Do these look ok!


Active Member
I certainly slightly overwatered at the start. However I will wait till they are extra dry till watering again. I was wondering how long you think till these are ready for new pots?


Active Member
Only one or two roots at the bottom through the holes. And wow yours look huge! What light they under? I have a 600w aircooled hps that will be going in but would that be better before or after the transplant?


Active Member
also my temps around the canopy (i.e. Radiant temp) is around 28 but the airflow is good, the plants slightly shake in the breeze and the temp around the rest of the box seems to be around 22, does this seem ok to everyone?


Well-Known Member
Only one or two roots at the bottom through the holes. And wow yours look huge! What light they under? I have a 600w aircooled hps that will be going in but would that be better before or after the transplant?
I don't know much about hps because it would cause to much heat for me. So I just stayed clear of them. I got a 600w meizhi led it's a cheaper brand but I got great results from it so far. I'd say your seedlings are a decent size go for it just start high don't want to burn them. And watch for stretching


Well-Known Member
I always keep them under a fan helps strengthen the stems you don't need much movement. Anywhere between 65 75 degrees is good for Temps. Keep your humidity up too for good growth. If ur roots are showing I'd transplant within a week or so.