White guy killer syndrome, Elliot Rodger’s deadly, privileged rage


Well-Known Member
Fdd's day,

5:00 wakes up thinking about buck, checks rui
5:30 takes shit, quotes buck
6:00 eats pound of bacon, while thinking more about buck, checks riu again
7:00 still thinking about buck, checks his facebook
8:00 throws darts at board with bucks picture cruedly pasted to it
9:00 eats more bacon, researches routers, checks riu again
10:00 makes appointment for new "uncle buck" tattoo
11:00 eats more bacon
12:00 still eating bacon checks riu, again
1:00 buck signs in, FDD life now has meaning
2:00 FDD gets jealous, spends the next ten hours accussing others of being buck's minions
12:00 FDD goes to bed dreaming of buck for the next five hours