remember obama scandals?


Well-Known Member
That's the problem right there fuck head.

Its not about anyone messing with your daughter. Projection much? I have a daughter and protect her.

Someone identifying as the opposite gender or being gay doesn't mean they want to diddle your daughter.

You seriously believe that allowing transgender people to use the bathroom the see fit is bringing out child molesters in droves?

Come on.
impossible to tell what it believes or is just saying to get attention. It doesn't have a daughter. That's just made up. Any egg, self respecting or otherwise would reject his sperm as damaged and not let it in.


Well-Known Member
Joe Lieberman is about a million years old as all of Chumps cucks.
We need some young guns in there.
The fact he grabs a pussy without asking should say it all. WTF


Well-Known Member
Who gives a fuck about bathrooms? Some guy dresses like a woman and fucks with my daughter I'm walking right in and cracking his head wide open. Lol
oh, so you want people to use the bathrooms corresponding with their birth gender. got it.

in that case, your daughter will be sharing a bathroom with these folks:

good luck stopping them, since you are only 5'4'', out of shape, and literally mentally retarded.


Well-Known Member
oh, so you want people to use the bathrooms corresponding with their birth gender. got it.

in that case, your daughter will be sharing a bathroom with these folks:

good luck stopping them, since you are only 5'4'', out of shape, and literally mentally retarded.
They can use what ever bathroom they like unless they try some perverted shit. Also body building does not make you as strong as working your ass off which I do 7 days a week in between fishing breaks and other shit of course.