Well-Known Member
thanks for proving my point
she is fat though.
thanks for proving my point
What a whore.Hey she's had three kids she's working on it
Sorry ducky not bitingWhat a whore.
What a whore.
Navy doesn't issue DCUs, you dipshit. They issue the blue utilities/cammies for garrison and, when I was in Afghanistan in '09, they wore ACUs. I saluted a Petty Officer thinking he was a Full Bird Colonel. Today, they probably wear MARPAT or Multicam, but they sure as shit don't wear DCUs.Your name calling only shows how little you actually know. The Navy still issues DCU' to this day . The only differences now it's organizational clothing we do not have to pay for. But I can tell by the way you talk tand call people names you're not the type person I ever want to get to know. You're just a sad Patty dude trying to cling on to your whole four years of service.
Even if it's in those regs, which may even be obsolete? No sailor still wears DCUs. It was also regs that Navy couldn't wear their uniforms on deployment, which is why ALL OF THEM wore ACUs. You're a fake, and I caught you fat-handed.http://www.public.navy.mil/ia/documents/NAV25911.htm God I'm done with talking to you. Do some research before you spew garbage
Here's the thing, shit stain. My grandfather was a GM1 during 'Nam, and he did over 20 years running PT boats through the swamps the whole fucking war. He killed himself when I was 2 years old, may the Devil rest his soul. I did 4 years as an infantry rifleman and was retired at 50% DoD, 60% VA. As an AG1, you sure as fuck didn't earn no goddamned 90% for going through Bagram, and you sure as fuck didn't roll with any kind of Special Operations Forces. Know how hard it was to get what I got? And I got blown the fuck up. So you better watch your lying fucking mouth before I send you to Hell where my Pap can fuck you up until I can get down there to take it from there.
Nah, that's just a story your mommy told you so you wouldn't feel so bad about your teeny weeny.that is what we call ships smaller than a carrier in the Navy.
Lack of critical thinking skills and corrosive viewing/listening/reading habits, I'd guess.What I don't understand is why he supports people who would privatize his healthcare and then short change him by only partially covering the care they need.
Mine eyes have seen some freaky shit, my friend. And not all of it stateside. What I won't do is engage in Internet Claimsmanship. It's pointless. Anyone can make any claim as you did catfish.Join the Navy see the world that shit is no lie.... Unless you a little pussy that begs the detailer to keep you stateside...
Lot Lizard over at the canteen?You have no idea what I did in the military.
Arguing with these people won't get you anywhere. They're blind and oblivious to the facts! All I want is personal responsibility and the laws enforced! If you disagree with a law CHANGE/REPEAL it! Everyone of us makes our own choices. They all have consequences and the only person to blame when those choices lead to LAW breaking is THEMSELVES.
I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS. THEY BROKE THE LAW THE MOMENT THEY CROSSED THE BORDER. If THEY brought THEIR kids with them. Those kids have ONLY one place to point their fingers for their problems. AND THATS THEIR PARENTS! It was their parents who put them in the situation they're in. NOT THE USA!
The only way they maintain a LEGAL job is with FAKE IDs and SS#s. Which is another law being broke. Then they get arrested for anything and we are just supposed to forget they broke those laws. Their kids have been sucking money out of the school systems for decades. complicating the schools ability to actually teach kids that are of LEGAL citizens. There are schools where more than 100 languages are being used. There are many more issues but I won't get in to that. We are already 20 trillion in debt. We need to stop giving away our revenue to ILLEGALS in any way shape or form!
If the ILLEGALS children have problems I don't care. Let their parents take their personal responsibility for it! If you or I broke the law we'd be locked up. So as you've noted when an illegal gets charges dropped so ICE isn't called. Or judges let ILLEGALS exit courts out of staff exits so that ILLEGAL can avoid ICE officials. There certainly is a problem and it's with our elected officials who IGNORE the laws and the ILLEGALS breaking them and OUR bias local law enforcement.
I hear all this about how some nationalities believe cops target them unfairly. But I hear nothing about ILLEGALS getting preferential treatment. Why is that?
Choosing not to release the amounts of drugs a person has been caught with to avoid mandatory minimums. Or ignoring a DUI so officials need not involve ICE. Yes there's a huge problem with that. But you'll never convince the mob here of it.
Remember these are the same people who believed they could keep their doctor. As well as you can insure 30 million more people with no more doctors and at lower costs. You can take politics out of it and we all know that's completely impossible. We have a doctor shortage for gods sakes. So adding 30 million people without adding doctors does exactly what good? Pick any product and tell me how you get 30 million more of them at a lower total price?
This mob doesn't debate shit! Just calls people names! What is there to debate? American tax dollars should be spent on its citizens! That's just what taxes are for! That and protecting us and our freedoms! Not the freedoms of the world. How hard is it to understand that? Do you leave your doors unlocked and allow anyone who wants shelter or food to the enter your house and take what they want? Come and go as they please taking whatever they want with hem as they go? Then stock the shelves the next day for the next wave of free loaders?Fuck you. If you can't win an open debate on the merits, maybe it's your shitty ideas that are the problem.
This mob doesn't debate shit! Just calls people names! What is there to debate? American tax dollars should be spent on its citizens! That's just what taxes are for! That and protecting us and our freedoms! Not the freedoms of the world. How hard is it to understand that? Do you leave your doors unlocked and allow anyone who wants shelter or food to the enter your house and take what they want? Come and go as they please taking whatever they want with hem as they go? Then stock the shelves the next day for the next wave of free loaders?
A country without borders isn't a country! Look around the rest of the world and see how they treat people who enter their country illegally! Do you not see what illegal immigrants are doing in Europe? Did you not see how many German women were sexually harassed and raped on New Years. Then the papers and government tried not reporting! WTF is that? Don't forget Kate Steinle shot dead on a pier by an ILLEGAL who was deported 5 times. She's dead! Her family will never see her again. She died in their arms! Those are the people I worry about. Not some illegal. You all act like everyone of these illegals are angels! That's the problem with an open border we've got no idea who the hell is coming here or what they want to do while here.
If they're so darn good for our society then they'd come here legally. If we stopped the flow of illegals and allowed in people who were good for OUR SOCIETY, filled jobs that aren't filled, passed backround checks, wanted to pledge allegiance to our flag and speak our language I could agree with that. But that's not what you want. You want open borders and anarchy.