remember obama scandals?

cookie master

Well-Known Member
I have libtard aunt who once said some of the stupidest shit ever. She stated moochell obummer was beautiful? I guess my aunt is ugly but thats fucked up to call moochell beautiful= shes harder to look at in the face than a run over dog.

cookie master

Well-Known Member
Trump has done more for me than obummer did in 8 years obamanation is what that fucker did to healthcare/ forced privatized "insurance" that increased doctors rates for uninsured and previously insured, and makes sure insured pays 5000+ prior to the deductible.=insurance get paid by tons more people, and pays out nothing while they just collect up all the money.
I cant be classified as a Trump fan, but I will support our president because the other option is to be a fucker. I even supported obummer when he was in office even though he is a sell out motherfuking pos.
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Well-Known Member
Trump has done more for me than obummer did in 8 years obamanation is what that fucker did to healthcare/ forced privatized "insurance" that increased doctors rates for uninsured and makes sure insured pays 5000+ prior to the deductible.
I cant be classified as a Trump fan, but I will support our president because the other option is to be a fucker. even supported obummer when he was in office even though he is a sell out motherfuking pos.

What specifically has twump done for you?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
all that crap that was posted about the pos obummer wasnt nearly as targeted and fake as the shit they say about Trump= he was sticking his arm over the sneeze guard? who does it? Trump kicks hillry and osama obamas ass
Trump has a federal criminal investigation against him. I don't remember Obama risking impeachment at any point in time. You should probably reconsider your perspective.


Well-Known Member
They can use what ever bathroom they like unless they try some perverted shit. Also body building does not make you as strong as working your ass off which I do 7 days a week in between fishing breaks and other shit of course.
You are stupid. Bodybuilding doesn't make you as strong as working.

It sure the hell does. It doesn't give you the same endurance but it surely makes you stronger.
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Well-Known Member
Trump has done more for me than obummer did in 8 years obamanation is what that fucker did to healthcare/ forced privatized "insurance" that increased doctors rates for uninsured and previously insured, and makes sure insured pays 5000+ prior to the deductible.=insurance get paid by tons more people, and pays out nothing while they just collect up all the money.
I cant be classified as a Trump fan, but I will support our president because the other option is to be a fucker. I even supported obummer when he was in office even though he is a sell out motherfuking pos.

You are covered under the ACA for now. Or not assuming you don't have health care coverage. The Ryan-Trump plan isn't going anywhere. If it did you'd be crying harder anyway.

Anyway, go ahead and drink your Obama-hate koolaide. You won't recover. I hear there are still some old idiots around who hate FDR. Some people don't learn good.


Well-Known Member
i know. that's why i voted. smart guy.
obamas not running anymore. he was a better president then many. i in no way support trump. i did not much criticize hilary but i will. no one gets a pass. i don't sabotage votes like some bernie supporters and anarchists did but nobody gets a pass from criticism for doing harm. my criticism of obama is in no way support for trump. trump is the devil.
Not nearly smart enough to be the devil...