Used soil for garden bed?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if my indoor mix will work for veggies in a raised bed outdoors. Used probable twice indoors. Haven't added anything since.
Base is one third each perlite,ewc,peat.
3-4cups total per cf
Crab shell
Fish bone meal

4-5 cups per cf of
Azomite, rock phosphate. Gypsum. Oyster she'll. Humic acid.

4 cups steer composted manure.
4 cups biochar

Should I use this? Add extra compost. Or topsoil? Just trying to grow all your basic vegetable

Thanks all!
Yes indeed, used dirt works great outdoors! I'm beginning to think it gets better over time. Another grower actually gives me his used dirt every time he does a run. He doesn't want to mess with it and I'm happy to recycle & use it again.
The pile gets frequent doses of stale coffee and worm extract from my bin (stinky juice that comes out the bottom).
Basically I just break up the big root balls with my hands, then add mild organic ferts + a cup of biochar before throwing it on the pile.
now lets talk about all the frikken perlite floating in the yard when it rains!
glad I live in the woods, in the city that jig would be up
Good point! I made sure my neighbors saw me adding bags of kitty litter to my garden. Looks a lot like perlite -- and doesn't float.
When they asked why I was doing it, I explained that our soil was a bit sandy with a low CEC (mind blown) which is true. I also told them about the history of biochar (mind blown X 2). :shock:
I used to recycle my soil outdoors, but now I just keep using it, amending it as I go, and my plants have never looked better! It will certainly work though!View attachment 3936873
I have been using this soil for almost 2-3 runs. Have switched to a no till setup for my mmj inside and now have most likely 2 yards or soil from test batches. Random piles that never got reused. Idk I had a soil building addicting (still fighting it) for a few years now. I know it's better after recycle but I ccan't help it. Lol. Beatififul btw:)
Definitely use it for the garden. You won't be disappointed. Outdoor season is coming to an end here. My outdoor garden starts in September. I still have tomatoes and peppers going, but everything else has pretty much petered out from the heat already. Next month (hopefully) the rain starts. It's been a really dry Winter here and the water table is low.
It's a great way to dispose of the evidence. I used to do it in PA when I lived there. Soil is soil, just needs to be amended.
The occasional Cannabis seed will sometimes find its way into the mix and germinate in favorable conditions but that's always a welcome sight.
Hah. I hope not being that these raised beds will be at the hotel I manage. Not sure my guests would appreciate mj popping next to the tomatoes as much as I would.
I mix my used soil and coco in with my native soil which is mostly glacial silt and volcanic ash, with very little organic matter.
It works wonders for aeration and helps drainage, which also helps warm our cold soil.