WTF is wrong with California

Actually it is dated and if he served he should know how to read it. It shows the rules for wearing DCU's from 2011 when i was there. But wait he said they stopped using them in 2009....... Yea not if your on IA. IA mean i had orders to another command. I was supposed to be stationed in San Diego however I volunteered to go over. So they sent me to fort Jackson for Training were everyone was issued DCU's and off i went. When i came back i was offered another chance to deploy again because i had already had the training so off i went again. I can not lie it was about the money it was really good. ACU's were nice as well however man those DCU's were way cooler. The fabric was thinner for sure.
I served. I didn't read it right either then. Take a screen shot and highlight the date.

I was AF and did my tech school on a naval station. I still won't claim to be an expert in naval affairs. I'm not.

I will say however if that is really you in those pics you never saw combat. If you didn't see combat how did you get a 90% rating? Its hard as fuck to get a rating like that unless you were blown up or severely injured. You look healthy in those pics.
Man, maybe we're wrong.... This video clearly shows how badass his training was a Fort Jackson. Dudes probably a natural born killer, with connections to the CIA and FBI. He's best friends with Warren Buffet and fucks Scarlett Johansson when he's bored. This guy is a LEGEND!

Yea. That course doesn't mean they saw combat. Probably the opposite. Most everyone in the military goes through a course like that so they are familiar with weapons in case they ever need to use them.
Yea. That course doesn't mean they saw combat. Probably the opposite. Most everyone in the military goes through a course like that so they are familiar with weapons in case they ever need to use them.
Oh, I'm tracking. I've heard enough POG's in my day tell me they're infantry because they took a course similar to this one we speak of. Fuck that. A POG may become a combat vet, but will never be an infantryman.
I served. I didn't read it right either then. Take a screen shot and highlight the date.

I was AF and did my tech school on a naval station. I still won't claim to be an expert in naval affairs. I'm not.

I will say however if that is really you in those pics you never saw combat. If you didn't see combat how did you get a 90% rating? Its hard as fuck to get a rating like that unless you were blown up or severely injured. You look healthy in those pics.
Ok. The link is dated. Aug 11. As far as I know and remember everything I signed or all paperwork issued was dated 3 letter month/ the day of the month/ four digit year.
You have no freedoms. Jesus, I'm in Africa, here we have laws protecting your employment, armlenghts worth of worker protection laws. Hospitals even poor people are treated in. We don't have a cop on every corner or cops pulling people over for a scratch and sniff. Try and call someone a nigger over here and your arse will see jail time, or at the very least your career will come to an immediate end, and you'll end up appearing in front of the human rights comity. People's careers have been destroyed for calling people monkeys.
Indiana: Wages in Indiana fell by 0.5% between November 2014 and November 2015, making the state one of just nine to see negative wage growth over the year. Indiana's unemployment rate of 4.4% was well below the national rate of 5.0%. with Gov. Mike Pence.

California's average weekly wage of $996 was the fifth highest among the states and DC. The number of nonfarm payroll jobs in the state grew 2.6%, the seventh-highest growth rate in the country. However, California's 5.7% unemployment rate was somewhat higher than the 5.0% national rate.

There is not much wrong with California....... It is headed in the Right Direction, Just like the United States was before the Orange Clown took over as POTUS.

It's really hard to see why you people who are standing behind Trump are getting any Clue he is doing anything right or good. If so please explain what you think he has done so far.
Some masonry jobs I try to get helper's.. and I don't pay bad. But I'm honest about it telling them it's lifting stone and hauling 100 pound bags of cement all day. I typically offer 15 an hour. Not bad but not great pay.. still a fucking deal for a day job that could become more.
But noone wants to actually work anymore it's crazy

Could not of said if better myself. Bullseye.
What you mean like this:

that is definitely the face of a diddler
Didn't people come from all over the world for that?
You could literally get a bushman hunting permit

1936: Last permit to "hunt" San (Bushmen) in Namibia was issued by the government of South Africa.
Yeah, so, lock those racist bastards up, I say. If somebody can't understand what that racist slur means to a black man in South Africa, they should be taken out of the gene pool.
Didn't people come from all over the world for that?
You could literally get a bushman hunting permit

1936: Last permit to "hunt" San (Bushmen) in Namibia was issued by the government of South Africa.
We have a substantial fraction of our population here in America who would like to see this make a comeback. I say we put a bounty on THEIR heads and see how they like it.

A lot of people in America are fat, lazy, bored and have nothing to do all day so they come up with some incredibly stupid shit. They'd straighten up fast if they had to work to stave off a real threat to their lives.
Imagine everyone in the world got up tommorrow morning, and did what they do every morning and what they have been doing up to now to keep happy and to feel a part of a community.
If you milked cows, you milked cows, if you go get a pizza for lunch, you still go get your pizza at the same place, i.e. nothing is different, except, there is no money, no one pays you to do what you like...
Imagine everyone in the world got up tommorrow morning, and did what they do every morning and what they have been doing up to now to keep happy and to feel a part of a community.
If you milked cows, you milked cows, if you go get a pizza for lunch, you still go get your pizza at the same place, i.e. nothing is different, except, there is no money, no one pays you to do what you like...
no need to pay rent, you'd probably be able to build your own, but in this fairy wish world, the landlord doesn't need rent, he also is not paying for anything.

Yes, I know something would change, but let's see if the members can figure it out.