Wishful thinking. It's not over yet and there are several hi up people still stating "Fake News" on the classified Russia thing including Putin offering up the entire transcript. The Comey thing will come down to the interpretation of the word "hope." Additionally I see no proof Trump pursued Comey after the initial request and response from Comey "I agree he is a good guy." You guys got a lot of nothing except media hype and that assclown Colbert spinning everything.
Now evidence coming out that Seth Rich was the the DNC leaker, (and was maybe killed for it), which if true, would prove the whole Russian interference thing is completely made up and should have never been pursued.
What's really happened here is over a 100 days of wasted time and not allowing a person time to learn or properly do his job. In the end all of us are going to lose because of your bullshit resistance. Speaking as an independent voter, fuck every goddamn one of you. There's so much that needs fixing and all you do is waste precious time, resources and tax dollars on your petty shit. Y'all are the real traitors to this country.