row strips(144 LED's)

Why not take 3000 or 3500°k and use it as all for one?
3.000°k is also good for vegging and you can save a lot of money unless you want to use 2 tents.(one veg, one flower tent)

To 1.,
forget lux / lumen measurements!
I do not want you to be bored with efficiency calculations, so I will make it easier.
You need about 300-400w for 750-1000μMols in a 2x4 tent.
2 HLG-185 driver would be a good driver choice no matter which strip you choose at the end.

To 2., the Samsung H-strips are more efficient but also costs significantly more.(179lm/w @480mA vs. ~164lm/w @480mA, 3.000°k)
In addition, there are the new F series, gen3 of Samsung, same 561c chips but 50% more LED's for $ 1 less.(72 instead of 48 LED's per strip)
They are not available yet but I've been talking to digikey and they say they are overdue and should have been there since 3. april.
So it's only a matter of time untill they are available.


And they are available as double row strips(144 LED's)


Thanks for the heads up about the F-series -- sounds very promising. I guess it's a moving target these days -- whatever I choose will undoubtedly be outdated by the time I harvest my first crop...

Regarding color temperatures, yes, I have been considering separate veg and flower tents, so I was looking for what's optimal for each. But I see a lot of people just choosing 3500K as a good all-around light; I'll be considering that as an option.

And thanks, but I'm still not comfortable with how to decide how many strips I need. It can't really be a matter of wattage -- after all a more efficient light puts out more lumens per watt. I am starting to believe that there's no easy calculation -- with a lot of small point sources distributed across multiple strips, their outputs overlap and it gets pretty complicated. The best answer is probably to buy a bunch of strips and just measure with a lux meter, and maybe that's what I'll do, but ideally I'd just place one order for what I really need and save on shipping.
Hey. (@Serva: hope you're not asking me, that would be crazy...)

I did some number crunching: To generate 10,000 lumens with 560mm (22 inch) strips, using 3500K LEDs:

Bridgelux EB: $31.00, using 64W.

Samsung H-series: $79.00, using 55W.

Samsung F-series, single row: $31.50, using 59W.

Samsung F-series, double row: $27.00, using 59W.

The prices are based on what Digi-Key is listing them for right now; I didn't shop around. And these calculations are for exactly 10,000 lumens -- regardless of the fact that that necessitates fractions of boards, which is clearly ridiculous, but just for comparison. And they are using the "typical" currents from the manufacturers' data sheets -- start playing with the current and it gets more complicated.

Results: The H-series is the most efficient, but more than twice as expensive, which I think is enough to put it out of the running. The F-series look good, but they are not yet in stock, so there's a question of how long I can wait (not very...). So I am leaning toward the Bridgelux.

And so it comes back to my first question: Each Bridgelux EB strip (at "typical" current of 700mA) puts out 2410 lumens. How many to light a 2ft x 4ft flowering tent really, really well? Your opinion humbly requested...
A 400W HPS replacement (which I would take with this tent size), would give you something like 50.000lm, so everything between 30k - 50k lumen seems fine to me, depending on your needs.

Thanks for the calculation! And because I can wait, I guess I take the F series ;)
For what it's worth, Arrow is selling the Samsung H series (22 inch, 3500K) strips for $12.90 (compared to Digi-Key's $15.52 -- both prices assuming you buy at least 10), which reduces the price for 10,000 lumens I gave above from $79.00 to $66.00. Still more than twice the price of the Bridgelux; I suppose at some point I should buckle down and figure out how long it will take before the higher efficiency of the Samsung makes up the difference in electricity cost.
You can buy an hlg-185h-24b and put 12 strips on it wired in parallel at about 650mA/strip.

I do not think you would be disappointed with this setup.

For what it's worth, Arrow is selling the Samsung H series (22 inch, 3500K) strips for $12.90 (compared to Digi-Key's $15.52 -- both prices assuming you buy at least 10), which reduces the price for 10,000 lumens I gave above from $79.00 to $66.00. Still more than twice the price of the Bridgelux; I suppose at some point I should buckle down and figure out how long it will take before the higher efficiency of the Samsung makes up the difference in electricity cost.
You can buy an hlg-185h-24b and put 12 strips on it wired in parallel at about 650mA/strip.

I do not think you would be disappointed with this setup.
Just to make sure I'm clear: 12 of the 22 inch strips at 650mA each should suffice for a 2ft x 4ft tent? Does that sound right?
(I was getting ready to guess at 18 or 20...)
Thats what I would run but it depends on how HAM you want to go on your room.

If you want to go overkill then throw 20 on a hlg-320h-24b @ 660mA/strip

Enough light for me isnt necessarily enough for you. At the moment I run about 380w of cxa3590s in a 4x4 but I am in organic soil with no co2

Just to make sure I'm clear: 12 of the 22 inch strips at 650mA each should suffice for a 2ft x 4ft tent? Does that sound right?
(I was getting ready to guess at 18 or 20...)
Thanks. I am in organic soil with no CO2 as well, and pretty much a newbie -- just finished my first grow, and starting my second. Probably I don't need overkill, but I'd rather build it in in case I want it than find myself dissatisfied with the results -- perpetual grow sounds better to me than perpetual build... Thanks again.
In that case you might want to go with the hlg-320h-24b and 20 strips on some cheap aluminum angle and just keep it dimmed.

You can use less strips with that driver and keep it dimmed but in order to crank up the juice (say with 12 strips @ 1100mA max power) you'll need decent heatsinks. (I think). Others with more experience with these can chime in.

My only experience with EB strips is 6 @ 500mA on a pretty beefy repurposed bar heatsink i purchased a few years ago and promptly turned into swiss cheese while i "honed" my tapping skills.

Thanks. I am in organic soil with no CO2 as well, and pretty much a newbie -- just finished my first grow, and starting my second. Probably I don't need overkill, but I'd rather build it in in case I want it than find myself dissatisfied with the results -- perpetual grow sounds better to me than perpetual build... Thanks again.
For what it's worth, Arrow is selling the Samsung H series (22 inch, 3500K) strips for $12.90 (compared to Digi-Key's $15.52 -- both prices assuming you buy at least 10), which reduces the price for 10,000 lumens I gave above from $79.00 to $66.00. Still more than twice the price of the Bridgelux; I suppose at some point I should buckle down and figure out how long it will take before the higher efficiency of the Samsung makes up the difference in electricity cost.

If you have your mind set on the Samsung H strips and are not in any rush be patient and check octopart every few days. Arrow electronics in particular seems to have their prices jump up and down signifigant amounts fairly regularly. When i first thought about ordering they were $13 a strip for the 2 foot ones, a week later i scored them @ $9.75 a strip (that was just two weeks ago) 2 days after i ordered they were up to $13.48 a strip and now you say its $12.90. If you arent in a rush to get that light built a bit of patience can save you signifigant $. The order i made cost me $210 just two days earlier or two days later the exact same strips would be an order of $290
Just to make sure I'm clear: 12 of the 22 inch strips at 650mA each should suffice for a 2ft x 4ft tent? Does that sound right?
(I was getting ready to guess at 18 or 20...)

I went with 16 samsung strips but for flexibity of a changing space for my grow i wanted them split into two drivers and 2 seperate lights so i could use them in a 2x4 or two seperate 2x2 spaces. I also wanted the ability to easily expand that build to add in more strips at a later date when my grow space changed to have a larger area.

The advice i was given by picklesRus who was awesome and helped me an incredible amount (randomblame was just as helpful but pickles explained it in a way that made it easier for a dyslexic to understand)

His advice for driver cut and paste from EB build thread for a 2 light 16 of samsung h 2 foot strip build....
Alright man heres what I would do.

#1 - If I wasnt going to upgrade later, and keep only 16 strips. I would get two HLG-120H-C700. They run a maximum of 8 strips at 700ma

#2 - if I was sure I was buying more strips in the near future. I would either

A - use one HLG-240H-C700 and run 14 off one driver and add a second driver when I get my other strips OR

B - (I think this is what you want) get two HLG-240H-C700 and run 8 strips on each. Then later you can add 6 extra strips onto each driver.
I would be hesitant to accept any advice from nogod, he pretty much called me stupid and refused to help me because i could not easily grasp the concept. With some patience from pickles and random i now do understand it 100%.

Yes i am still a little bitter about how some ppl talked to me...
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I went with 16 samsung strips but for flexibity of a changing space for my grow i wanted them split into two drivers and 2 seperate lights so i could use them in a 2x4 or two seperate 2x2 spaces. I also wanted the ability to easily expand that build to add in more strips at a later date when my grow space changed to have a larger area.

The advice i was given by picklesRus who was awesome and helped me an incredible amount (randomblame was just as helpful but pickles explained it in a way that made it easier for a dyslexic to understand)

His advice for driver cut and paste from EB build thread for a 2 light 16 of samsung h 2 foot strip build....
Alright man heres what I would do.

#1 - If I wasnt going to upgrade later, and keep only 16 strips. I would get two HLG-120H-C700. They run a maximum of 8 strips at 700ma

#2 - if I was sure I was buying more strips in the near future. I would either

A - use one HLG-240H-C700 and run 14 off one driver and add a second driver when I get my other strips OR

B - (I think this is what you want) get two HLG-240H-C700 and run 8 strips on each. Then later you can add 6 extra strips onto each driver.
I would be hesitant to accept any advice from nogod, he pretty much called me stupid and refused to help me because i could not easily grasp the concept. With some patience from pickles and random i now do understand it 100%.

Yes i am still a little bitter about how some ppl talked to me...
Thanks. I know I have to start thinking about drivers, but I've been trying to start by focusing on the LEDs -- figure I'll figure out what I want, then start worrying about how to power them (probably in about a day or so...). But I appreciate the info a whole lot.

As far as gripes go, just looking here nogod_ seems to be a stand up dude (dudette? -- can't tell out here...). Don't know what went down on the other thread -- I pretty much try to skip over the unfriendly stuff. But if you wanted to chalk it up to a misunderstanding, or a bad day -- we all get them -- you might be better off. Just a thought -- as I said, I truly appreciate your help, as well as the help everyone else has generously offered. Great place, this RIU...
Thanks. I know I have to start thinking about drivers, but I've been trying to start by focusing on the LEDs -- figure I'll figure out what I want, then start worrying about how to power them (probably in about a day or so...). But I appreciate the info a whole lot.

As far as gripes go, just looking here nogod_ seems to be a stand up dude (dudette? -- can't tell out here...). Don't know what went down on the other thread -- I pretty much try to skip over the unfriendly stuff. But if you wanted to chalk it up to a misunderstanding, or a bad day -- we all get them -- you might be better off. Just a thought -- as I said, I truly appreciate your help, as well as the help everyone else has generously offered. Great place, this RIU...
Yah i know u were thinking the leds first. But i meant for the similar space i went with 16 samsung H strips 2foot ones until my space gets larger. Thats the advice i got in that thread u had trouble sorting thru.

As far as nogod goes i could tolerate being called stupid and spoon fed, but when he called me a cancer i wont drop it without an apology he will never give.

Good luck on your build
You have 2x4ft tent? My suggestion:
2 Panel with 12 Strips powered by HLG-185H-C700A. You can adjust between 190-380W
Yep and the setup i was advised is exactly halfway between this one. So if u have less of a budget go with one of the 16 strip options picklesrus gave me or a bigger budget the w4 strip advicw above. Either should be good...

Edit w4 is 24 and advicw is advice... Dyslexia in action...