Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

The special prosecutor can't possibly be trusted.

The Justice Department said Mueller has resigned from his job at a private law firm, WilmerHale, to take the job. That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Another partner, Reginald Brown, is representing Paul Manafort. Manafort is Trump's former campaign chairman, and has been an important focus of the US investigation of Trump's associates and Russia.
Choose your poison; nepotism or incest. With America, however, we can be free to have both!
There are s few of us who respect his opinion. So you are mistaken.
You'd be better off shutting the fuck up before your ignorance is splattered all over these pages.
Don't be too eager to become the latest piece of imbecile trash we need to take out.
Thank you. I might roll up my sleeves and wade into some of these debates with a pugilistic attitude, but at the end of the day I'm advocating for a better world for everyone.

...except the haters. I think they should be fodder.
yeah... and lets take away everyone's ambition to be better while

Not at all! A living wage for everyone who works doesn't ruin anyone's ambition, quite the opposite. It gives dignity to everyone doing a necessary job. After all, if it isn't necessary it either wouldn't need doing- or it will be automated soon enough.

Taxing the rich is a way to return fairness to society because exactly no one makes millions a year without the direct help of many others and the efforts of society as a whole.

The situation we have today is one of runaway greed- and fear. The poor are afraid of the wolf at the door and the rich are afraid the poor will come for them. A more equitable economy would greatly relieve both concerns.
Not at all! A living wage for everyone who works doesn't ruin anyone's ambition, quite the opposite. It gives dignity to everyone doing a necessary job. After all, if it isn't necessary it either wouldn't need doing- or it will be automated soon enough.

Taxing the rich is a way to return fairness to society because exactly no one makes millions a year without the direct help of many others and the efforts of society as a whole.

The situation we have today is one of runaway greed- and fear. The poor are afraid of the wolf at the door and the rich are afraid the poor will come for them. A more equitable economy would greatly relieve both concerns.
yeah , it's insulting to suggest my motivation comes from money. i think that may be some weak acid.
I'm hoping for a slow investigation that lasts through into the next congress.

Like it or not, impeachment is more of a political thing than a legal thing. The rules are different, the burden of proof is different and it always comes down to votes.

Yes, we need the investigation to last through the 2018 midterms so that those rounds of elections will become a referendum on the el presidente muy loco.
Yep, Bill Clinton was impeached and continued serving his elected term in pretty high poll #'s. Basically impeachment is a vote of "we think he did something bad/wrong" and that's it, not the end or real meat. Congress then has to ok a trial where the real shit happens. Good thing is that even being investigated will unhinge Trump further, impeachment might even send him over the edge as he craves being admired/respected. The manchild is far too immature to handle the pressure
Impeachment is akin to an indictment by a grand jury for "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Impeachment explained.
Yep, Bill Clinton was impeached and continued serving his elected term in pretty high poll #'s. Basically impeachment is a vote of "we think he did something bad/wrong" and that's it, not the end or real meat. Congress then has to ok a trial where the real shit happens. Good thing is that even being investigated will unhinge Trump further, impeachment might even send him over the edge as he craves being admired/respected. The manchild is far too immature to handle the pressure

There's also the possibility of him resigning on his own..leveraging 'personal matter in which he cannot carry out the duties of the office..'

While I don't hold out for this since he's such a megalomaniac, option to throw in the hat.
I don't think it will come to it: Trump will come unglued in this pressure cooker and the boy will take his ball and go home before articles are filed/voted on. Trump is completely out of his element here and doesn't have the personality to play in this league. He'll take the Nixon way out and we'll see President Ford, err Pence

Agreed. Nothing to stop him from simply resigning citing 'personal' making up some story or leveraging personal family matter etc.
Gooooood morning, drumpfsters!

POLITICS | Thu May 18, 2017 | 7:19am EDT
Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources


Trump’s Worst Nightmare Comes True

President Trump fired James Comey. He got his old pal, Robert Mueller, instead—and years of trouble.
May 18, 2017



I figured Trump could beat impeachment and then resign. He's about that crazy.

He won't beat the evidence and impeach needs votes..I'm really split because he MUST be the center of attention but there is this longing for his 'old life'. Now he is going on this trip and it's WORK..I mean real work not this hour rally surrounded by his adoring deplorables, then he's home in his bed. This is going to be 10 days of told what to do and when to do it.
Gooooood morning, drumpfsters!

POLITICS | Thu May 18, 2017 | 7:19am EDT
Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources


Trump’s Worst Nightmare Comes True

President Trump fired James Comey. He got his old pal, Robert Mueller, instead—and years of trouble.
May 18, 2017


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View attachment 3944700

Good morning:hug:
You two assholes are funny! Think it's time for unclebuck and heil tweetler to take a break from all the cum swapping though and catch a breath! Maybe write to dear old Hillary and see if she won't let you guys suck her dick too. Because this racist, white privileged, silver spoon fed, homophobic motherfuckers done here. :bigjoint:

Reported as inbred trash.
No. Knocking something down to the foundation doesn't mean destroying said foundation also. I suggest actually following what our constitution says. And yes I'm white so what? Don't play the fucking race cards dude. Jews have been persecuted for a lot longer than black people have. Not to say that what's been going on in society is right. Just don't go blaming all white ppl.
Uhhhuuhh. What I thought.


"Suppression of foreigners born here doesn't affect me."
"I want the country to truly return to it's roots. 13 colonies, slaves in the south and a teensy population controlled by a small white wealthy class." and
"Just throw out 250 years of growth. Because that's too HARD."
"I mean, it's not as if modern-day New York is any different from the time when the constitution was framed."
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