buying my first set up?


Well-Known Member
Personaly i use ocean forest myself if i had the time i would go coco. I cant be mixen nutes and watering everyday.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
coco is about as neutral as shit comes, i've used it for a long time. it has its own quirks, but once you get used to them, its easy. stabler than dwc, and a lot faster growth than straight soil


Well-Known Member
More stable as in less chance of root rot own quirks as in must be ph'ed, must be fed everyday ( coco is alot of work lol) and coco leaches calcium so a cal mag additive is usually a must.


Well-Known Member
no, an ec/ppm meter is a good thing to have, at least until you get really comfortable with the nute system you'e using, its nice to not have to guess about how strong your solution is, and if you're anything like me, you can get fucked up and add the same shit twice if you aren't careful, a final check with the ec and ph meters after you've done everything else can help you avoid mistakes.
few hundred? i've had the same cheap chinese ppm meter for two years, paid 14.99 for it, and 7 bucks for a bottle of test solution. its stayed calibrated for the whole two years so far, not had to adjust it once, same for ph meter, paid 15 bucks, got a bottle of test solution, had to adjust it less than one tenth of a point twice in 2 years
how strong should the nutes be? i got everything today, just putting the jig saw together tonight and ill be wetting some beans once the tent is up and running. also how high from the seedling should the light be at first? I'm going auto for the first one.
hey guys I'm buying my first indoor set up and was just wondering what i want on my shopping list? I've grown outdoor for a few seasons now and have decoded to take it a bit further. so far on my shopping list i have:

1mtr x 1mtr tent
600w light
carbon filter
Ph stick
digi thermometer/humidity computer

I was debating if i should get a smaller light for the first few weeks of veg? i believe if your going to do it you might as well do it properly lol. any advice openly welcomed cheers guys!

Get a variable ballast you can turn them from 400 up to 600 then have an over drive of 10% making 660 total. Keep at 400 for first week or so then up it if the temperatures allow you too.

Are you going to use a system? Like nft or auto pots etc

All the best on your quest to greenness.


Well-Known Member
how strong should the nutes be? i got everything today, just putting the jig saw together tonight and ill be wetting some beans once the tent is up and running. also how high from the seedling should the light be at first? I'm going auto for the first one.
Are you going coco or soil? Which did you decide?


Well-Known Member
I've put my seeds in to germinate now and was speaking to a friend last night, he said to pour a very light nutrient mix threw the soil before i put the seeds in as coco pro plus has no nutes in. is this recommended or not?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
pot is a dicot, the first set of leaves that pop out aren't really leaves, they're full of all the nutrients that were in the shouldn't have to feed it till those leaves start to look a little faded. i usually wait till the plant gets it third set of real leaves out, about 10 days or so from popping ground