Well-Known Member
That two part plastic epoxy is great stuff. You can drill and tap it. Just build an intake for it.
Hell a cutting torch, flat stock and various metal tubing I could build you one.
Yeah I used some stuff that I've used in the past's a two part mix ..the intake pipe is rite in the hottest spot of the motor's a truly terrible fucked up design WB....I use to race Go Karts and have built I'm used to rebuilding,repairing,small engines of all sorts mower takes the cake for building things as cheap as possible and putting a nice shiny red cover on it ....
Had some extra epoxy

K I'm guna go mow my yard and il see how far I get .....I noticed my only neighbor who happens to be elderly ....parks her mower by her barn ....if need be ,,il just steal hers and use her not so great memory to convince her it was actually mine in the first place....